Chapter 8

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"All cats old enough to hunt their own prey, gather around the lichenrock for a clan meeting," Brightstar called out. Frostpaw walked over with Greenpaw to where all the cats were gathering, the setting sunlight gleaming on every cat's pelt.

"Today," Brightstar began, "we have two new warriors joining us. Leapordpaw, please step up."

Leapordpaw stepped up proudly, the excitement practically shining off of his face.

"Leapordpaw," Brightstar started, "You have completed your training as an apprentice, and you are now ready to move on as a warrior. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes," Leapordpaw responded.

"Then from this day forward, you will be known as Leapordfang. Please sit in silence for your vigil tonight."

The clan cheered his name. "Leapordfang! Leapordfang!" They chanted.

Frostpaw felt a little bit jealous. She knew they had been apprentices long before her, but she would still miss hanging out with them at nights. A warm feeling crept up her stomach at the thought of hanging out with Leapordfang.

Brightstar silenced the clan again. "We have another apprentice becoming a warrior this evening. Tawnypaw, please step forward."

Tawnypaw excitedly stepped forward, sucking in his chest to look brave.

"Tawnypaw," Brightstar began, "You have completed your training as an apprentice, and you are now ready to move on as a warrior. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

Tawnypaw nodded his head, his eyes glued to Brightstar's.

"Then from this day forward, you will be addressed as Tawnynose. Please sit in silence for your vigil tonight."

The clan cheered. "Tawnynose! Leapordfang! Tawnynose! Leapordfang!" They chanted.

The two new warriors walked up onto the lichenrock, watching as the sun began to set.

"With that being said, the Gathering is tonight," Brightstar continued. "The cats I will take with me tonight are Orangefang, Ravenfeather, Stonefang,  Tigerheart, Redpelt, Frostpaw, and Owlpaw. Clan dismissed."

Frostpaw's heart leapt with joy. Her first Gathering! The group of cats who were going began to cluster into a group by Brightstar at the camp entrance.

Frostpaw slowly walked over there, but she delayed for a small moment to look at Leapordfang and Tawnynose standing vigil on the lichenrock. Her two friends were finally warriors, and she felt proud for them.

Her eyes briefly locked with Leapordfang's before breaking away. She quickly trotted over to the rest of the group.

"So, are we all set?" Brightstar called out. The cats in the group looked around briefly to make sure every cat was there. Murmurs of "yes" rang through the crowd, and plenty of nods occurred. Brightstar nodded. "Then let's go."

The cats traveled quickly through the forest, jumping over logs and tree roots. Frostpaw ran alongside Owlpaw, talking.

"Didn't you go to the last Gathering?" She asked him. Owlpaw nodded. "Yeah. Not much occurred, though. Just stuff like scarce prey and boring territory rules, like always."

Frostpaw gave a brief nod. The group was traveling to where all clans met at every gathering: The Meeting Pond.

The Meeting Pond was a beautiful pond in the center of the forest with a large rock in it. Starclan put lily pads and rocks around it to give easy access to the center rock for the clans.

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