Sam went to the bar, while I stayed back at the motel. I pulled up the phone records again on Sammy's laptop. I had them in four pages. Nothing seemed the same. All different contacts...
I called Garth.
"Hi, Kylee!"
I sighed, "Garth, I need help on a case."
"Well, that's a first." He chuckled.
"Hey, Chuckles. The case is on a series of deaths. All men. Same death. A deadly mix of Oxytocin and an NMBD in their bloodstreams. All four. They weren't normal levels. Any clue on what this thing is?" I debriefed the whole thing for Garth.
I heard a heavy sigh from the other end, "Well... It sounds like a succubus. I mean... All men. Their bodies are stuffed with oxytocin, and put in the same place. Do you know when they died?"
Well, this just got awkward, "Uh... It said... Around like five minutes after... Ya' know..."
"Oh. Yeah. You're dealing with a succubus. It just depends on which one." Garth sighed again.
My eyes widened, "There's more than just one type?"
Garth chuckled, and I heard pages turn, "There aren't types of succubi. There's only a few different ones. Like names. Almost like angels. They have names . I don't know them... But, that's all I know."
"Thank you, Garth! You're like a living... Monster dictionary!"
Garth hung up after another few moments. I, on the other hand, got my research started.
It must've been hours later. Sam walked in the door with grub from the local diner, and drinks. He sat lazily across from me.
I closed the laptop, and leaned back. I was going cross eyed from looking at the computer screen for so long. I didn't know how desk workers did this crap.
"Anything?" Sam asked.
"Garth and I think it's a succubus," my joke even came true, "but, it needs to be figured out. Which one?"
Sam tossed me a burrito from the bag, "There are different types?"
"My question exactly. But, they're not types. So, get this. They're names. Of women. So, I did my research. But, let's eat."
I opened the burrito, and ate around half of it by the time Sam was three quarters done. We sat in silence after we ate, and let ourselves digest the pending food.
I opened the laptop again, and opened the tab. It had the list of succubi. I turned the laptop to Sam.
"My thoughts... I think it's Mara. It points out the sleep paralysis, and the fact that they die after the dirty is done. It even says here:'Mara' is the name of a fabulous ogress who hags people when sleeping. People feel pressure on their chest, and some people report that they observed Mara laying on their chest sometimes choking their necks, and mostly acompanying with sleep paralysis. ' " I watched as Sam read the information , "And, I even found a way to murder it."
"Well," I turned the laptop towards myself. I clicked on the other tab, "according to other religions, there's exorcism... They're a form a demon, according to Jewish and Christian religions. But, then there's stabbing it with and iron blade. Or both."
"I say we try both. Is it like a demon exorcism?" Sam leaned forward.
I moved the computer towards him, "Nope. Completely different trap. Completely different exorcism. It's not Latin. It's Greek."
I showed him the pages on the internet. He read through them. He looked confused. I felt a sudden feeling of fear.
"What if it doesn't work?"
"Well, we go to plan B." I smirked.
"What's plan B?"
"We run." Sam rolled his eyes, "I'm kidding."
"But, seriously. What if it doesn't work?"
"Well, then... Plan B is having a ton of traps," I shrugged, "and then do the exorcism... If that doesn't work, we jam a friggin' iron knife through her heart."
Sam nodded, "one problem."
"What's that, Sammy?" I began to get nervous.
"Do we have iron knives? Or anything iron?"
"We have iron Crow-bars. And iron axes. We could come up with something." I thought out loud .
I decided to close up for the night. I mean, now we have to figure out who the succubus is possessing. Yeah, no. I'm so not getting sleep.
"Who do you think the succubus is possessing?" I asked Sam.
"Well, since we have no clue, I say we wait by the scene of the drop off." Sam replied.
I looked at the time before I sat back down. 10 o'clock.
"Well, let's go then." I mumbled. I got dressed in Jean shorts, and a random t-shirt from my bag, "Let's grab as much iron as possible. And... Spray paint. We're gonna need it."
We walked to Dean's impala, and opened the trunk. I grabbed the false bottom, and yanked it open. Arsenal filled the holes. I grabbed everything that looked like iron. I grabbed two crow bars, and iron nailed bat, and an iron axe.
"Where did Dean get an iron nailed bat?"
"I have no idea."
From there, we went.
A/N: To get something cleared up, the sword is a necklace. It turned itself into one to hide from getting found... IF that makes any sense...

Save Me [Supernatural Fanfic]
Fiksi Penggemar*** DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the characters. Except for Kylee, and Vivian. -maybe even more in the future- all credit goes to the creators -Eric Kripke and Robert Singer-***** I'm a hunter. A young one at that. I hunt the supernatural things tha...