Chapter 2

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It'd been a few weeks since the last encounter with Dean and Sam Winchester. I survived, but I had another little trip planned. And my bruises were healed.

"Hello?" Someone said from the other side of the phone receiver.

"Bobby Singer! It's been too long." I said, turning the wheel of my baby.

I was driving to Soux Falls, South Dakota to see an old friend of my dad's.

"Kylee Popp. How's it been? I mean, since your dad passed?" He asked.

The mention of my father made my heart stop a moment, "I've been okay. I guess. Just been busy with work."

"What the reason for the call?"

"Just wanted to call my favorite hunter." I chuckled a little.

"Uh huh. I believe that." He joked along.

"Well, I'm driving, so... I'll talk to you in another couple 'a months." I said, trying to keep the surprise a secret.


Open land was all I saw. Driving through the outskirts of South Dakota wasn't very entertaining. There was nothing but dirt, and a few signs. I kept driving till I saw an old junkyard, or auto shop, sign come into view.

I pulled up, and through the stretch of dirt road. There was old cars everywhere, and of course, Bobby's van. I pulled up next to it, and grabbed a few things from my car. It'll be an interesting surprise.

I walked up to the door, and knocked. Nothing. I tried again, and a shout came from inside.

"Chill out!" It didn't sound like Bobby, but it might be another hunter friend.

The door swung open to reveal Dean Winchester.

"You know Bobby?" We asked at the same time.

"Yeah. He was friends with my dad." I said.

"Well, he's not here. So-"

"I know. It's a surprise, ass." I said, pushing past him.

"Bitch." He shouted.

"Jerk." Sam shouted.

"Not you, Sammy!" I shouted.

I heard silence when I walked into the kitchen. Sam was sitting there, choking on a beer.

"Surprise, surprise, Sammy." I joked.

"What are you-"

"Doing here? Seeing Bobby. What about you?" I leaned against the counter on my back.

"Same thing."

Without asking, I walked over to the fridge. I opened it, and saw six packs of beer cans. I quickly stole one before someone could protest. When I turned back around, Dean was looking at me with a look of distaste, and Sam was smiling. I don't know if that was a good thing, or bad...

"You're really- never mind." Dean pressed his forehead, as if he were suppressing a headache.

"Mmmm... You love me." I said, walking around. I took more sips of the beer, "Ya' know, this place hasn't changed one but since the last time I've been here."

"Jenny, what's up with you being here?" Sam asked.

"Well, A) my name isn't really Jenny. It's Kylee Popp. And B) I told you; it's for Bobby." I replied.

"You didn't think the name thing was important?" Dean spoke snidely.

"Nope." I said, walking away.

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