Chapter 31

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I have two hours.

Sam and Dean have no idea how to save my ass. They tried African Dream Root, but it didn't work. Maybe because I'm that supernatural creature thing. Or something. The job description with the sword didn't come with any guide book for this issue. I sighed, and flopped back on the floor. I couldn't do anything, because a) I didn't want to run into a specific someone , and B) I can't leave the hospital.

Sam and Dean left to go to the bunker to find something. But, that was two hours ago. I was starting to get the feeling I wasn't going to get past this. But, I can't stop trying. The last thing I'll do is Give in to the psycho reaper.

"Gosh, this shit sucks." I grumbled.

I couldn't do anything on my phone, nor could I have a conversation with someone. Unless it was with one of the Winchesters. They could hear me, but not see me. I grumbled a little. I didn't want to leave my room... The whole issue with the damn reaper kinda freaked me out. I mean, being followed by someone who wants to take your soul is kinda scary. And I say that being a hunter. I've faced scarier things. 

 "Kylee?" Sam walked through the door, and put his foot straight through my abdomen. 

 "You are stepping in me!" I yelled at the Winchester. 

 "Jesus-" He grumbled, stepping back, "Why are you on the floor?" He closed the door.

 "I was bored...?" I replied, getting up, "Anything? 

 Sam sat in the chair next to my body, and grabbed my hand. He shook his head, and I thought a tear slid down his face, "No, nothing. I'm sorry. We've kept trying, but I don't think there's another way to fix this unless-"

 "If you say Demon, than I will murder you in your sleep. You're not helping me that way." I growled. I couldn't let him do that. 

Sam stood up, and had a sad look in his eyes, "If we don't, you go with that reaper, and I lose you forever. It probably won't be to heaven, because heaven is being shut down! And, all hunters go to hell. I can't lose you knowing you'll be tortured relentlessly. Kylee, I love you. I can't let you go." 

 I hung my head, "I know, Sam. But, I can't let you set a deal, because guess what? Then I lose you. I couldn't live with myself." 

 Sam kissed my body's cheek, and left the room in tears. I felt myself grow sad, then feel like nothing could break me. I could figure this out, no matter the cost. I might not wake up, but I needed to. For Sam's sake, and my own. I looked down at my body, and touched the hand. My own body flinched back. I smirked. I knew how to fix this. But, I'll wait until my time is up. Because I wanted Sam and Dean to be there with me. I smiled, and sat next to my body, and waited for time to be up.


 Three minutes. That's all I had. I started to feel upset. But, Sam and Dean walked through the door, and closed it. They looked concerned. I smiled a little. I wouldn't tell them what I had planned. 

 "I'm sorry, Kylee. We couldn't figure it out." Sam's voice came out in a whisper. 

 "I'm sorry, Kid." Dean patted my shoulder. 

 One minute. 

 The reaper stepped in, and I took my place in front of the hospital bed. She had a smirk on her face. 

 "You're not alive. Well, let's go, Kid. Time's up." The blonde reaper reached for me.

 "Technically I still have thirty seconds. Goodbye, Reaper," I growled, turning to my bed. 

 She looked confused, but I ran and jumped on to my body. I started to shake, and cough. Something was lodged in my throat, causing me to choke. I tried to pull the tube from my throat, but I heard the door burst open, and a nurse come in. A few more did, and held me down, and she pulled the tube from my throat. I sputtered for air, and caught my breath. I looked at Sam and Dean. They stood over me after the nurse left. 

 "How did you figure it out?" Dean asked.

 "I wanted this enough. So, when I touched my hand, my body flinched back. So, I figured if I jumped in, I'd be normal. See? Catch my drift?" I explained, "Oh, and now I get to hunt again!" 

 Sam looked at me with a surprised look on his face, "You almost died, and you want to hunt?" 

 "We taught you well, Kid." Dean smirked. 

 I smiled, "Okay, I'm tired." 

 I closed my eyes, and felt myself relax. 

But, a nagging feeling in my chest made me open my eyes again, and look at the boys talking in a hushed whisper. My eyes were narrowed into slits, barely able to keep them open. When they finished, they both looked at me. My eyes opened a little more, and I smiled. 

 "Couldn't sleep, Kid?" Dean asked.

 "No. Something's wrong. What is it?" I asked.

 A feeling of nervousness and sadness came throughout the room. I cocked my head a little. Something was definitely wrong.

 "It's, uh- Crowley." Dean began.

 "He's not dead." Sam finished in a rush.

 I let out a bitter, sarcastic laugh, "Of course. No wonder I was feeling that pain in my chest. Dammit, Crowley." I shook my head a little, "When were you gonna tell me?" Both of the boys looked a little nervous. I rolled my eyes, and finally closed them. I realized they weren't going to tell me. Their loss. I fell into a deep sleep- even after I was in a comatose for two days, "You weren't going to."



The boys looked at the sleeping woman in the bed. Dean had always thought she was good at finding things out. Especially since she got this sixth sense on emotions. The emotions are always the way people hide their true feeling. 

 The Winchester brothers sat in the uncomfortable chairs in the room. The only thing they needed now, were the discharge papers, and the trio was outta that hospital. Dean had a felling something bad was going to happen... Maybe because it was a hospital. But, there's always that feeling when you're a hunter. The fact that most people die earlier than most when they're hunting supernatural creatures. Makes the Winchesters wonder how they ever survived to live in their thirties. Technically, they've died at least three times... Each. Granted, they were dying becauase of Crowley, or Lucifer. 

 What was in their path now?


A/N: So, she's alive.. Well, not in a coma. You're welcome.

 >>>>Dean to the side/ at the top^^^^^


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