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Mori was in darkness. It was quiet, so he didn't know where he was. His body was aching, and his head was reeling, wondering what happened. His fingers twitched, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. The familiar sight of the nurse's office greeted him and he sighed. After glancing around, a movement in the corner of his vision caught his attention, and he turned his head to fully focus on it. His dark grey orbs widened slightly, when they landed on the form of Kagome.

He was sitting in a chair off to the side. His hands were in his pockets, and his feet were stretched out in front of him, ankles crossed. His head was leaning forward, drooping, and his eyes were halfway closed, dazed. Every now and then his head would go forward too much, and Kagome snapped his head back into place, but it wasn't long until it tilted back, showing just how tired he was.

"Kagome?" Mori whispered, his voice slightly hoarse.

Instantly Kagome jolted awake by his call, and whipped his head to look at him. His eyes widened, and he was by the bed in a flash, leaning over him.

"Mori." He whispered his name, before looking him over. "You alright? How is your body? You feel okay?" He placed his hand over his chest gently.

"..." He gave a small grunt and clinched his teeth as he slowly peeled himself from the bed, sitting up.

"Don't stress yourself too much." He tried to tell him. The obvious concern the male had for him, made a small amount of blood rush into his cheeks.

"I'm alright." He told him with a sigh, once he was fully sitting up, leaning against the back of the bed. Though his body was sore all over, and his chest was prickling with pain, it's not as bad as he imagined it would be. That punch... was powerful.

Glancing down, he noticed he was no longer wearing his jacket and tie. His shirt was opened, and his buttons were missing-- He raised an eyebrow when he saw that his upper torso was wrapped neatly in bandages. It covered from his collar bone to the bottom of his ribs, almost to his stomach. He squinted, trying to focus, when he spotted several colors of purple sticking out from underneath the bottom of the bandage--

"I did that myself, hope it's not too tight." Kagome voice broke his thoughts. He shook his head. It was done rather nicely, not constricting at all-- "The others visited you." He told him. "I volunteered to take you back home once you woke up." Mori hummed at his words, and glanced at the window beside his bed. It was rather dark outside. He stayed awake this whole time, waiting for him? "The others had to drag Honey out of the room..."

"..." He smiled, imagining Mitsukuni crying and kicking his feet as they pulled him out of the room. He should get back home as soon as he can--

"Mori." Kagome whispered, catching his attention and making him turn back towards him-- His eyes widened considerably with the image awaiting him.

Kagome was staring at him with large and sorrowfully eyes. He looked so sad, as if he was on the brink of crying right in front of him. Mori's breath caught in his throat, lips slightly parted in surprise, and he felt his chest clinch at the saddened sight. His hands, which were resting on the bed, unconsciously gripping the sheet until his knuckles grew white. He didn't know why, but he did not like seeing him like that.

Kagome reached out and softly pressed his palm against his cheek, his long and slender fingers barely brushed against his ear, making his cheeks flush pink at the contact--

"I'm so sorry..." He mumbled. "I--" He bit his lower lip. "I'm so very--" He could feel his hand start to tremble against his skin, surprising him. "I would never attack a friend-- You have to believe that." He pleaded to him, looking up at him with large eyes. "I--"

"..." Mori reached up and placed his larger hand over top of his smaller one. His expression softened towards him, and he raised his other hand, placing it onto his head, in silent reassurance. His lips curved up into a small smile, and he bent down, pressing his forehead gently against his, in a kind gesture. "Hmm." He closed his eyes and hummed softly. After a few moments he leaned back and opened his eyes. "-!!" A deep shade of red instantly shown onto his cheeks, when he saw Kagome was looking at him with that expression. His eyes were large and happy, a blush of red also stained his cheeks, and he was smiling at him--

"Takashi." He whispered his name and his eyes softened towards him. Mori could feel his blush spreading, going over his ears-- The stunned man was suddenly pulled down, as Kagome wrapped his arms loosely around his neck. "Thank you." He whispered against his ear, snapping him out of his surprise.

He could feel himself smiling once more at the smaller male's rare show of affection. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, his soothing Vanilla scent invaded his senses, surrounding him in its usual claming effect it had on him.

"Hmm." He could only give a soft hum in reply against his shoulder, as he felt himself relax. Some of Kagome's long hair tickled his nose, making his smile grow...

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