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Kagome walked through the room, a tray of a very expensive tea set in her care. Even though the set was worth more then she could count-- She was only carrying it with one hand, the other was lazily tucked into her pocket as she strolled through the area.

A tried sigh escaped her lips-- She could feel many eyes on her person as half of the female population in the room was staring at her. Not only that, but anything she did they would either sigh in delight or squeal in joy, flooding the room in hearts...

"..." She stopped at the table that was set for the twins, and started to place their new cups onto it. They paid her no mind and continued their conversation as if she wasn't even there.

"So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up right out of bed." Hikaru gave a small laugh as he told his story.

"Hikaru!" He called his brother's name. "Don't tell them that story." He begged. Suddenly he pulled back and placed his hand onto his chin and looked onto the ground, seemly heartbroken. "I asked you not to tell anyone that..." Small tears fell from the corners of his eyes and he pouted. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm sorry Kaoru..." Hikaru whispered, slightly surprised by his brother's tears. "I didn't mean to upset you..." He spoke softly to him, while gripping his chin and forcing him to look up into his eyes. He bent down extremely close to his face, and had a gentle expression. "But you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them." He confessed. "I'm sorry..."

"I forgive you..." Kaoru answered.

High School 1st Years, Hikaru & Kaoru Hitachiin: "The 'very close' Hitachilin twins"

"Ah~!" The two females who were watching squealed in delight, faces red. "It's the beautiful brotherly love!"

"..." She slowly closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, trying not to seem upset by their silly antics.

"Oh my god they are totally cute~" The females continued to go on about how lovely the twins are.

Taking her empty tray she proceeded to go back to the supply room, and placed the tray down for later usage. When she exited she noticed two familiar faces walk into the club.

"Sorry, we're running late..." Honey yawned out tiredly, while rubbing his eye. He was riding in Mori's back, as the two strolled into the room.

"Hello Honey! Hey, Mori! We've been waiting for so long..." One of the females who requested them spoke up. There were four of them to be precise, and they were sitting in pairs on two separate couches.

"I fell asleep while waiting for Takashi at the Kendo Club." He told them, as Mori gently placed the boy onto the floor.

High School 3rd Year, Mitsukuni Haninozuka: " 'Honey' for short"

"Hmm..." Mori just hummed in response, as usual not saying much.

High School 3rd Year, Takashi Morinozuka: " 'Mori' for short"

She watched as they both sat down on the couch, Honey on one, while Mori sat on the other.

"I'm still kinda sleepy..." Honey gave a cute look as he rubbed his eyes sleepily and yawned. The females cried in joy and hearts started to float around their heads while squealing 'cute'

For some reason she felt a strong pull towards them, so she followed her instincts and walked to them. When she arrived she was behind the couch Mori was sitting on, but everyone wasn't paying attention to her, they were all watching and listening to Honey as he went on about sweets.

Honey looked very young, but she wasn't surprised with the fact that he was really older then her-- He must grow slowly for some reason, but she didn't bother to question why, it was none of her business.

She glanced up and spotted Haruhi talking with Kyoya, probably about Honey and Mori-- She then watched as Honey jumped out of his chair and ran towards Haruhi with this favorite stuffed rabbit in his hands.

She looked back at Mori and watched him, as he kept a close eye on Honey while the boy continued to chat with Haruhi. As she openly stared into Mori's black hair, her mind started to wonder. He doesn't talk much-- Does he? She smirked at the idea. He really is the 'Strong and Silent' Type.

Reaching up she gently placed her hand onto his head to catch his attention. He blinked, before slowly looking away from the boy and turning his head to focus his eyes on her, his usual indifferent expression adorned his face.

"I like you." She confessed, a smirk on her face.

"...!" He looked at her slightly surprised.

"Unlike the others you're quiet." She told him her reason. She then patted his head in encouragement, before leaving their conversation at that, walking away just as Honey came back from his small talk with Haruhi. She then closed her eyes and gave a pleased smirk--

"Ah~~!!" The squeal of many females fell onto her ears. She sighed in disappointment, and she didn't take but two more steps before she was surrounded by females yet again. "So wild!" They complimented her, but she just ran her fingers through her hair in annoyance-- Which only caused them to scream more.

"You're pestering squeals do nothing but annoy me, ladies." She told them plainly, while a growl rumbled through her chest in warning. "If you wish to please me, you are going about it the wrong way, I assure you." Yet her words went unheard as they continued to fawn over her.

"The sound of your growls make my body tremble." One of the women confessed, her face red as a tomato. "Hearing your deep voice makes my heart pound." The other women agreed, crying in glee.

Her growl only deepened, and she clinched her jaw in frustration. Her hands balled into fists until her knuckles grew white. Unable to take the yells and hearts floating around her any longer, she roared in anger and slammed her fist against the helpless marble pillar, stationed beside her, sending a trimmer of power across the whole room.

After taking out her rage on the poor pillar, she felt calmer-- Suddenly all the women shrilled in pleasure, and they practically turned into jell-o, instantly fainting onto the floor in shock from the sudden demonstration of strength. Even though they were passed out, hearts were still floating above their heads in a daze.

"..." She slowly removed her hand from the pillar, and when she did, a large crack split the stone beam in two, before it burst into tiny unrecognizable particles, which were carried into the wind. It was at that moment she was glad the pillar was used for decoration, and didn't actually support the floors above--

"I'll just put that onto the dept Haruhi owe us..." A sneaky voice called beside her, and she wasn't surprised that it came from Kyoya, as he scribbled quickly onto the clipboard he always carried around. Damn...

Kagome then decided it was best to leave, so she walked over to Haruhi, who was talking with Tamaki. Unbeknown to her, Mori was watching her the whole time, impressed...

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