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Kagome was leaning against one of the walls of the building. Her eyes were closed and she had her hands inside of her pocket. The sun was shining on her form, making her irritable. Raising one leg up, she propped it against the wall and sighed. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the note. She slowly scanned the words, rereading it...


I have something I need to tell you, please come to the back of building B, at 3:00, underneath the large stained windows.


She looked away from the note and glanced up at the large clock tower that was placed just inside of the academy walls. Seeing that it was already 3:10, she couldn't help but sigh again, while sticking the note back into her pocket, closing her eyes. He is late-- Whatever Mori has to say, better be important...

"Tell us again, why are we watching Kagome like this?" Haruhi mumbled. "I don't understand, is something supposed to happen?"

Everyone was hiding behind the brush that was planted beside the building, along with a group of trees and flowers, spying on Kagome.

"Of course something is supposed to happen!" Renge whispered in reply while watching Kagome intensely.

"Kagome wouldn't willingly join the movie." Hikaru spoke up.

"Yeah, and he kept hiding from us." Kaoru added.

"So we used a cleaver tactic to flush him out into the open."

"In other words..." Haruhi mumbled. "You tricked him."

"Trick is such a mean word--"

"We like to call it 'special persuasion'."

"Oh?" Haruhi hummed. "What did you 'persuade' him with?"

"We just sent him a note."

"A note?" Tamaki repeated, blinking. "A love note?!" He squeaked, almost blowing their cover. The others glared at him and placed their hands over their lips, in a 'shushing' manner.

"I never thought Kagome was the type of person to actually reply to something in that category." Kyoya smirked, pushing his glasses up with his finger. "Interesting..."

"Yeah, me neither--" Hikaru honesty answered.

"That's why we signed Mori's name at the bottom." Kaoru added. They both grinned, and looked at Mori.

"...?" Mori blinked in surprise.

"That's not nice..." Honey peeped up while hugging his rabbit to his chest. "Making Gome-chan wait out there, thinking he is going to talk to Takashi."

"Yeah." Mori agreed, and walked out from behind his tree, walking towards Kagome. He felt bad that he was standing there, waiting for him, when in fact he wasn't the one who wrote it-- They all gasped and twins grabbed him, pulling him back behind the tree before Kagome could see them.

"What are you trying to do!?" The twins objected. "The plan will be ruined if he spots us!"

Mori looked down at them, before standing up, pulling them in tow. He then started walking towards Kagome again, dragging the twins behind with no effort.

"Mori, no!" Hikaru gave a hushed growl, pulling with all his might.

"A little help here...!" Kaoru looked towards them.

Tamaki and Renge jumped up and started tugging on the tall male as well. Renge grabbed one arm, while Kaoru had the other. Hikaru was holding on to his leg, being dragged through the grass, while Tamaki launched onto his shoulders, trying to weight him down, while pounding on his head childishly.

Suddenly they all stopped when a large man walked around the corner, approaching Kagome. All of them ducked down behind the brush, and peaked over the edge.

"It's about time!" Renge hissed, mumbling to herself as she watched the man strut up to Kagome, looking smug.

"Who's that?" Haruhi asked.

"That's the person I hired to fight with Kagome." She answered with a grin, pointing to the sky and looking proud of herself.

"That dude looks mean..." The twins mumbled.

The man was buff, and looked extremely tough. His body looked like it has been through much training, and he seemed very confident as his smirk just grew the closer he got to the unsuspecting 'male'.

"Even so, you sure this guy can take Kagome?" Tamaki asked. "I mean, this is Kagome--"

"Don't worry." Renge reassured them. "This man is no ordinary man, I assure you." She smirked. "This man is the Heavy Weight Champion in Boxing!" She announced, causing everyone to gasp in awe. "He can withstand any punch, and has never been taken down. If anyone can go up against Kagome, it would be this guy." She stated matter of fact. Everyone gave soft claps in applause, amazed, and she puffed out her chest in pride.

"Hey you." The boxing champ finally stood beside Kagome, and called him out. Kagome just ignored him and didn't respond. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He reached out and placed his hand onto Kagome's shoulder-- In a flash Kagome had the man's wrist in a death grip. Slowly, he opened his eyes and glared at the man with irritation and anger.

"Don't touch me..." You heard a loud and crisp snap, as the frail bone broke-- Then a burred fist came flying towards his face, and in one punch the large man was taken down.

Everyone went sickly pale, as they watched Kagome lay an uncensored beat down on the poor man. The boxing champ was in tears, screaming for his life, as every punch spewed blood everywhere-- Everyone slowly turned away from the 'fight' unable to stomach anymore, ghostly white in shock.

"Boss must be super tough to have survived this long against Kagome's attacks." Kaoru spoke up.

"No." Hikaru shook his head. "He was just holding back..." Everyone went even paler, if possible, at his words. Tamaki slowly crumbled onto the floor, holding his knees while tears cascaded from his eyes like waterfalls. He then started to rock back and forth, mumbling to himself.

"Well, I feel better." Kagome smirked as she stood up, pulling up the passed out champ with her, as she held onto his bloodstained and ripped shirt within her hand. Kagome looked slightly happy, and satisfied that she got to beat up someone. Not only did she win the fight, but she was able to release some of the frustration she got from waiting on Mori--

"T-Tell me you got that cameraman!!" Renge abruptly stood up from her hiding spot and pointed towards the top of the tree.

"Yes Boss!" He gave her a thumbs up, grinning. All the other hidden cameras that were hiding around the area, and in the tress, also gave her a thumbs up and she smirked.

Kagome dropped the man, and could only raise an eyebrow as she spotted the others standing not too far away, along with all the cameramen. This was all a stunt? As Mori walked up to her, she sighed, wondering why she didn't catch on to it sooner.

Mori reached up, and was about to place his large hand onto her head, but she quickly blocked his attack by swatting it away with the back of her hand. Mori's eyes widened, and he stood there, slightly stunned. So he didn't write that note? She looked away from him, frowning. She then shoved her hands into her pockets and walked away, irritated.

Why does she feel disappointed...?

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