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Hikaru was dribbling the ball, quickly passing everyone, before he leaped and casually shot it into the air. As if by magic, it perfectly fell into the net. Hikaru jumped into the air, cheering, as all the women in the stands cooed over his performance. He laughed, waving to everyone happily-- Suddenly a whistle was blown, catching his attention.

"Get a stretcher! Take him to the infirmary immediately!" Someone ordered. Hikaru quickly rushed over to see what happened.

"Kaoru?" He mumbled as he approached the crowed, mostly shocked as he saw his bother lying on the floor, in pain while holding his knee. "Kaoru!" He said it with more confidence, as he got on his knees and leaned over to his bother, with a pained expression. "Kaoru!!"

"Hikaru! You have to get back in the game!" Someone tried to pull him away from his bother.

"Shut up!" He erupted in anger, pushing him away.

"Hikaru..." Kaoru weakly mumbled out, catching his attention. "Hikaru, you need to calm down." He tried to tell him. "There's nothing you can do. You can't share my pain. Right now, you're not the one injured." He slowly reached up and cupped his cheek, to try and reassured him. "Now, go on."

"I--I can't." Tears fell from Hikaru's eyes, and he reached up, placing his hand over Kaoru's. "It hurts! It hurts, Kaoru."

'Your pain is also my pain. It's okay if no one understands. As long as we have each other, we can live on.'


"I'm envious of you two." Tamaki mumbled with a sad smile on his face. His body and hair were both damp, as he was softly pummeled by the cold rain, yet he didn't care. "The way you two can support each other like that..."

The dark clouds above them gave an ominous and gloomy feel, as they covered the sky in their depressing color.

"Tamaki?" Hikaru whispered his name, shocked. Him and his bother were both standing outside, in front of the fountain.

"But you're the academy's idol, Tamaki." Kaoru was also surprised by his words.

"Idol...eh?" He looked down sadly, before reaching up and brushing away some of his hair that was covering his face. "I hate it when people all worship me, for something so superficial as my appearance." He seemed almost in pain, as he looked into the rain stricken sky, as if his heart was about to break. "I would be better off being alone..." He sighed, as he placed his hand over his broken heart, and clinched his soaked shirt, until his knuckles grew white.

'One grieving hearts meets another. They pass each other. Wounding one another. What are the hearts of these young men made of?'


Haruhi was running. Running and running, until her legs hurt and she was having trouble breathing. She didn't care that every step she took only made the endless puddles of water splash onto her clothes, she just had to get away. Unable to go anymore, she leaned against the trunk of a tree, trying to take cover from the pounding rain.

"You can't runaway forever." A cold voice spoke behind him.

She gave a surprised gasp and turned around. She looked on in fear as the person she was running from, was staring her down. Feeling all of her hope drain from her body, knowing it was useless, she slowly slid down the tree, until her bottom hit the rain covered grass, drenching her pants.

"You should remember well, what happens when you defy me." He hummed, while standing in front of her.

"Stop it, Mitsukuni." Mori spoke up, trying to stop him. He knew, that what they were doing was wrong-- "You're only hurting yourself, every time you hurt others."

"Don't tell me what to do, Takashi." Honey quickly silenced him, frowning, his bangs covering his eyes. "You want to be punished again?"

'What kind of resolution will be waiting for them? Will it be the light of salvation, or...?'

"It really pisses me off when people don't know their place." He smirked at her, raising his head to reveal hated eyes. He smirked... --!! "Nuuhh~!" His face quickly deflated and back into the puffy, large-eyed boy we all know-- "Wahhh!!!" He cried out and launched towards her, crying. "I'm sorry Haru-chan!!! I don't want to do this anymore!!" He hugged her tightly while sniffling.

"CUT!!!!" Renge yelled out in anger, as the snakes on her head hissed. The scene changed, and it suddenly became day. The rain stopped, as the man with the hose shut off the water, and everyone paused what they were doing with all the effects and special lighting. "Cut! Cut!! CUT!!!" She repeated and stomped her feet on the ground. "What's wrong with you!?" She asked. "You got to stick to the script!"

"I can't--!!" He whined.

"Stop rolling, cameraman!" She commanded, pointing towards the crewman behind the lens.

"Yes Boss." He gave her a thumbs up.

"Make the rain more real!" She complained in the background.

"Yes Boss." He replied. She continued to give him orders, and he continued to reply with 'Yes Boss.'

"How did they go from changing our characters, into making a movie about them?" Hikaru mumbled a question while he sat beside his bother in a folding chair.

Kagome was standing in the foreground, leaning against one of the trees, watching the whole thing play out with little to no interest in it. Kyoya was scribbling on his clipboard, standing behind the twins, and Haruhi walked up to them with a towel draped around her shoulders.

"And why is there a whole film crew here to shoot it?" Haruhi just added on to their list of questions.

"Apparently she flew them in from Hollywood." Kyoya answered, pausing in his writing. "Don't you recognize him?" He asked. "That man was the director of 'The Millennium Snow'. The vampire movie that was number one at the box office last year." He told them. Haruhi's expression went blank--

"Another thing." Hikaru spoke up, slapping the script booklet in frustration. "How come this stupid script has Kaoru as the pitcher?" He huffed.

"Yeah..." Kaoru agreed with him, not understanding.

"What does that mean?" Haruhi innocently asked.

"If you don't know, then never mind." They spoke at the same time.

"Pitcher?" Haruhi repeated, blinking in confusion.

Kagome just rolled her eyes. Ignorance is bliss...eh?

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