Chapter 20

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I sat in my lonesome room. The walls painted a white- which was now yellow with age- the beds separated with only five feet between them, and a desk pushed up against the northern wall. My bookshelf sat next to the bed I slept in. I heard my door open, and a nurse step in.

"Here's lunch, Opal. You can walk around the hall today, if you'd like," Sara, the on call nurse, set the tray down, and left my door open.

I walked over to the tray. A turkey sandwich and applesauce with water. I grabbed the spoon and took a few bites of applesauce. I wasn't really hungry.

I leaned back on the desk chair, thinking and closing my eyes. Flashes of my father's funeral, and my mother's death went across my eyelids. I let out a quiet whimper. I'd seen my father die from a heart attack. And my mother die from a hellhound. I couldn't sleep longer than two hours. I'd get nightmares of my mother's death. And then, my father's funeral. Every once in a while, Crowley's face would pop up with the same question.

I still refused to speak. They'd ask me simple questions, like what my name is, or what my favorite color was. But , I refused to answer. That's why they call me Opal. They don't call me Jane Doe, and I appreciate that.

"Opal? Here are your medications." Anther nurse came in thirty minutes after I ate.

I knew one of the six pills I downed everyday was a sedative. It didn't work very well, but they knew I had a hard time sleeping. I guess it did help.

I got up after taking my pills, and walked to my bookshelf. I grabbed an old book about supernatural creatures. I'm happy I didn't want to speak. I mean, all of this would come out and they'd put me in an insane asylum. I guess that's apart of being a hunter. You risk having people think you're crazy.

Sitting on my bed, I opened the book. A note fell from the inside cover. I looked around before opening it .


Yes, I know your name... But, that's only because I grew up with you. Every day, you'd come see me when we were kids. But, now? I haven't seen you. Maybe it's because I'm now a nurse that you never see. I'm around... Just not right here.

I'll be here around 7 PM. Don't forget.


Elizah... Who the hell was Elizah? I don't remember growing up with an Elizah. Let alone anyone named Elizah.

I crumpled the note, and flung it into the trash can. I didn't need someone creeping me out while I'm in a psych ward.

I went on to reading, and time passed, so did the book. I ended up finishing it within the four hours. I looked up at the clock. 7 PM. I scoffed. I knew it was a hoax.

A soft knock made me look at the door. It pushed open, revealing a man, no older than I was, in scrubs.

"Hello, Opal," he closed the door, "Or, should I say Kylee. Long time no see."

I gave him a confused look.

"Oh, right you don't speak. I'm Elizah. Don't you remember me? Considering we grew up together. Only , with different families."

Elizah . I remember him. He's my brother.

"I see you remember. But, I need you to get out of here. There's someone that's coming. They're dangerous," Elizah sighed, "but, I can't right now. We'll have to do it in a week or so."

I tilted my head in a questioning manner.

"It's a little late now. They're here. But, they shouldn't notice. Okay? I'll see you around." With that, Elizah walked out of my room.

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