Chapter 36

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I sat at the table the Winchesters had left all of their weapons and stuff laying around. I mean, you'd think they'd be more careful, but I guess not.

I held one of my pure silver knives. The tip of the blade was almost puncturing my left index finger, while the simple wooden handle was being held with my other hand. Seeing my reflection, I smirked. I still looked the same, but the bags under my eyes were gone, and I didn't have the pesky feeling of fear.

"Sam, I had to stop you! You-" Dean's loud voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Dean, I don't care if I could've died! Kylee is missing and we have no clue where she is!" Sam protested against Dean.

I sighed at their bickering. Does this ever stop? Or is it just an ongoing thing with these two? I smirked, and spun the wheely chair towards them. Still not noticing me, they kept bickering.

"Guys!" A new voice came out. The boys turned to Kevin. Kevin rolled his eyes, and pointed at me, "She's not missing."

The boys' heads whipped towards me. I smirked, and waved at Kevin. He rolled his eyes, and walked away. Now that it was just me and the boys, I stood up. Sam had a confused look on his face, and Dean just looked sour.

"Before all of the questions come flowing out of your mouths, I'll answer them for you," I pointed at Sam, and began to mimic his voice, "'Kylee, where have you been?'" I pointed at myself, "Here. I let myself out of the hospital." Pointing at Sam again, I said, "What happened?" I sighed for dramatic effect, "I felt like coming here to get my stuff." The boys seemed surprised. The silence bothered me, "What, Sammy? Abbadon got your tongue?"

I waited for them to reply... But, got nothing.

"What happened to you?" Dean asked, scoffing.

"Darkness, Dean. Darkness happened." I said, grabbing my bags.

Slinging them over my shoulders, I walked past the stunned brothers. Quickly making it to the garage, I grabbed my keys from the hook. My impala wasn't parked that far, but I nearly ran to the beautiful thing.

Dumping my crap into the trunk, I quickly made it to the front seat. I ran my hands over the steering wheel, and took a deep breath. The scent of worn leather, and junk food wafted through my nostrils. I smiled, and popped in one of my favorite tapes. Warrant. Uncle Tom's Cabin blasted through my speakers, and I took my chance for a grand exit.

I stepped on the gas, and the tires squealed against the concrete. I sped away from the garage, and found the open road.


After a few hours of driving through Missouri, I dug through my glove compartment. Grabbing the bag of cell phones, I grabbed my main one. Rolling down my window, I tossed it carelessly out the window. A few miles later, another cell went out the window. I continued doing this until the bag was empty.

"Now you Winchesters can't find me." I growled.

I kept driving until my gas tank was almost empty.

A few more miles passed, and I found a gas station. I hopped out, Grabbing the pump, and unscrewing the gas cap. My credit card scam payed for the gas. After filling up, I heard my stomach growl.

"God, I hope there aren't any demons in here." I mumbled to myself.

Just in case, I grabbed my demon knife. Safety precautions.

I walked into the gas station, and started back to the drinks. Grabbing a few energy drinks, and a few teas. Now , for the road food. Funyuns, beef jerky, and random crap. At the check out, the lady gave me a weird look.

"I'm going on a road trip with a few other people," I said.

She nodded, giving me the total. I handed her the credit card, and paid for it. Leaving the station, I was surprised about the no demon thing. Do they have a 'No Demon' policy? Or what?

I began my ride again, opening one of the monsters. Ready for a long, Uneventful ride.




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