Chapter 10

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Frostsong sat in the warrior's den, carefully eating a thrush. She was happy with her new den, and she enjoyed the comfortable moss bedding underneath her. The sun was shining through the entrance, warming her.

"Hey, Frostsong."

Frostsong looked up to find that Leapordfang and Tawnynose had entered the den. "You wanna go hunting?"

"Sure," Frostsong replied. She gulped down a few more bites, picked up the rest of the thrush, and brought it to Greengaze. "You can finish it," she said. Greengaze nodded in thanks and began to tear into the remains of it.

"Where will we go?" Frostsong asked Leapordfang as they began to walk out of the camp entrance. "I was thinking the Great Rocks. Prey is starting to come out more, and we should catch some, as we have the chance," he responded. Frostsong nodded.

They began to walk, and Frostsong sometimes felt Leapordfang brush against her pelt comfortingly. It felt nice.

As they neared Great Rocks, close to the Gorgeclan border, Frostsong caught a whiff of vole. She immediately dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked to a large rock. The scent was coming from behind it.

She jumped up at the right moment and disappeared behind the rock, popping up quickly with a dead vole in her mouth. Leapordfang laughed.

"Your hunting skills are good," he commented. Frostsong smiled. "Thanks."

"Anyway, I've been meaning to talk to you... In private," he said, shooting a glance at the smiling Tawnynose who followed. Tawnynose grinned and ran after a squirrel.

"What do you need?" Frostsong asked. "Well..." Leapordfang began, "... Remember the first day you became an apprentice?"


"That day was meaningful to me. When I first saw you... I felt something. I mean, you're really good at hunting and fighting, and you're really beautiful..."

Frostsong flushed.

"I mean, did I say that?" Leapordfang quickly corrected himself. Frostsong laughed.

"Anyway, my point is... Well... Do you want to be my mate?" Leapordfang blurted out, embarrassment shining in his eyes.

Frostsong smiled. "Of course! You've been my best friend since I met you!" She exclaimed.

Leapordfang smiled and intertwined his tail with hers. "I love you!" He exclaimed.

A rustling in the bush interrupted their moment. Frostsong and Leapordfang quickly turned their heads towards the Gorgeclan border. "I don't think we're alone... We need to go," Leapordfang said.


*One moon later*

"Cats of all clans! It is time we start the Gathering!" Fallenstar's voice rose above the crowd, silencing them instantly.

Before anyone could start, Lichenstar stepped forward. "Well?" He asked. "Have you made your decisions?"

Fallenstar sighed. "As leader of Leafclan, I have made my choice. Leafclan will give the mist fields to Gorgeclan."

Yowls of protest rose from the crowd. "Are you insane?" A cat yelled, immediately backing down as Fallenstar shot a glare at the cat.

"You have made the right choice, Fallenstar," Lichenstar said, grinning. "As for you, Brightstar. What is your decision?"

Brightstar scowled. "We will never give you any of our territory, not one bit!" He yelled.

"Fine, then. Good luck keeping your clan."

The Gorgeclan and Pineclan cats hissed and scolded at eachother in the clearing. Frostsong and Blackclaw looked at eachother wearily, Leapordfang shooting glances at Blackclaw every once and a while.

"Lichenstar, you cannot take any of our clan. You can't take something that isn't yours. Pineclan, return to camp," Brightstar called out, jumping off of the rock in the center of the pond. The Pineclan cats moved out behind him.

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