Ssundee- Chapter 34: The Heart Breaks

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(A/N: you dudes are gonna hate me after this chapter is done. Honestly, I hate myself. :/)

I felt as though every fibre of my being had been frozen into that one, endless stretch of time as Herobrine's soulless eyes swept the full extent of the battlefield, before coming to rest on me. This was the man who had made my life hell. He'd taken Diamond from me before when I loved her, forced me into countless battles and fights, and shown me pain that was beyond what I could ever imagine. Derp stiffened next to me and I could almost feel the hostility that had started radiating off of him. I forced myself to meet Herobrine's gaze and I saw him smile coldly. Slowly, he raised his hand. Slowly, he blinked. Then, someone broke from the stillness of the frozen battle. I clenched my teeth and I heard Derp snarl next to me. Diamond loped towards the squid as a deformed shape dropped from the sky beside Herobrine. Tentacles whipped around him restlessly and his face was contorted, somehow forming a smile that looked more like a grimace. Diamond slowed and stood before him, before smiling back and wrapping her arms around him. Someone yelled in fury and a blur of green and red rushed by me. I lurched forward, my lips moving before my mind registered what I was saying. "LANCEY! STOP!" But my friend was lost in rage and jealously, sprinting towards the squid mutant and Diamond, raising his sword. Herobrine blinked again, then splayed out his palm. As if in slow motion, I watched the bolt of silver magic streak down from the sky, towards Lancey. I grit my teeth and ran forward. I heard Derp cry out a warning but I wasn't just going to stand there and watch Lancey be torn apart by magic. I ploughed into him just as it flew over my head, missing my hair by centimetres. We hit the ground and I saw angry tears in Lancey's eyes as he tried to push me off of him. I waited till I was sure the magic had dissipated before letting him up. It was then I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I gulped and tilted my head backwards, staring up at the massive squid looming above me, his bulking figure blotting out the sun. I backed away. Then, I ran. Too late. Something slammed into my back and I felt my newly healed ribs struggling to cope with the sudden impact. Talons wrapped round my waist and I felt my feet leave the ground.

I cried out and saw Derp's crooked eyes cloud over, the pupils slowly turning a dark shade of red. He was angrier than I'd ever seen him before. Then the squid's grip tightened and I was turned round, my stomach twisting painfully when my gaze met Herobrine's. Then, fury replaced my fear, and I imagined my eyes reddening as Derp's had. I lifted my sword that was still in my hand, plunging it down into the squid's tentacle. It screeched in pain and blue blood spurted away from the open wound. It dropped me instinctively and I was falling towards the ground, metres below me. Then, I was halted in mid-air. A fist of air gripped me and brought me back up to Herobrine's level once more. His fist was clenched. He was manipulating the air around me. I snarled. "Are you such a coward you'd rather use magic than fight me with a sword?" He narrowed his eyes, smiling venomously. "As you wish." His voice was deep and velvety, like chocolate. But there was something about it that wasn't quite right. He pulled me in and dropped me on top of the squid's head in front of him. I adjusted my stance into something more menacing and held my sword up before me. Herobrine clicked his fingers and a diamond sword appeared in his hands. It's hilt was studded with redstone and gold, it's electric blue blade giving off a cool, sinister sheen when it caught the light. I swallowed hard, my throat constricting. Fear washed over me, like cold poison. Derp wasn't here to fight beside me this time. I was alone. Up against one of the deadliest foes in Minecraftia. Suddenly, Herobrine's body seemed to flicker, like a hologram. I gasped. In that instant, beneath, I'd seen the body of a squid-human hybrid. It wasn't Herobrine. They'd used his DNA to somehow make a squid version of him. Like what they'd done with my DNA when they'd imprisoned me; creating the SSuid. In turn, they'd created SquidBrine. I laughed bitterly. It might've been the hysteria brought on by the fear, or the sheer craziness of my situation, but I found some aspect of this scenario funny. I'd sworn revenge on who I had thought was Herobrine. My friends had all thought they'd been fighting Notch's oldest enemy. When in reality, he was nothing more than a fake. "You're a fake. You're a squid. Aren't you?" SquidBrine grinned, showing pointed teeth. "Took you that long to guess?" His voice and changed now, was derpier, like a squid's.

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