Chapter 1

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Kagome looked down at her hands, her student ID card was laughing back at her.

NAME: Kagome Higurashi

AGE: 16


A deep growl threatened to escape her throat, and she glared at the offending item.

"Think of it as a game..." A deep voice called to her.

"A game?" She spoke in a bored tone and looked down at the floor, unsure.

"Yes." A gentle hand reached up, caressing her cheek, before resting her head in silent reassurance. "So you won't feel so lonely while I'm gone..."

"As if I would be sad about something like that..." She snorted, placing the card into her pocket. But sure enough, she was going to play this 'game' of his-- and she will win.

She continued to walk down the hall, not caring that the students who continued to linger around the corridor were staring at her as she passed by. Probably hasn't seen something like her before-- She sighed, closing her eyes.

Unlike all the others, she was not wearing the regular uniform. She had on boots and black slacks. She wore a white buttoned up shirt, but the top two buttons were undone, giving her neck some room to move around, as well as show off her collarbone. Her black tie was hanging very loosely halfway down her chest, and her raven black hair was flowing freely down her back, only to stop at her waist. Her deep blue eyes were piercing and cold to all those who looked upon her.

The old jolly and cheerful Kagome was gone-- Lost somewhere 500 years in the past...

She stopped walking and took a glance at the sign sticking out above the door. Realizing it was her assigned Homeroom she walked through the opened doorway. Once she entered she noticed that all the chatter quickly quieted down, and everyone had their eyes on her. She shrugged, not giving a rat's ass, and leaned against the farthest wall, closing her eyes.

After a few silent moments, every female in the room started to giggle and whisper to each other while the males just continued to stare openly at her. Soon the teacher walked in, and everything got quiet once more.

"Okay everyone." He clapped his hands together. "The seats will be picked by number so please form a line in front of my desk and I shall seat you properly with the number you pick out of the box." He gave a smile and everyone slowly got in line.

Believe it or not, she wasn't the last one in line-- Behind her was a girl, who had short messy hair, thick glasses, and baggy clothes. Could she not afford the uniform? Well, no sense in caring, not like she was wearing the uniform either--

"Next." Hearing the voice being called close by, she looked ahead and realized she was already next in line to pick.

"Hmm..." She walked forward and the girl holding the box started to blush. As she reached into the box she gave the girl a quick glance, and the woman squealed in delight. She sighed, pulling out her slip of paper. Walking up to the desk she told the teacher her number. "Kagome Higurashi, Number 15"

"Alright..." He handed her the seating chart while scribbling down on his own paper.

She took the paper with a bored attitude and strolled down the aisle. Once she got to her desk she pulled the seat out roughly before plopping her butt into the wooden chair. She snorted and lifted her feet onto the desk, crossing her ankles. Sticking her hands into her pockets she sighed in a bored tone, already feeling tired of the whole 'school' thing.

"Kaoru!" A voice called from her right.

"Hikaru!" Another voice called to her left. "Oh brother! Whatever shall we do? We've been separated!" He sounded all dramatic. She opened one of her eyes and watched as two twins from either side of her ran towards each other and then embraced one another.

"I'm scared Hikaru." One of them whispered to the other, while small tears showed at the edge of his eyes.

"Don't worry Kaoru, I'll always be with you." He tried to reassure his brother while gripping his chin and lifted his head up to look him in the eyes. All the females in the room squealed at their brotherly-love scene, and multiple anime hearts started to float around the room.

"There's just one seat between you..." She growled at them. "Stop acting as if it's the end of the world..."

"Such a spiteful person..." They spoke at the same time, with a devilish gleam in their eyes.

"What...?" She glared at them, while a growl erupted from her chest. She was up in an instant, causing her chair to fall onto the floor with a slam. Everyone around them gave small gasp in surprise and stared at her. She hissed at them and took a step forward, about to pound their face in-- "Oomph!" She grunted as someone bumped into her. "Who--" She looked down, spotting the same girl who was standing behind her in line.

"Oh, sorry." She shifted the books in her arms and apologized.

"..." She looked at the girl, then at the boys. She brushed it off, not caring about them anymore, and bent down, picking up her chair. She then got back into the position she was in before, hands in her pocket, feet on her desk.

The girl walked past her, only to sit on the desk behind her, between the two twins-- Oh what joy she will be having. She glanced back at her over her shoulder, watching the woman set up her books and things. The teacher then clapped his hands and started class. The twins then paid the girl no mind and took their seats. Yet she didn't care about the teacher or the two love twins, her focus was still on the female sitting behind her...

"Something wrong?" The woman asked, getting tired of her staring.

"...No." She then turned her head back around and looked ahead, closing her eyes. After a few moments, the girl spoke again.

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka." She introduced herself.

"..." She glanced at her over her shoulder once again. "...Kagome."

"Pleasure to meet you Kagome." She gave a small smile.

"Hmm..." She turned her head back around and closed her eyes. Soon she blocked the sound of everyone from her mind, not really caring about anything the teacher was saying.

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