Chapter 12

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By the time we got back to Bobby's, Sam was about ready to tickle me. As soon as we got back inside, Sam swooped me up, and brought me to a couch. His fingers graced my ribs, making me unable to breathe. I started to laugh really hard. I think I looked like a retarded seal; clapping my hands, and not being able to make a noise.

With one reassuring kick, Sam was on the floor, and I was getting payback. Even though he's not ticklish, I was sitting sideways on his chest. He was still laughing, and making me chuckle. My butt sat straight on his torso.

"You done yet?" I asked.


Without warning, Sam quickly moved from under me. My butt connected with the floor, creating a pain in my ass. Literally.

"You're so not funny." I grumbled.

Sam laughed again, and pulled me up with him. His chest was up against my back, so I leaned into him. His hands wrapped around me. The silence wasn't bad.

"Ya' know... I found out where the sword was." I whispered.

"Where?" Sam said back.

"Please, do tell, Moose number 2." Crowley appeared.

"I'm not telling you." I growled.

Someone grabbed Sam, pulling him away from me. I looked around. It was one of Crowley's demons.

"How about this? If you don't tell me, I'll kill Sam and make you watch... Then, take you hostage until you tell me?" Crowley grabbed my shoulder tightly, making me cringe.

"Fine. I'll tell you. If you let Sam go. " I leaned, trying to get pressure from my shoulder. Crowley's demon let Sam go, and Crowley waited for me to answer, "It's in India. Somewhere in the mountains. That's as far as I know."

Crowley let me go, but I still had some trouble in my arm. It felt numb .

"If you're lying, you'll miss your lungs." Crowley was gone.

"We don't have much time, Sam. Get your stuff, and let's go." Sam grabbed his stuff, and came back over to me, "I'll call Garth and tell him that we had to go. He'll take the car to his place."

I grabbed whatever stuff I had, and ran to my car. Sam ran to Dean's impala, and followed me out of Bobby's. We sped through Soux Falls, and didn't get caught. If Crowley was going to be the death of me, then I'm going to live as long as I can.


Still speeding through Wyoming, I saw Sam pull over in my rearview mirror. I pulled over with him, and got out. We were on a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere.. This didn't creep me out at all.

"What's up, Sammy?" I leaned up against my car.

"Where are we going? I thought we were going to Boston?" Sam leaned against my car next to me.

"Colorado. We are getting my sword. If you don't want to come, you can go to Boston. I just need to get the sword before Crowley finds out I was lying."

"Well, I guess we should get going." Sam pulled me into a soft kiss, and went to Dean's Impala.

The state lines weren't far from where we were. Maybe an hour or so. But, we still needed to travel into the mountains. So, taking a few hours of rest, I pulled into a motel. Sam behind me. I bought a room for one night, just so we could rejouvenate our bodies. With four hours of sleep, I think I'll be okay.

We lied next to each other. I kept my head on his chest, and curled up. I didn't know what time I had left, so I kept as much of it with Sam.

Within a few moments, Sam's beathing softened. I knew he was sleeping because soft snores escaped his mouth. I untangled myself from him, trying not to wake him . I grabbed my phone, and slid outside. I clicked on Garth's name.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Garth, we're not at Bobby's any more . The car is in Bobby's shed. The keys should be hanging by the door." I shortened everything.

"Okay. Where are you?" He asked.

"Wyoming. Just, don't come to us... We've got the King Of Hell looking... Possibly going to murder me. So, please, stay where you are, Garth."

"Okay... Call me when you're safe." Garth hung up.

I took my Nokia Lumina and popped off the back. I pulled the battery, and the SIM card out. I snapped them in two. Now, no one can track me.

I walked back inside and saw Sam still sleeping. I couldn't bring myself to lay next to him anymore. I couldn't fall asleep, that I know. I can't believe I'm bringing a Winchester into this... Let alone someone I've come to love. Even though he's strong, he's already lost so much.


A few hours passed, and I was still awake. Four hours was already gone. I saw movement from the King size bed. Sam rubbed his eyes, and stretched . I saw him freak out a little after he noticed I wasn't in the bed. I made myself known as I was sitting at the small table. He walked to the bathroom , and I heard the shower start. I grabbed his computer, and looked up on that mountain where the sword is.

According the the website, nobody has had any luck pulling the thing out. Why would someone have the great idea to put the damn thing in a cave, lodged in a rock? Obviously someone who doesn't want it to be taken.

"What are you looking at?" Sam's voice was right next to my ear.

I just a little in surprise, "Making sure my weapon is still there."

"Fun." He said sarcastically.

I shook my head, closing the page and turning off the laptop. I turned around on the chair, crossing my arms and leaning on the back of the chair . Sam was standing with a towel around his waist. Why does he always do this?

"Get dressed. I don't need to see that." I covered my eyes with one of my hands.

"You already have." He retorted.


I got up, and grabbed my clothing from my duffel. Seeming how Sam was being careless, I stripped down, and pulled on another pair of jean shorts, and a graphic tee. It was from one of my favorite movies. The very first Hulk movie with Lou Ferrigno. I'm a DC/Marvel girl... I like both.

I tuned back to Sam, and he just had his eyebrow raised. I smirked.

"Ready, lover boy?" I joked, pulling on my combat boots.

Sam pulled on his shirt, and grabbed the rest of his stuff. We left the motel, and stood between out cars. I put my bag in the passenger seat of my car. Sam did the same, and came back to stand in front of me. He pulled me closer to him , and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, and put my hands on his shoulders. I pulled back.

"I'll see you in a little while." I whispered, getting in my car.

I revved my engine, and got ready to get to Colorado.


A/N: hello! I hope you're loving my story :3


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