Chapter 1

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"Frostkit. Frostkit! Wake up!"

Frostkit opened her eyes to find her sister, Greenkit, staring at her. She scrambled to her paws in alarm.

"Come on, Frostkit, let's go play! It's the first day of leafbare!" Greenkit urged, attempting to bat Frostkit's tail.

Frostkit shook her fur and plumped back onto the ground. "It's too cold to go outside. I want to stay here with mommy!" She whined.

Greenkit sighed. She stared out the opening to the den and looked at the slowly falling snow, yearning for a friend to play with. "Fine," she finally said, "I guess I'll have to listen to Missingfang's story by myself."

That brought Frostkit back to her feet. "I want to hear Missingfang's story! I love her stories!" She exclaimed. Greenkit smiled and motioned to the nursery exit. "Bye mom, we'll be back!" Frostkit called out.

The two kits happily stumbled out of the nursery. They were surrounded by a clearing of what seemed to be white powder. Snow.

"Yay! I want to play before we go!" Frostkit said, suddenly changing her mind. Greenkit smiled and bounded around happily with her.

They wrestled with each other in the snow. Greenkit's naturally grey fur was coated in a soft layer of snow, her bright, tealish-greenish eyes standing out.

As for Frostkit, her coat didn't change much. Her white coat stayed the same, but her heavy, grey stripes were blended with a mixture of white, appearing a light grey.

The two kits tumbled around for a while, occasionally jumping up in a playful fighting stance.

"How about this," Frostkit started, "You can be an enemy clan, and I can be our clan. We can train to be warriors!"

"But we're not apprentices yet. And I want to be our clan!" Greenkit objected.

"You'll be apprentices soon."

Frostkit and Greenkit quickly looked over to see Stonefang.

"Daddy!" They both cried.

They ran up to him and playfully jumped at his legs.

"Hey, guys. You do know that you'll be apprentices in a moon from now."

The kits' eyes lit up with excitement. "I want to be a warrior now!" Frostkit exclaimed. Greenkit slightly nodded, mimicking the same thing.

A settle laugh was heard from a short distance. The kits looked over to see Ivystorm, a she-cat warrior with a tawny colored pelt gently laughing with a sweet smile.

"You'll have to wait for that," she gently said. "When I was a kit, I wanted to become a warrior the first time I even knew what they were."

Frostkit's eyes lit up. "Really?!" She exclaimed, wanting to know more about the warriors.

"Yep. But you're a patient one, it seemd," Ivystorm said. Frostkit frowned. "Not anymore!" She exclaimed.

"I can't wait a whole moon," Greenkit complained. She whined and slumped down onto the soft snow, instantly rising back to her paws due to the cold.

"You know what will make it seem to go by quicker?" Stonefang asked.


"Missingfang has a good story to tell. It will make time seem to fly by," he answered.

Frostkit excitedly got up on her feet and dashed to the elder's den, Greenkit quick at her paws.

They ran up to Missingfang, an old she-cat who was laying in the sun where it was warm, eating a magpie.

"Missingfang! Missingfang!" The kits urged.

"What is it? You want to hear another story?" Missingfang suggested, seeming to read their minds. The kits nodded happily and settled into the soft bedding of the elder's den.

"Alright," Missingfang started.

"Once upon a time, there was a blond kit named Brightkit. He was very energetic, just like you guys. When he became an apprentice, he was mentored by the current clan leader of the time, Whitestar. Moons passed, and after a long time of training, he eventually claimed his warrior name: Brightfur."

The kits stared at the elder in bewilderment as she continued with the story.

"Sooner or later, he had proven himself worthy to become the clan's deputy. But then, tragedy struck. Gorgeclan demanded for us to give them a part of our territory. Whitestar refused, and him, Brightfur, and three other warriors went to fight them for territory that night."

Frostkit was staring at them with eyes as wide as the sun. Her heart was racing, every sinew, bone, and nerve in her body flooding with anticipation of what happened.

"That night," Missingfang started again, "Whitestar lost his last life and joined Starclan. Brightfur, as the deputy, soon became the new clan leader and claimed his nine lives, becoming-"


Frostkit, Greenkit, and Missingfang looked over to see Brightstar standing by them. "I see you're telling my story again?" He asked.

"Woah!" Frostkit and Greenkit bounced up onto their feet and ran to their leader, excitement filling their nerves.

"Did you really fight Gorgeclan?" Frostkit asked.

"What was it like to be a warrior? Deputy? Leader?!" Greenkit added.

Brightstar smiled, but slightly frowned at Missingfang. "They shouldn't know about that at this age," he warned. Missingfang just shrugged it off and continued eating her magpie.

"Why don't you two go back to the nursery where it's warm?" Brightstar suggested. The two kits smiled and ran off, leaving Brightstar to watch them leave.

Frostsong's Destiny | Warriors Fanfiction | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now