Ssundee- Chapter 16: In The Flesh

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I made my way over to SkyBase from the woods. I'd been scouting for squids, but thankfully, it didn't seem as if they were planning anything. Apparently Seto had wanted me to drop by. I opened the door to his miniature hut where he keeps all his spellbooks and stuff. ~SsundeeSsundeeSsundee!~ ~WHAT?!~ ~What does Seto want now?~ I shrugged. ~How would I know?~ ~Good point.~ "Ssundee? Is that you." "Yep. What did you want?" Seto cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Um. I know this sounds weird, but I've worked out the prophecy." "Why would that be weird?" "Cus, it's actually implying that it needs you AND Derp to defeat Herobrine." "Yeah. I've already worked it out." "No. I don't mean in your head. I mean, in the flesh." I froze. ~WHAT?!~ I agreed with Derp. "What'd you mean?" "Um, don't worry." Then he punched me in the face. I staggered backwards, astounded that he had just hit me. Then my head hit the door and I slid down, blackness welcoming me into unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes blearily, expecting to see Seto. Instead I saw Derp's worried face fill my vision. "Ssundee? You ok dood?" I sat up. "Yeah, I guess so. Why the heck did he punch me though?" He shrugged. Then comprehension dawned on his face. "He's gonna bring me out of you. So I guess the process would hurt less if you were unconscious." I frowned. "He didn't have to punch me though." Then I cried out as a burning pain enveloped my hand. "Ssundee!" I looked up. Derp's hand was fading away. "What's happening?!" "The separation has begun." I whispered. Then the pain spread up my arm and into my shoulder. I watched, transfixed as Derp's entire left side faded away. This carried on until it was just his face left. That was the worst. I doubled over in pain as my face throbbed and burned as Derp faded. Then I looked up and he was gone. "Derp...DERP?!" I was alone. Stuck in my own head. "Derp!" Then I heard his voice, it was faint and far away. "Ssundeeee..." I shut my eyes, and suddenly I was back in reality. I could hear him now, his voice clearer than ever before. "Seto, is he gonna be ok?" "I-I-I'm not sure..." I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped. For there, before me, stood my alter ego, Derp Ssundee. "Derp?" He whipped round. "Ssundee!" Suddenly, he ran forward and embraced me. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, then hugged back. He drew away and I was surprised to see tears brimming on his crooked eyes. "What's the matter?" "I never thought I'd get to hug you." I turned to Seto who gave us both a quick once-over, making sure nothing had gone wrong. "Wow. I never thought I'd get to see you for real." He was looking at Derp, who blinked at him curiously, before nodding. "Neither did I." Derp seemed surprised that Seto didn't flinch when he spoke. I nudged him gently and said, "Seto's used to it from when we switched places." Derp raised his eyebrows, but said nothing more. Then the door opened and Sky rushed in, before stopping and staring at the bizarre spectacle before him. "Uh." I stepped forward. "Sky, meet Derp. Derp, meet Sky." Sky swallowed before coming forward and holding out his hand. "Please to meet you...Derp." Derp blinked a few times, then smiled, and shook his hand. Sky smiled back. Credit to Sky that he didn't freak out. I would of. But maybe that's just me. "We should probably get you guys back to SkyBase." I nodded. "Uh Derp, how well can you fight." "Better than Ssundee." He said cheekily. "Hey!" "Well, I DID fight off the dragon for you before." Sky's jaw dropped. "That was you?!" "Yup." Derp nodded, obviously very pleased with himself. I facepalmed. "Don't encourage him." Seto chuckled. "C'mon guys, lets go." We all exited the hut, out into the fresh air. I grinned at the familiar figure walking beside me, staring around him in awe. He'd never really had time to appreciate the beauty of Minecraftia. He caught my eye and grinned back. I saw Seto jump and laughed.

I saw Jerome and Mitch walk out of SkyBase, stopping and gaping as me and Derp walked past. The reaction was the same for everyone at SkyBase. Despite the stares, I felt proud of Derp. We'd come a long way since Diamond. Then I heard an explosion and we all simultaneously reached for our swords. It had come from the lake, we ran towards it. I couldn't help but marvel at Seto's abilities. This morning Derp had been nothing more than a figure in my head. Now, he was flesh and blood, running beside me as we prepared ourselves for a battle. We reached the lake just in time to see an entire army of squids clamber out of the water. The explosion had been caused by Husky's TNT cannons going off as the squids entered their radius. We ran down the slope towards them as the lead squid came to the surface, clad in BUDDER armour. I glanced at Sky, who had paled. Gold. Sky's only weakness. Then our side's clashed and the battle began. Somehow Derp and I managed to stay together, fighting them off side by side. Once I glimpsed Diamond wading through the water towards some newcomers with Seto, then a squid blocked my view and I could see Derp's determined face twisted with fury as he slashed through one who was trying to attack from behind me. "Thanks." "Don't mention it." Then I did him a favour in return and stabbed a squid who was hefting an axe high above Derp's head, trying to bash his skull in. "Even?" He nodded, I gave him a half-smile before I turned to a squid who was terrorising Mitch while Jerome was distracted momentarily. I kicked it in the back, propelling it right into Husky's blade. Then I whipped round and lopped the tentacles off of another squid, before finishing it and its fellow squid off by stabbing my sword through him and through to the one behind him. "Huh, squid kebab." Suddenly, I felt a blinding pain in my lower back, I turned just in time to see Derp tackling the squid that had got me. I flinched away, Derp looked formidable, bordering on terrifying. His lips were drawn back in a snarl as he stabbed the squid in the head. "No one hurts my Ssundee and gets away with it!" He looked up once he was sure it was dead, I blinked gratefully at him before launching myself over his head and stabbing a squid that was notching an arrow at Derp's head. We both got to our feet as the army retreated back into the lake. Once we were sure they were gone for good I allowed the pain to swamp me. My back was on fire as my legs buckled and I headed towards the ground. Then I felt arms around me as someone pulled me to my feet. I turned round and saw Derp's face creased in worry; his crooked eyes filled with fear. "I'm ok." I managed to say just before I blacked out.

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