Chapter 7

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The cold nibbled at Frostpaw's feet as she opened her eyes. She was laying in the apprentices' den, curled up comfortably. The days had been getting colder, and Greencough was spreading around camp. She luckily hadn't gotten it yet, but at least two cats, including her mother, had died from it already.

Frostpaw stretched and walked out of the den to see the camp awake. Cats were eating, sleeping, and talking to eachother in worried tones.


Frostpaw turned around to find Leapordpaw and Tawnypaw walking up to her, followed closely by Tigerheart, their mentor. "What is it?" Frostpaw asked.

Tigerheart looked concerned. "Brightstar has caught a case of Greencough, so he can't mentor you for a while. According to Orangefang's orders, you'll be training with us until he gets better," he said.

Frostpaw's heart sank. "Alright," she grumbled. "We're going out to train with hunting today," Tigerheart said. "Meet us at the Great Rocks."


"Now, since Frostpaw hasn't learned the fighting stance and attacks yet, we'll be reviewing them today," Tigerheart ordered.

Tigerheart's a jerk, Frostpaw thought. Tigerheart's orange pelt gleamed in the sun as he positioned himself in the fighting stance. "Frostpaw, can you do it?" He asked.

Frostpaw nodded and attempted to position herself to mimic Tigerheart's stance. He eyed her as she did it, and then nodded. "Correct," he said. Frostpaw smiled.

"Now, Tawnypaw, Leapordpaw, can you show Frostpaw how to attack?" He asked. They nodded, shifted into their attacking poses, and lunged at eachother, claws sheathed so they could not hurt each other.

"Now, Frostpaw, you try attacking me," he said. Frostpaw sighed and dropped into the crouch. She waited for the right moment as if she were hunting and struck.

Tigerheart was ready. He jumped out of the way right in time and stood over Frostpaw. "Now, if you would just learn your enemies' tactics..."

Frostpaw angrily lunged at him and knocked him on his back. When she got off of him, it took him a minute to get up. "Yep," he groaned, "good work."

Tawnypaw and Leapordpaw burst out with laughter. "She sure showed you you!" Leapordpaw exclaimed, Tawnypaw still chucking with no sound. Frostpaw smiled as Tigerheart shook himself.

"You think you know basic fighting? Well, let's see if you can dodge this!" He exclaimed, lunging at her. Frostpaw tried to jump up and over him, but Tigerheart slid under her and launched her across the clearing with both legs.

Frostpaw landed with a hard thud! She looked back to see Tawnypaw and Leapordpaw running towards her, followed closely by Tigerheart, who wore an expression of guilt and worry on his face.

She didn't even have time to register that she saw blood before blacking out.


Frostpaw regained consciousness. She didn't know what had happened, only that things went dark after training with Tigerheart.

Muffled voices were heard, and she dared not to open her eyes, for she might just miss out on a good opportunity to ease-drop into a conversation.

"But what can we do? Brightstar is-"

"Brightstar will be fine. He still has two lives left, after all. No need to worry."

"What about the other clans? They've been struggling for food, and only Starclan knows when they'll demand for territory again."

"Everything will be fine! We were set to wait here until Ravenfeather returns! Besides, I'm sure we'll all settle this at the next Gathering."

The argument was getting heated. Frostpaw heard footsteps in the doorway and blinked her eyes open to see who it was, giving up the act.

It was Ravenfeather.

"I have terrible news," she said. "Brightstar lost another life."

The room grew silent. "Will I tell the clan at the next meeting?"

It was Orangefang, one of the cats in the argument.

Ravenfeather spoke up, "No need. There are signs that Brightstar will be better, and will be able to go to the next Gathering, too."

Frostpaw jerked her head out of surprise, the sound of the moving ferns under her alerting the others.

Tigerheart stepped up to her. Apparently, he was one of the cats in the den, too.

"Frostpaw! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad!" He apologized.

Frostpaw shook her head, stopping when she realized how woozy it made her feel. "It's okay, really. I was the one who brought out that tactic in the first place," she said.

Tigerheart lowered his head. "You were a good fighter, though."


Ravenfeather stepped in between them. "Frostpaw," she interrupted. "I have some news."

Frostpaw perked her ears up. "What?" She already knew about Brightstar, so she tried to act interested.

"Brightstar lost another life from Greencough this evening."

Frostpaw lowered her eyebrows, attempting to show sadness. Yes, she was deeply moved by the terrible news, but her heart already sank when she first overheard it.

"Also," Ravenfeather added, gaining Frostpaw's attention, "You have a small head injury. When you landed during training, you hit your head hard and got a nosebleed, too."

Frostpaw was relieved that the injury wasn't too bad. At least Brightstar was getting better.

"When will I resume training?" She asked. "A few nights from now, Brightstar should be able to step back in," Ravenfeather informed. Frostpaw nodded and looked outside. It was late at night, so she laid her head down and immediately fell asleep.

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