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Kagome was leisurely sitting by one of the areas, on top of raised flooring, leaning against the edge of a paper screen. The music room was covered in them, along with plants and furniture, so she was unable to sit at her favorite spot by the window. All the hosts were all wearing Kimonos, except for her of course.

She sighed and glanced down at her hands, in them was a half eaten cake, the fork was sticking out lazily between her lips. She looked at the plate with dazed eyes, as her mind started skimming over many things, as if blind. Her thoughts were fuzzed, and her body was slowly sinking into a relaxed state, as the noise and buzz around her fizzled out.

Last night event, was just another regular recurrence to her. She arrived home-- If you would even call that place a home-- very late. She showered and changed, only to realize that it was time to go to school...

Yet that didn't matter, she would always sleep in class, and even in the club. They never questioned it, and it was mostly because she was bored with her surroundings, more then the fact that she was tired. She sighed, her eyelids felt heavy as they slowly covered her eyes tiredly.

The squeal and giggles of the girls chatter around her dulled. Her grip on the plate, resting on her lap, loosened considerably as her body slowly became less and less tense. She took a large, deep, inhale of air, and her mind started to tingle into nothingness as her thoughts slowly went blank.

Mori was sitting in his area with Mitsukuni. The young lad was chatting and talking with the girls about sweets and cute things, like usual. Every now and then the women would squeal at something Mitsukuni did or said, saying he was cute. As always, he would stay quiet while watching over him.

It was then that he noticed the group of girls near the area. He quickly realized that they were Kagome's customers, so he glanced at the spot where they where looking. Low and behold, there he was--

He was sitting on one of the raised floors, back leaning against a paper screen. He looked as if he was in a trance like state, as he slowly would peel off small nibbles of his cake, before placing the fork into his mouth.

He gave a small hum as the watched the smaller male for several moments, before turning back to Mitsukuni. Even though he watched him, as he continued to talk with his guests, every so often he would glance back at Kagome.

For the past few minutes he watched with interest as the male stopped eating his cake all together, and just started at it.


Slowly the male eyes fluttered closed, and that caused a small smile to show on Mori's face. He observed as Kagome's body gave small signs of relaxing, as his grip on his plate loosened, and he took a deep breath, sighing.

Mori closed his eyes and hummed in amusement. He was slightly taken back, that Kagome would fall asleep. The male would take naps many times in the club, but not like that--

Carefully, Mori stood and walked over to his resting form. Once he was beside him, he just stared down at the peaceful scene. Kagome was barely hanging on to his plate, while his fork was limply dangling from his mouth, his lips slightly parted.

For some reason his focus locked onto his lips, and he unconsciously licked his own suddenly dry pair. He shook his head, clearing his mind. Realizing that he should take the cake and fork, before he hurts himself. He bent down, and reached out to take the fork first.

He gently grabbed the end of the silverware, and carefully pulled it out of his mouth. Kagome sighed once it was completely removed, and licked his lips. Once again Mori's gaze was locked onto his parted lips, and he could feel the blush rush into his cheeks.

A movement caught his attention and he looked down. The plate with the half eaten cake, slowly started sliding off of his lap, and before Mori could react it fell off, hitting the floor with a loud crash--

In an instant, a fist flew towards him in a high-speed blur, his eyes widened considerably, before the hand stopped just a hair away from impact, causing a small breeze to blow across his face. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears, as the knuckles brushed against his nose with each intake of breath.

"Mori...?" Kagome called his name tiredly, while looking at him with half closed eyes. His fist slowly opened, and he caressed his cheek with the same hand that was just a breath away from busting his nose. "...Sorry." He apologized, still half asleep.

"It's alright." He told him.

"..." Kagome gave a groggy grunt, and slouched over, laying his head against his shoulder. He placed most of his body weight against him, as he grumbled sleepily. "Sorry." He whispered tiredly, repeating himself. He could feel another blush rushing to his cheeks as he felt his hot breath brushed across his neck.

"Kagome?" He called his name.

"Uh?" Was his mumbled reply, and draped his arm across his other shoulder lazily. "I'm fine." He answered without him even having to ask-- He doesn't look fine.

"Gome-chan! Gome-chan!" The cheerful voice of Mitsukuni called.

"Hmm?" He hummed. Mori had to resist another blush as he felt Kagome's long eyelashes brushed against his neck, as he blinked, waking up. "Honey?" He gave a long and deep sigh before clicking his tongue against his throat, almost causing him to shiver, and slowly pulled away from his shoulder to look at the boy who was running up to them.

"If you're tired, you should take a nap on the couch." Mitsukuni smiled bright at him.

"I'm fine." He repeated, while reaching up and rubbing his eye lazily. "Besides, Mori smells nicer then that dinky old couch." Mori could once again feel his cheeks flush with new color. He then stood up, stretching. "Can I sit with you guys?" He asked. "It's boring by myself." He added with a shrug.

"Of course!" Mitsukuni answered very quickly, the flowers around his head swirled happily. "Right Takashi!?"

"Yeah." He nodded in acceptance, while still looking down at him.

"Thanks..." He reached up and patted his chest roughly, causing him to grunt in response. Kagome looked up at him, smirking.

"..." A small smile adored his face and he reached out, ruffling the smaller male's hair.

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