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Kagome stood in the back of the group as the others watched the doctor leave, bowing to them in thanks, before walking down the path, a smile on his face. They all continued to stare out of the window, while whatever thoughts were running in their mind--

"Are you sure about this?" Hikaru had doubts.

"After all, even if he does manage to find his daughter, there's no guaranty that she'll want to speak with him." Kaoru spoke their thoughts.

"Well." Tamaki sighed. "That's something he will have to find out for himself." He answered, with a soft and understanding expression on his face, as he continued to look down the path.

"Hmm..." Kagome sighed, a small smirk gracing her features. Well, what do you know, he might not be such a complete idiot after all.

"Excuse me, everyone." Haruhi voiced out. "Could you guys get out please?" Everyone gave a small gasp and took a step away from her.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki spoke up on everyone's behalf. "You're you still angry!?" He asked. "You're not thinking about quitting the host club, right?!" His voice cracked, slightly worried. Haruhi gave a small laugh.

"Don't be stupid Senpai, I just got to finish my physical exam." She told him. She turned her head to look at him, a soft look in her eyes. "As a male student of course." She added, giving him a kind smile, happy.

"...!" Tamaki's face flushed red. He then laughed. "You're so cute Haruhi!" He launched towards her, embracing her in a hug while nuzzling her cheek.

"Ah~!" The female gave a small eep of surprise by the attack. "Cut it out, Senpai!" She tried to push him off of her, having no effect. "Ugh--! Hey!! Don't touch me there!" She suddenly shouted, turning red.

"..." Instantly Kagome reached up and grabbed him by the arm, and with a flick of her wrist, effortlessly threw him across the room like an old rag doll. The man soared threw the air, before crashing into the wall on the other side in a loud bang. The King grunted, then slowly peeled off of the wall, and crumbling onto the floor with a sickening thud-- Unconscious, while swirls of dizziness looped over his eyes.

"Red card!" The twins called it while standing over his body, smirking.

"Looks like the boss--" Kaoru started to say.

"Is a real pervert." Hikaru finished for him.

"Who cares!?" Haruhi's voice picked up in a slightly angry tone. "Would all of you just GET OUT!!!" She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the area.

Kagome smirked, while she watched the twins drag the passed out King through the door, and she followed close behind. Today, was a rather interesting day...


Mori stood beside one of the windows in the music room. It was about time for them to leave, and Honey was gorging himself with cake as much as he could before he went home. Though he didn't know why, he had cake and any kind of sweets at the house for him to eat whenever he wants--

A soft sigh fell over his lips as he looked out of the glass, watching the scene below. Every now and then he would glance behind his shoulder, to make sure Honey was alright, before going back to the window. His hands shifted inside of his pockets while his eyes glazed over in thought.

All day, well, since the incident happened at the clinic, the image was stuck inside of his mind and no matter how hard he tired, he just couldn't erase it from his thoughts. Kagome's soothing and soft laughter, he never would have suspect that such a lovely sound could come from his lips. And then he-- He looked at him with that expression. He could remember it so well, the look was glued into his mind, not sure if he was able to forget it--

His eyes were larger then normal, as they expressed great kindness. And he smiled-- It was very small, but his lips curved upwards just a bit-- His face held a much gentler and softer look, as a faint pink rose into his cheeks. He couldn't get the image out of his head, it just looked so... cute.

"..." He could feel yet another blush forming on his cheeks. He sighed, raising his hand out of his pocket, and placing it onto his face.

What was wrong with him? How could he think of such a thing, about another male, of all things? Honey was called 'cute' many times everyday by others, but Kagome? It was just strange he would think that, but the word seemed to fit him perfectly with the look he showed him, yet he didn't know why.

The man was so cold and uncaring with everyone around him, yet he actually expressed such a kind look, and at him of all people. It was such a surprise to him, that he couldn't help but be touched by it. Yet it looked so natural at the same time, making him want to see it more often...

Another soft sigh escaped his lips--

"Something bothering you?" A voice fell into his ears. He slowly turned his head and wasn't surprised to see familiar piercing blue staring back at him. "You've been rather quiet today." He noticed, a small smirk showing on his face, as his words held a playful tone within them.

"..." A deep rumble vibrated though his chest as he gave a soft chuckle, finding his small joke to be slightly refreshing. Feeling better, he looked down at him, before raising his hand and placing it onto his head, giving his hair a friendly ruffle. "Thank you." He thanked him for lifting his mood. "Kagome." He whispered his name, and his expression softened towards the smaller male.

Kagome's smirk grew before he reached up and roughly patted his chest. He gave a grunt as the strong thumps echoed throughout his body, making him shiver in response. Mori smiled, taking that as his way of saying 'You're welcome.' Kagome then raised his hand higher, and placed it onto his cheek in a friendly gesture.

"Don't think too much, okay big guy?" He hummed while gently patting his cheek in encouragement. "I'll see you later, Mori." He said his farewell, before carefully removing his hand, a smirk on his face. He then placed his hands into his pockets, and turned around, walking away from him.

"..." He stared at his retreating back, while slowly reaching up and placing his hand onto his cheek, where he touched him moments before. "Hmm." He gave a soft hum, a small smile on his face...

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