Chapter 21

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the lichenrock for a clan meeting." Froststar's words boomed among the clan.

The cats sat down and looked up at Froststar, eager to hear what she had to say.

"Pineclan," she began, "at the Gathering last night, Groundclan threatened to attack after we rejected their offer of joining clans. So, I believe it is only fair if we attack first."

Gasps emerged from the group of cats, but some of them nodded their heads in approving thought. "Why would we attack first?" Redpelt called out. Froststar looked at him.

"I believe we should attack first because Lichenstar wouldn't expect it. Not only that, but we could save the anxiety and anticipation of an attack if we strike first. They might not be ready, giving us the upper hand."

"But do you remember what happened last time?" Northspring called out. Froststar shook her head. "I know what happened, but I believe this time, we must remain strong. Even if your dearest clan mate dies, you must continue to fight for the rightful freedom of our clan. We will not be controlled by Groundclan, and we will show our strength and resilience in this war!" She called out.

The cats cheered. Northspring nodded in approval, a bit ashamed of his curious protest. Froststar spoke up.

"I have been thinking, and I have decided that we will attack their clan in two sunrises. That should be plenty of time to train and get ready and fit. If in any case Groundclan attacks first, be ready to fight. To hopefully prevent that from happening, we will double our patrols and increase training. If you have any further concerns, please speak now."

The Pineclan cats were silent, looking around to see if anyone had thought of any precautions. Froststar smiled and nodded her head. "Very well then," she began, "Clan dismissed."

The cats parted, and Leapordfang and Tawnynose established patrols. Froststar jumped down from the lichenrock and looked around. The warriors were training and practicinf with eachother, and the mentors and their apprentices were training.

She sighed. Whatever would happen to the clan, she knew that the cats would look up to her for help and safety. She knew she had to be a rightful leader and bring justice back to the clans of the forest.

Is this what the prophecy means? She thought to herself. Frost will cover the rest. Will I be the frost to cover the rest in justice and peace once again?

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