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Everyone was waiting inside the prep room, while Haruhi finished getting dressed behind a wall of curtains--

"Umm, Senpai?" Haruhi's unsure voice flowed from beyond the curtain.

"Yes?" He asked. "You finished putting it on?" He asked curiously. She then pulled back the fabric, revealing a lovely and adorable bright-eyed beauty.

"Is it okay for me to take this?" She asked. Her hair was all fixed up, she no longer was wearing glasses, and she looked nice in the school's 'male' uniform--

"You look just like a girl!" Tamaki spoke up, while tears of joy fell from his eyes. He had his hands over his cheeks and a blush showed on his face. "You look so cute!"

A smirk showed on Kagome's face as she stood beside Mori. Took the words right out of her mouth-- So to speak.

"Haru-chan, you're so cute!" Honey complimented her in a sweet voice.

"If we would have known that's how you really looked--" Hikaru started to speak.

"We would have helped you out sooner." Kaoru finished for him.

"Who knows, maybe he will draw in some customers?" Kyoya stated, while pushing his glasses up with his finger.

"Yes, just as I predicted!" Tamaki held his finger in the air, as if he knew it the whole time. Yet we all knew it was bullcrap-- "Our errand boy is moving up the ranks! Starting today, you're an official member of the Host Club!" He announced, pointing his finger at Haruhi. "I'll personally train you into a first-class host. If you gather a hundred customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your debt." He spoke with a grin.

"A host?!" Haruhi sighed.

"Hey, does that mean Gome-chan is going to become a host too!?" Honey suddenly squeaked out, making everyone look towards her.

"..." She gave an annoyed sigh, shoving her hands into her pocket.

"If I'm not mistaken you did say you were here for Haruhi and I quote 'Whatever he does I will assist him'. " Kyoya stated with a smirk, swindling his way into making her become a host as well.

"..." She looked at Haruhi, and saw she was looking at her with her large brown orbs-- "Whatever..." She shrugged, her hands still in her pocket. Haruhi smiled, and she looked away from the happy girl, wondering if she made the right choice.

Thosedamned yellow buffalo better stay away, she thought. A heated glare in her eyestold of what was to become of them if they got too close...    

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