Ssundee- Chapter 28: No Words

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~Ssundee~ I hugged my knees closer to my chest, closing my eyes and savouring the warm sunshine on my face. I felt something brush against me as someone sat down beside me. I opened one eye a crack and smiled when I saw Derp's familiar crooked eyes looking back at me, full of love and affection. "Hey." I closed my eyes again and placed my head on my shoulder. I felt Derp wrap his arms around me and I snuggled into him. "Hi." I grinned and inhaled deeply, breathing in his sweet, warm scent. I heard footsteps and looked up, raising my arm to shield my eyes from the bright sunlight. I gave a half-smile as I made out Sky's dark silhouette against the bright rays of the midday sun. "Hello you two." I felt Derp's arms tighten slightly around me and was reminded of the way he was so protective over me. "What's up?" Sky grimaced. "Lancey wants to go back to Diamond. I didn't know if you wanted to keep him or not." I rolled my eyes. "I don't care either way. He stole my girlfriend and took the p*** out've me, I don't care." Sky grinned. "Fair enough." He walked off and I looked over at Derp; he had his eyes closed and was savouring the sunshine on his face. I smiled and sighed in content, leaning into him. I heard him chuckle quietly as he pulled me in closer to him. I loved the feeling of knowing I was safe with Derp. I tilted my face up to his and looked deep into his crooked eyes. He gave me a half-smile as I stared at him. I felt a slight blush creep across my cheeks and quickly looked down. I could sense him smirking. He took my sunglasses off. "Hey!" He laughed as I tried to grab them back as he held them evr further from my reach. He grinned and put them on. I laughed. He looked so peculiar with my shades on. "You're so weird." He poked my nose. "Ow!" "My shades now!" "It's like that is it?" He laughed and stood up. I shook my head, grinned and got up, chasing after him. We ran past Husky tending to the horses; Sky walking Lancey back to the woods (I nodded in farewell to him.

He nodded back in acknowledgment.) I nearly caught up with Derp as he came to a huge tree. He whipped round, grinned when he saw me and jumped up into the branches. I skidded to a halt below and groaned. "Seriously Derp! Stop!" I heard him laugh as he jumped down from the branches above and landed next to me, holding out my sunglasses. "There, happy now?" I grinned. "Yes!" He grinned back. I sighed as the scar stretched across his face. He looked at me sadly. "It's bothering you again, isn't it?" I nodded; he came forward and put his arms around me. "It's ok SSundee, it doesn't bother me, really." He said in earnest. I put my head on his shoulder. "I's just-" "I know..." I looked up. The sun was setting now, casting gold and crimson rays across the sky above us. I closed my eyes, smiling as I felt Derp nuzzle into me slightly. He pulled away and looked at me. "You're worried about the war aren't you?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes." He looked deep into my eyes. "I promise you SSundee, no matter what happens...I'll always be with you." I nodded, fighting back the tears threatening to spill. I felt stupid for getting upset over nothing, but I'd been through a lot lately. I looked up into the sky again. The moon was starting to rise and the stars were starting to come out of hiding, decorating the night sky with their bejewelled faces. I felt Derp take my hand and lead my somewhere. I drifted along behind him, eyes closed. I felt the dewey grass brushing raindrops onto my shoes, the cool air brushing against my exposed skin. We halted and I opened my eyes. I started as I saw Derp's face inches away from mine. We were standing on a gentle slope; the view was spectacular. I could see across hundreds of biomes. In the distance I could see the lights of a village. I sat down beside Derp and we gazed out across the map before us. I turned to Derp. "Why are we here?" He turned to me. I gazed into the depths of his crooked eyes. Within them I could see regret, anger, and hurt. But if I looked deeper I could see love, determination and courage. All of which he would use for me. My heart hammered against my ribs as he turned away, staring away at the distant village. I didn't look away from him; I was transfixed by something. Maybe I wanted to know why he was shutting me out all of a sudden, or why he had brought me here in the first place? I had a feeling here we couldn't be heard by anyone. He looked at me; and smiled. That smile contained so much warmth and affection it made my heart melt. I put my sunglasses on and snuggled up to him. To my surprise, he started to sing to me.

"I could talk all day long about the news,
Giving you the current affairs and my views
I could talk all night long about a song,
Giving you the pointers on where you're going wrong."

I smiled, closing my eyes and listening to him.

"I could talk all year long about the net
And sending you the links I think you haven't seen yet.
I'd like to tell you things that I think you never heard, but there are no words."

I started to recognise a few lyrics.

"I could talk all day long about dreams,
Sewing up your heart so you never see a seam.
I could talk all day about politics,
All of the corruption, clean hands, dirty tricks-"

I joined in at this bit, smiling as I sung it with him.

"But what can I say
About something that blows me away
Without it soundin' like another cliché?
From what I've seen and I've heard,
When it comes to you, baby, no, there are no, there are no words."

He put his arm round my shoulders and I leaned into him.

"There are no words,
Yeah, I swear this much is true,
There ain't a word in this world that describes you.

"I could talk all day long about life,
After so many wars, how we're all still alive.
I could speak all night long about the world,
How it took us thirty years just to find one girl."

"I could shoot shit for days all about guitars,
A Gibson or a Fender, it depends on who you are.
But when I try to say something that you never heard,
There are no words..."

I looked into his eyes as we sung on together.

"I could burn your ear off all about space,
Why we have a moon, the moon has a face.
If the earth is spinning, why we all stay in place?
Why we can't walk it's gotta be a space race.

"But what can I say,
That's gonna' blow your mind away,
Tryna write a classic not a throw away.
All I've seen, all I've heard,
When it comes to you, there are no, there are no, there are no words, no words.

"There are no words.
Yeah, I swear this much is true
There ain't a word in this world that describes you, that describes you.

"Yeah, I swear this much is true
There ain't a word in this world that describes you.

He tightened his grip on me slightly; I didn't mind.

"No words.

"There are no words to describe or define
What's inside you, your feeling, your vibe
Believe me I've tried to break you down to a science
I see you in my mind and I open my mouth and it's silence
I can articulate a Shakespeare poem
Even though I didn't know him
I can see where he was going
And where he's coming from
I can even catch his flow
And then I think of you
I don't know where this metaphor is going

"'Cause there are no words you can understand, only lovers can
You can ask the professor and the madman
If they couldn't find the words, no one can
All I've seen, all I heard
When it comes to you there's just no, just no words."

I turned round to talk to him and his lips crashed into mine. My eyes widened in shock for a moment, then I smiled and relaxed into the kiss, my stomach doing random somersaults in my chest. I broke away for a moment to finish the song.

"Yeah, I swear this much is true,
There are no word in this world that describes you, that describes you.

"Yeah, I swear this much is true,
There are no word in this world that describes you..."

He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. He laughed and I rolled my eyes. Derp smirked and gently pulled my sunglasses off. I raised my eyebrows as he put them on the ground beside him. He looked at me, head tilted to one side. I smiled and leant forward into the kiss...

(A/N: Ok, I suck at writing romance! I'm better at the action I have to admit! But one of my followers said that I should maybe put some romance in it so I obliged! Are you happy now Mintychoc?! XD Hope you enjoyed doods, don't worry, they'll find Seto soon! Stay awesome for mah doods! Baiiiii! :D)

[ Btw, the song is 'No Words' by The Script! :) ]

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