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"Greetings newcomers, I welcome you to our host club." A tall male with blond hair was the first to welcome them. A small click sounded behind her, and she glanced over, noticing that the door closed on its own--

"H-Host club?!" Haruhi sounded surprised and she backed up against the door.

"Oh wow, boys." The twins spoke at the same time. She glared at the familiar red-heads a few moments until another voice spoke up.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe these young men are in your class." A cooling man with glasses spoke.

"Yeah, but one of them is really shy and we don't know much about him." They both said. "The other is spiteful..." They smirked, an evil gleam in their eyes once again as they looked at her. She just decided to ignore them, she was in a good mood today and didn't feel like busting their faces in--

"Hmm." He gave a knowing huff, while smirking. "Well that wasn't very polite." He told them. They just shrugged, not caring. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Student." He greeted Haruhi, but only gave her a small glance.

"What?" The blond sounded surprised, and quickly stood up from his chair. "You must be Haruhi Fujioka! You're the exceptional honor student we heard so much about!"

"How did you know my name?" Haruhi asked, sounding slightly nervous about all of the men staring at her.

"Why you're infamous, it's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy." Glasses spoke up once again.

She looked away from the trembling female, and pulled her hand out of her pocket, placing it onto her head in silent reassurance. Haruhi blinked in surprise, and then looked up at her. She gave her hair a petting stroke and the girl sighed, relaxing from the gesture. The small act didn't go unnoticed by the others standing in the room, but they didn't say anything--

"You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student, Mr. Fujioka." Glasses added his own comment yet again.

"I--Umm-- Thank you, I guess..." Haruhi took his words as a compliment.

"You're welcome!" The blond spoke happily to her, while appearing out of nowhere and wrappings his arm around Haruhi's shoulders boldly.

The motion caused Kagome's hand to slide off of the girls head, but she didn't really care and continued to look off to the side, only partly listening to the rest of the conversation since all eyes were on Haruhi at the moment.

"You're a hero to other poor people, Fujioka!" His voice held high cheers and he seemed overly excited about the whole thing. "You've shown that even a poor person could excel in an elite private academy!!" Hearing his words she tried to scoot away from him, but he just followed her in a clam pace, and while doing so he continued to 'compliment' her. "It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."

"I think you're taking this 'poor' thing too far." She told him, while still trying to slide away from him.

"It is a shame really, even though you are the number one student in your class, you are the poorest student in the whole school!" Though he said that, he didn't sound as if he was pitting her-- "Others might marginalize you as a lowly commoner, but not anymore!" He finally caught up to her, and placed his arms around her shoulders once again. His eyes held a newfound light as they sparkled with joy and delight while staring into the sky. "Long live the poor!" He sounded out happily. "We welcome you poor-man to our world-- Of beauty!!" He raised his hands into the air and roses appeared around him in a dramatic effect as his eyes sparkled in delight.

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