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Kagome was having a restful nap beside her favorite window, that is until a small pat on he shoulder awoken her from her slumber. Slowly she fluttered her eyes open, and was slightly surprised at her surroundings.

She was blocked by trees everywhere she looked. She was enclosed in a jungle, as colorful birds and decorations were placed all around. As if she was in some sort of tropical paradise. She blinked several times, and rubbed her eyes to make sure wasn't imagining it-- How long was she sleeping?

She looked up and spotted Mori standing beside her. He was shirtless, and wore large baggy pants, and a cloth wrapped around his skull like a headband, along with a small set of gold jewelry on his biceps and neck.

Looking beyond Mori she spotted the other male hosts huddling a few feet away, watching them, as if waiting for something horrible to happen. They all were wearing something similar to Mori-- Shirtless, with Indian clothing. What was this? A Boil theme? She questioned. If only she knew that she hit the nail on the head...

"Why are you here?" She asked the quiet male who stood before her.

"..." He looked down at her, a blank expression as he thought back.

"Someone should go wake up Kagome." Kyoya reminded them that he was still sleeping at the window-- He was sitting there long before anyone even arrived at the club. And they were surprised that he was still able to sleep as they set up their decorations for this evening.

"We're not going over there." The twin's spoke together, while waving their arms in front of themselves in defense. "You should go boss." They tried to get Tamaki to go instead.

"No way!" He objected flatly. "He'll kill me..." He whimpered as tears filled his eyes, scared out of his mind.

"Takashi should go!" Mitsukuni peeped with a bright smile.

"Me?" He questioned, looking at them with a slightly confused expression.

"Yeah! Mori should definitely be the one to do it." The twins spoke.

"I mean, he has some weird attraction to you Mori." Hearing the twin speak for himself, he looked at his hair. He noticed it was parted to the right so he figured the one talking was Hikaru.

"Yeah, the chances of you getting killed are lowered if you're the one touching him." Kaoru spoke.

"..." He then walked over to the sleeping male, but was still slightly unsure.

"Hmm..." Kagome just continued to stare into Mori's dark orbs as something flashed in his eyes. Was he remembering something? She sighed, but then noticed something peculiar--

She looked on her shoulder and realized Mori still had his hand resting there. She heard a group of gasps, before the area went deadly silent. She glanced beyond Mori and spotted the others still together, staring at the two wide-eyed, pale as ghosts, wondering if she was really going to kill Mori for touching her...

A smirk showed on her face at their horrified looks, before she calmly reached up and gently removed the man's hand. After she released the large hand, she sighed, and slowly stood up, looking at Mori.

As she raised her hand again, all the others started to sweat bullets, while Mori just looked at her with his indifferent expression. She then placed her hand onto his head, and ruffled his hair in a small gesture. She heard the others gasp again, before awes of amazement fell into her ears.

She then lowered her hand and patted the tall man's cheek in encouragement, before walking away from him. She mumbled something about cake, as she passed the stunned hosts on the way to the storage room.

Mori could only watch Kagome's back as he walked away. He wasn't surprised at his actions, but then again, he wasn't sure how he should be feeling towards the smaller male, and his calm gestures towards him--

"No way." Tamaki whispered while he stared at him wide-eyed. Mori's focus left Kagome's back, and fell onto the group, when it did, they all charged and surrounded him.

"See, we told you!" The twins gloated.

"But I'm still kinda surprised he didn't kill him..." Hikaru mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, in all honesty we were just saying that so Mori would go do it-- We didn't really think he would survive." Kaoru continued.

"The percentage of his death was still quite high..." Kyoya confessed while pressing some buttons on a calculator. "This outcome was very surprising."

"Does that mean that Gome-chan really does like Takashi!?" Mitsukuni chirped out, flowers of cuteness round his head. Mori blinked in surprise at all the stares they were giving him, and a very light shade of pink went onto his cheeks.

"How could Kagome befriend Mori and not someone as beautiful as me?!" Tamaki asked, while striking a pose, roses surrounded him in a dramatic effect.

"Maybe Kagome just flat out hates your guts, boss." The twins gave a very accurate guess.

"..." Tears weld in the King's eyes and he sulked in the nearest corner, digging himself into a deep depression.

Mori looked away from Tamaki and back in the direction where Kagome went. He had a feeling that Kagome didn't really think of him as a friend, per say, but for some reason just the idea that he might-- Made him feel happy.

Reaching up he touched his head, the same area he ruffled moments before, a small smile on his face.

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