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Kagome walked into the music room. The club was just about to start so the other members were already there, waiting. When she arrived they looked at her curiously, but didn't say anything. She shrugged it off and walked over towards the twins. Plopping herself between them, she raised her feet onto the table lazily and sighed.

Hikaru and Kaoru both looked at her questionably, and she just smirked. Reaching up and placed her hands onto their heads, and gave their hair a friendly shuffle in greeting. They both gave a small laugh at the rough treatment, a cheeky grin on their faces.

"I thought about it a lot last night, and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea." Tamaki suddenly spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"Why do you say that?" The twins asked.

"Well, its fairly obvious isn't it?" He replied with another question. "Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi." They already knew that, since she and the twins were in the same class as her as well-- "So, if Haruhi has a female companion around, it could bring out the female within her." He told them. "Renge's girlish air of tenderness, just might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity." He spoke up, not caring that said female was sitting right beside him.

"Good grief." Haruhi mumbled, sighing.

"Now is the chance for Haruhi to get in touch with her feminine side!" He suddenly got dramatic with a serious look on his face. "This is an important project, men!" He stated. "She doesn't have anyone else in class right now except for these shady twins--" He pointed across the table, between the twins, directly at her. "And the ruffian Kagome!"

"Oh, that's something really nice to say." The twins, of course, were being sarcastic as they raised an eyebrow at him, tilting their heads.

"Ruffian...?" Kagome mumbled. "Who's the ruffian!?" She questioned him while reaching over and gripping his shirt collar, pulling him close to her face. Her eyes hardened as she growled at him.

"Ummm..." He paled and gave a nervous laugh. "AH!" He cried out as she started shaking him violently back and forth. His eyes were looped with swirls, as the violent motion started to make him dizzy.

"Everyone!" The voice of Renge chirped in as she poked her head out from the behind the door. Kagome then decided to release Tamaki at that point-- "Renge, your new manager--" She pulled out her hands, within them was a purple napkin. "Has baked cookies for you!" She smiled happily while placing said cookies beside her head.

"Ah~!!" Tamaki gasped in awe, while suddenly appearing beside her at the door. "How lady-like!" He laid on his charm, and struck a pose dramatically. "I am moved by your generosity--"

"I didn't make these for you, phony prince." She mumbled under her breath. Suddenly the words 'phony prince' fell from the sky, slamming into him and sending him sprawling onto the floor.

"Ugh." He gave a small twitch, like a squashed cockroach.

"Puh~!" Kagome snickered as she watched him crawl to his favorite pity corner to pout.

Honey appeared beside her, holding a cookie out for her to take. Taking her hand out of her pocket, she reached down, while Tamaki's gloom of depression surround him like a fog, and treating it like a movie, she watched him sulk while she placed the cookie into her mouth, Honey doing the same. Her eyebrows angled together as a familiar taste hit her tongue--

"It's a bit burnt." Honey mumbled while continuing to chew on his cookie. Took the words right out of her mouth--

"Don't eat that Mitsukuni, its bad for you." Mori told him, also standing beside her.

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