Chapter 14

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*3 sunsets later*

"Pineclan, it is time. We will avenge the death of Shadowkit by fighting back in this war!" Brightstar called out. The cats cheered.

"Here are the cats that will fight for Pineclan tonight: Orangfang, Leapordfang, Tawnynose, Ivystorm, Frostsong, Greengaze, Owlflight, Volepaw, Redpelt, and I. We will attack at sunset, for they would be expecting an attack most at night." He looked at the sun. "We need to leave soon. Eat some prey and get ready to leave."

The cats nodded and split up. Ravenfeather and Spiderpaw were hurrying around the medicine den to organize herbs. The warriors were settling in the apprentices and eating, preparing at the same time.

Sunset finally came. Frostsong looked around at the warriors who were making their way to the clan entrance to meet with Brightstar. She found Leapordfang and Tawnynose and joined them. "Are you ready?" Leapordfang asked her. She nodded. "I want to rip out Lichenstar's throat myself," she replied, anger burning in her eyes.

Brightstar spoke up, "Pineclan, are you ready?" The warriors nodded, leaving Brightstar to announce, "Move out!"

The Pineclan cats rushed through the trees. Frostsong jumped over fallen logs and bramble patches. They finally reached the Great Rocks, and Brightstar didn't hesitate to cross the border onto Gorgeclan territory.

The beginning of Gorgeclan territory was a regular forest, just like Pineclan. But Frostsong was stunned as they slipped out of the trees and onto hilly plains.

The group hid in tall patches of grass as they made their way to Gorgeclan camp, which was located near the Gorge. Talk about being unlucky.

Frostsong slowed her pace with the group. Something wasn't right. She could smell another scent, but it smelled different than Gorgeclan, or any prey they usually caught.

They were hiding behind a patch of tall grass, peering into the camp, looking for quick openings and exits.

Brightstar looked around the group and met every cat's eyes. They nodded to tell him they were ready. Frostsong was looking into the camp. She noticed that the clan seemed bigger than she thought. But then she spotted Stonefang. Something was not right. Why was Leafclan here?

Before she could say anything, Brightstar yowled, "PINECLAN, ATTACK!"

The Pineclan cats burst into the clearing, startling the Gorgeclan cats. It was only then that Brightstar realized that Leafclan was there, too.

Frostsong headed straight for the leader's den. Before she could enter, a body tumbled into her. A pure white Leafclan warrior was pinning her down. He slashed at her shoulder, causing a deep wound.

Frostsong yowled in pain. She pulled her feet back and kicked off the warrior with all her might, sending him flying into a rock.

She got up and ran into the leader's den. To her surprise, it was empty. She quickly ran back out to keep herself from looking like a fool, and she spotted Lichenstar in the middle of the clearing, battling against Brightstar.

"You began this war, so we're making a move!" Brightstar yowled at him. "Oh, so you noticed the missing kit?" Lichenstar shot back eagerly.

Frostsong had had enough. She launched herself at Lichenstar, tumbling him over. He was shocked by the sudden attack, but he slashed at Frostsong's wound, opening it more. She yowled in pain, and Lichenstar pinned her down.

"You should never mess with a leader," he said, baring his fangs as he prepared to lunge at her throat. Before he could make a move, though, he was knocked off by something.

Frostsong looked at the attacker. Her eyes widened as she saw Blackclaw on him, hissing and spitting him as he clawed him. Blackclaw had attacked his own leader!

Lichenstar pushed him off. "How dare you attack your own leader!" He scowled. Blackclaw said nothing, but instead, he ran off.

Lichenstar looked around and saw an opportunity. Frostsong prepared to lunge at him, but he dashed off in time and tackled down a warrior. Orangefang.

"Orangefang!" Frostsong yelled. She looked for Brightstar and saw him fighting with Tawnynose against three cats. She looked back as she heard a yowl and saw Lichenstar pinning Orangefang to the ground. Before she had time to react, he had already sank his fangs into him, pulling them out to rip open flesh and sprout blood.

A strange gurgling noise came from Orangefang, and Frostsong watched in horror as his body fell limp, the life drained from his eyes.

Orangefang was dead.

All the fighting cats stopped to look at the dead deputy, silence filling the air. "This is what happens when you don't abide by the rules of the strongest," Lichenstar stated in a menacing tone. "How many deaths will you take before you finally surrender?"

Frostsong looked back at Brightstar. His eyes were filled with tears for the loss of his deputy. "Pineclan... Retreat!" He yowled, sending the Pineclan cats rushing out of the clearing. As Frostsong left, she stopped for a brief moment to hear Lichenstar speak: "For attacking your own leader, Blackclaw, you are exiled from Groundclan!"

Groundclan? Frostsong thought to herself. She hurried back to the retreating group, listening to Blackclaw's footsteps, light behind them.


"Pineclan," Brightstar started sorrowfully, "I have terrible news. We lost this battle, and we lost the life of our beloved deputy, Orangefang. Also, Gorgeclan and Leafclan seemed to have joined together into one clan."

Frostsong was sitting outside of the medicine den as Ravenfeather waa treating another warrior.

"Now, witthout further ado, I must appoint a new deputy. May Starclan approve of my choice as I speak these words. Frostsong, will you take up the position of the new deputy of Pineclan?"

Brightstar's words were still ringing in Frostsong's head when she noticed that the cats were staring at her. She sat up straight. "Yes, I do." She announced.

"Then by the powers given to me by Starclan, I hereby appoint you the new deputy of Pineclan!" Brightstar announced.

The cats began to cheer her name. "Frostsong! Frostsong! Frostsong!"

A rustling in the bushes silenced them all, and they were all shocked as Blackclaw stumbled into the clearing. "Frostsong..." He murmered.

"A Gorgeclan cat?"

"What's he doing here?"

"He followed us here! We should attack!"

Brightstar silenced the clan. "Frostsong, he said your name. Does he know you?" He asked.

Frostsong looked at her leader. "Yes. We met at the Gathering," she said. Blackclaw butted in: "Brightstar, I was exiled from my clan for attacking Lichenstar. I am weak and have nowhere to go. I beg that you let me join your clan," he pleaded below the lichenrock.

Brightstar looked down at him thoughtfully. Then he met eyes with Frostsong. "Frostsong, you're the new deputy. What do you think?" He asked.

Frostsong's ears flicked with surprise. Brightstar was asking her to make a decision for the clan? "Well," she began, "he has already shown loyalty by attacking his own leader. I say we let him join."

"Then it is decided," Brightstar announced. "Blackclaw, you will now be welcomed as a full warrior of Pineclan. Pineclan, treat him like you would any other Pineclan cat. The meeting is dismissed."

The cats scattered, some occasionally shooting looks at Blackclaw. "Thank you so much! I promise I will repay you somehow!" Blackclaw exclaimed, weakly padding up to Frostsong. She nodded in welcome.

Ravenfeather stepped out of his den. "Frostsong, Blackclaw, you both look injured. My den, now," she demanded. The two cats shrugged weakly at eachother and walked in to get healed.

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