Chapter 21

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"Kylee," someone breathed.

I turned my head towards the voice. It was Sam and Dean standing in front of the door. I turned my head back to the window, searching for nothing.

"What? No 'hello'?" Dean said.

I rolled my eyes. I tried my best to ignore them, but it was somehow impossible. I missed Sam, but I also didn't. I like being alone like this. Nobody can get hurt, and I can't get hurt. I guess after a few hours, I was released from my restraints. But, I resided to my window.

"I take that as a no. Why are you in here?" Dean spoke again.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Crowley." Sam seethed.

I nodded. Turning back to them, I sat cross legged on the windowsill.

"Did he rip your vocal cords out? Or what?" Dean mumbled.

"No you imbecile. I choose not to talk." I growled. My voice even scared me. It was rough and sounded like I had gotten my vocal cords ripped out.

"Whoa... She spoke. And she sounds like a 90 year old smoker." Dean once again spoke.

"Just because-" I coughed, making my voice normal, "I haven't seen you in a year, doesn't mean I won't hurt you."

"But, we're FBI agents... And you wouldn't want to get restrained," Dean pointed to the restraints on the bed.

"Shaddup. Why are you here?"

"Working a case. Deadly ghost around here." Sam said, "Have you noticed anything?"

"Uh... I can't really tell. It always feels like death around here," I looked them in the eye, "And it's just hard to tell. I haven't left the room."

"You got lazy," Dean mumbled.

"I could still kick your ass in a sparring match." I smirked back at him.

Dean rolled his eyes, "So, can you keep a lookout?"

"Sure." When they turned to leave, I spoke again, "Sam, wait."

He turned, but Dean kept walking. I walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I missed you," I said, pulling myself closer.

I felt his hands come around me. His chin rested on my head. I sighed.

"I missed you too," he mumbled.

When we pulled away, I felt sadness and happiness at the same time. Sam grabbed my chin, and looked into my eyes. I leaned in the few inches, and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was long overdue, but loving are passionate.

"Sammy, you- oh go Sammy!" Dean interrupted.

Sam pulled away, and we both turned a scarlet red.

"Kay... Well. Uh. I'll keep a lookout. I can't really call, but... I can figure out something." I patted Sam's shoulder, and they left.


The next night came, and I heard screaming from a few rooms down. Somebody was just having a psychotic breakdown. I thought that, until I heard:

"Help! Somebody help! It's coming! Please," it was a woman shouting.

I got up from my room, and ran to her room. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. So, I pushed it with my shoulder.

The woman was laying in a pool of her own blood. Her wrists slit , and her mouth open in mid scream. I looked into the shadows, and saw someone standing there. The culprit.

I walked over to it, "Who are you?"

"Oh, sweetheart. You know me!" It was a voice that she knew well.



A/N: sorry it's short... I needed a break. Kind of. Haha x.x

See ya soon! Haha.


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