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Kagome was sitting by the large framed window, over looking a very beautiful scene that was outside. Like usual, her hands were in her pocket, while one leg dangled from the edge, and her back pressed against the wall. It was quite comfortable, since the widened area was fixed like an extra chair, lined with cushions. A small lock of hair slowly drifted into her face, she sighed, before inhaling deeply and blowing the offending hair away from her vision.

"Ahh~~!" A squeal of delight came from her side. She slowly turned towards them.

Several feet back were a line of women, who were standing there, just admiring her from afar. She smirked, staring at the red velvet rope that separated the group of women and her-- It was placed around her personal area where she was able to watch out of the window. The place that she deemed 'her territory'.

After the first few 'accidents' when a few of the ladies got too close-- they placed the flimsy border around her and the chatty females, to protect them from further harm. Of course the doctor bill was also added to the debt, yet she didn't care, as long as those annoying women kept their distance.

Now she was treated as if she was an animal, being kept at a zoo. Surrounded by people constantly looking at her, while they stayed beyond the rope line-- There was also a sign, placed so everyone could see, and in bold red letters said: "Do not feed wild host" and in fine print stated 'He has not been fully trained and we do not take reasonably for what might happen...'

She smirked, finding herself enjoying this 'host' job-- Now that they were no longer bothering her with their nonsense questioning and nagging. Yet it was slightly odd that they still request her, and in such large numbers. It's as if they liked staring at her, as she does nothing in particularly, finding pleasure in knowing that if they got too close-- She wouldn't hesitate in killing them.

'Wanting to obtain the unattainable.' As someone so kindly put it. They were rich people who could get whatever they wanted, because they had the money to do so, and she suddenly changes that. They can't have her, no mater what large amount of money they flash at her, or try to please her with, and that somehow excites them-- that and the fact that she's violent and uncontrollable--

"Isn't he handsome?" One of the girls started to swoon over her. Quickly joined by others.

"So cold. It makes my heart beat that much faster--!"

"Kagome--!!" Another one called to her. She decided to humor the woman and looked towards her. The girl gasped, surprised she actually looked-- She then smirked, and the girl screamed in delight, before fainting. The other girls started to go into a crazed frenzy, hearts flying everywhere.

"Kagome! Kagome! Look over here!" Many of them screamed. "No--!! Look at me!" They started to compete.

"Look Kagome! I have cake!!!" Another one shouted above the rest, while holding out a plate of cake in her hands, her arms stretching well beyond the velvet rope line.

They all started to scream at the woman for cheating-- That is until she calmly stood up, causing everyone to go completely silent, staring at her wide-eyed as she strolled to the girl gracefully. Once she was practically over top of the female she looked down at the plate coldly. Slowly she removed her hand from her pocket and grasped the plate, taking it away from the blushing female. Since it was in her 'territory' she decided that it was now 'hers'.

"I like cake..." She randomly confessed.

All the women once again went ballistic and started screaming, pulling out plates of cake from thin air, wanting her to try theirs instead. She ignored the yells, tuning them out, as she picked up the fork that was lying on the plate. With calm motions she separated a small nibble of cake from the rest. All the girls once again went quiet and watched with large eyes as she opened her mouth, just enough to slide the fork between her lips.

"Vanilla..." She mumbled the flavor, the fork bobbed up and down slightly, as it was still placed inside her mouth, resting on the corner of her lips.

"Eee~!" The girls cheered in delight, faces red with joy as they watched her.

She smirked, which only caused them to heighten their squawking pitches, almost causing her to go deaf. A movement to her side caused her to glance out of the corner of her eyes. She looked on as a bold girl dared to crouch beneath the rope line, and into her territory. Her eyes narrowed at the female, as the foolish woman who was drunk in love, reached out, about to touch her--

"No!" A deep shout sounded above the crowd and a blur whizzed past her, tackling the crazed fan girl to the ground, saving her. Kagome could only blink, almost stunned as she witnessed Mori slowly stand up, while holding the girl in his arms.

"Stop Drop Roll! Stop Drop Roll!" The familiar voice of Tamaki yelled out while waving his hands above his head frantically.

"It's okay Tamaki-Senpai." Haruhi reassured him. "Mori saved her."

"..." The tall male then crossed over the velvet rope, one leg at a time, before placing the dazed girl onto her feet carefully. The other females squealed at the 'knightly rescue'.

"What are you doing?" Kagome asked him, while the fork continued to bob up and down, still in her mouth. After all, she has yet to punish the female for going into her territory.

"Hmm..." He has an indifferent look on his face as he thought back.

Moments before...

Mori was watching Mitsukuni talk to the girls, and yet was still amazed at how the small boy was somehow still able to stuff his face with cake while doing so. He closed his eyes slowly, and released a sigh--

"Mori!!" A worried shout called to him.

He snapped his eyes open and turned his head to face the noise. He spotted Tamaki looking at him, horrified, while pointing somewhere-- His eyes widened slightly as he watched a girl crawl under the rope and reach out to touch Kagome-- He turned serious and bolted towards her...

"..." He just looked at her, not giving her an answer, and she was unaware of the small memory that was playing in his mind.

"Fine, don't tell me..." She walked towards him and patted his back in encouragement, before turning around and walking away from him, cake in hand. She guessed she could forgive him this one time--

Mori gave a sigh as he watched her sit back down at the window, slowly eating her cake. Glad she wasn't going to harm the girl.

"I am sorry to say this ladies but that is enough." Kyoya's deep voice called out, making everyone turn towards him. "Kagome will no longer be taking any requests for today."

"Aww~" Once they heard his words they all pouted, but listened to him none-the-less, and slowly dispersed. When all the females were gone both Mori and Kyoya looked at Kagome, watching her as she calmly continued to eat her cake, as if nothing was wrong.

"I do hope his violent nature does not harm anymore of our guests..." Kyoya mumbled while pushing his glasses up with his finger. "He hasn't seriously injured anyone... yet." Strongly emphasizing on the word 'yet' "But if he does, we would be forced to kick him out of the club..."

"..." Mori nodded his head in understanding.

"Shame really, he has already attracted many profits-- I mean, guests..." He corrected himself, a smirk on his face. He then scribbled a few things down on his clipboard while walking away.

"Hmm..." Mori gave a slight hum as he stayed there, watching Kagome a few moments longer.

"I like you." He confessed, a smirk on his face. "Unlike the others you're quiet." He told him the reason.

"Be forced to leave the Host Club..." He repeated Kyoya's words. A saddened look showed on his face, before he turned around and walked back to his table.

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