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Everyone in the Host Club, minus Haruhi, was in their 'welcoming' position as they were about to open the doors to guests. Even Kagome was in the small huddle in front of the door, except for a few adjustments of course--

First off she definitely wasn't wearing the crazy costume like the others, and was in her regular buttoned up shirt, tie, slacks, and boots. Secondly, even though she was near the others as they were in position, she deemed herself as a separate affiliation, and was standing, back towards the door, while nibbling on some cake. All in all, she is just going to treat this day like any other day and not do anything...

When she heard the chorus of the males greeting, she quickly realized that someone walked through the door.

"What? It's just Haruhi? You're late." The twin's announced when they noticed it wasn't a real guest.

"I could be wrong but my calendar says that it's still early spring." Haruhi mumbled, while a Toucan flew down from the treetops above and landed on her head, deeming it a perfect place to rest.

"Huddling under the Kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense!" Tamaki told her, jumping out of his chair and doing several poses while waving his colorful fan. "And besides the heating system we have is..." He got into another pose, as sparkles of flare shined around his body. "The best!" He stated proudly. Haruhi gave a small displeased hiss.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, O' Haruhi who owes us an eight million yen debt?" Kyoya reminded Haruhi of the large debt she has yet to pay off, making the girl groan in discomfort. Trying to liven the mood back up, Tamaki spoke again.

"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing." He stated his ideas of what a true gentleman should be like. "It may be cold early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise!" He once again went into a pose.

And surprisingly enough the twins also joined in and held one another closely, face inches apart. Mori was running around the forest, while Honey was sitting on his shoulders. The small boy was laughing his head off as they ran full speed, and his body was waving around like a flag.

"Yes!" Tamaki cheered, overly excited, while his arm was draped around Haruhi's shoulders. "Today, this place is the ultimate paradise! A hot, hot island of everlasting summer!!!" He yelled out to the sky as he threw his free hand into the air dramatically. Haruhi just had a depressed look on her face, trying not to listen to his rant.

"..." Kagome just continued to eat her cake, while trying to tune them out-- failing miserably.

She paused in her small snack, fork sticking out of her mouth. Her eyebrows angled together slightly, showing a tiny sign of discomfort. Reaching out to her already loose tie, and pulled it down even more, while moving it side to side. Once her shirt opened just a little, revealing a tiny bit more of her collarbone, she gave a small snort, going back to her cake.

She was unaware that observant eyes were watching her movements with concern...


Kagome sat in her newly assigned territory. It was a large couch that she had all to herself. The rope line went in full circle around said couch, a few feet away, leaving enough room for her to move around in. Since she had the lounge all to herself, she was lying on the cushioned seat, looking at the ceiling in boredom, her hands behind her head, and one leg propped up.

She looked around and noticed no females were near her or the rope line. Shifting her eyes in different areas, she soon realized that there were three couches placed not too far away from her, and they were full of women, who were all staring at her from a close distance. She looked at them strangely and they all squealed in delight, filling the room with hearts.

"I took into consideration of the ladies comfort as well as their safety, and placed seating accommodations for them so they can look at you from afar." Kyoya suddenly spoke up, appearing beside the rope line.

"I see..." She didn't say anything else and looked back at the women.

They were still admiring her while in their seats on the couch, every now and then they would reach out to the tables set in front of the chairs, taking a sip of their drink or eat some cake. She sighed. What was she? Some newfound entertainment for them? She wasn't a TV...

"But for my goddess, I can only keel before you, for I am nothing but a loyal servant..." Tamaki's voice fell into her ears, making her turn towards the man's table. She watched as the woman was practically jell-o in his hands, her eyes filled with hearts at his words.

"Oh wow..." The other two women also at his table swooned in response to his beauty.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention to you ladies." Tamaki spoke up. "Next week the Host Club will be sponsoring a party." He informed them.

"A party..." She mumbled to herself.

"What kind of party is it going to be?" A woman's question also caught her interest as she was talking about the party as well. "Is it going to be a formal party?" The woman asked. Kagome looked towards the woman and found herself staring at the twin's table.

"Yes. In fact, we rented the schools largest hall." Hikaru told her.

"It's the perfect place for dancing." Kaoru added. Hikaru looked towards his brother, and then softly pulled him close, leaning into him while gazing into his eyes deeply, lips inches apart.

"Though I really wanted to spend some alone time with you..." He confessed. "Kaoru." He whispered his brothers name gently, a soft expression on his face.

"Really, Hikaru...?" Kaoru had a small blush on his cheeks. "Honestly, I, too..." His blushed deepened.

"Eee~! Beautiful! Brotherly love with a tropical paradise flavor!" The girls squealed.

"Is it just me, or are they more annoying then usual?" She questioned to herself, while watching the girls squirm around-- Yet she was surprised to hear someone actually answer her.

"Showing some skin proves popular with the ladies." Kyoya's deep voice spoke up once more, while he counted to write down on his clipboard. She looked over and saw that he has yet to move from the spot next to her rope line. What? Was he on watch duty today or something?

"I'm guessing that this whole tropical paradise was your idea, no?"

"I have no decision making authority." He confessed. "All the club's policies have been laid out by the club's king, Tamaki." He told her. "But--" He added. "I guess there's no harm in admitting to casually slipping a Boil photo book onto his desk." He smirked, pushing his glasses up with his finger.

"I thought so..." She rested her cheek onto her hand lazily, smirking.

Large squawks of cries were heard as they commented on how sexy she was-- for the 100th time today.

She sighed, wondering if this day was going to end anytime soon...

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