Chapter 8

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While dumb and dumber slept, Castiel appeared. I sat on the little counter in the small kitchenette.

"I have news." He dead panned.

"Lay it on me, Angel Boy." I whispered.

"I'll lay the news on you? That does not make any sense."

"It's figuratively. Tell me what happened." I moved on, and rolled my eyes.

"Well, from now on, you have to stay out of sight. There's demons, and other creatures on the watch for you. So, stay somewhere safe." Cas wasn't so good at the whispering thing.

"Cas!" He disappeared, "There's nowhere safe to hide."

Ignoring his orders, I went to Sammy's computer, and searched up 'Sacred Sites'. What? It was the only guess I had. Caves, mountains, and companies popped up. I canceled out GW companies, and clicked on a website that held 'sacred places of God.' Hah... Yeah. Right. But, I clicked on it anyways.

Mountains all over the world popped up. From India, to the Rockies in Colorado. Another link sped me over to the Rocky Mountain National Park. I scrolled around, clicking on links for mountain sites, and caves. That's when something caught my eye.

"'Cave of Wanders. Sword of goddess in the center of cave. Pull it out, win $1,000.' Yahtzee. Found my sword. Only, I'm not winning the money." I mumbled to myself. Before I closed the laptop, I looked at the picture. The stone that held the sword had ancient drawings all over it. I looked at the clock, "Seven AM... Time to shower and eat."

Looking for my duffel, I realized it wasn't here. Great. I grabbed my keys, and walked out to my car. I propped open the motel door with my shoe, and unlocked my car. Opening my trunk, it was slammed, and I was thrown on top of it,

"So, this is where you choose to hide out? With Moose and Dean?" Crowley's accent was in front of me.

"Who says in hiding out? I'm here to ice Dick. So, please drop the invisible hold." I growled.

Another growl came from my feet. There sat the oversized Rottweiler, "if you don't tell me where the sword is, I'll let my pup have an early dinner."

"You said you'd leave me alone. So... Go."

He smirked, "Actually, I said I'd leave. Never said anything about leaving you alone."


"Ass? Yes I know. Now, where is the sword?"

"I don't know! I'm looking for it. I've been looking for it since you left me four days ago." I growled.

"I'll give you seven more days. If you don't find it, Buddy will have a snack." With that, he disappeared, and I fell off my trunk.

I brushed myself off, and re-opened the trunk. I grabbed my duffel, and ran back to the room. Both of them still slept. So, me being me, I grabbed a machete and hit it against the mini table. Both of them grabbed the guns under the pillows, and almost shot me. I smirked, and put the weapon away.

"Mornin' boys." I said, going back to the shower.


I dried my body off, and pulled clean clothes from the bag. I put on black slacks, a turquoise blouse, and a black blazer. Drying my hair, it turned to its natural mini curls. I left it that way, and brushed through it. Walking out of the bathroom , I shoved everything back in it. Before I closed it, I grabbed my flats. Slipping them on, I felt eyes all over me.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer before I smack you." I said, without looking at them.

"You're really a wonderful person, ya' know that?" Dean said sarcastically.

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