Chapter 23

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Sam and Dean waited for Kylee to wake up... But it wasn't happening. Sam sat right next to Kylee, while she 'slept' peacefully on his motel bed. Sam grabbed her hand, and he squeezed. Sam was afraid to lose someone he loved... Again. He and Dean had already lost so many people. It didn't seem fair at all to either of the brothers.

"Dean, do you think she's gonna wake up? I mean-"

"Sam, she'll wake up," Dean paced around their motel room.

"Dean, I don't think she will," Sam checked her pulse, and spoke again, "Her pulse isn't normal. It's too low to be normal."

"She'll wake up. Just give it time Sammy."

The boys heard the flutter of wings, and Castiel was standing behind Dean.

"Cas, Get out of my ass!" He whisper shouted.

"But, I wasn't-"

"Never mind. Cas, what's wrong with her?" Dean waved his hand at Kylee's slowly breathing body.

Cas looked at Kylee, then back at Dean, "Her body is healing. It is essential that she is all healed.She's the chosen one to help with the Trials. The final trial, she must help you do it. It will not only be Sam completing them."

"Dammit!" Sam shouted.

Dean shook his head, and began pacing again. What would happen if she woke up? Would she remember anything? At all? Would she be brain dead? A wraith is petty much going to fry someones brain if it got ahold of it. The last time Sam and Dean dealt with one, it turned someone's brain into a black rock. What if that happened to Kylee? 

 "She should wake up soon." Cas spoke in a guff voice, and disappeared. 

 Both Dean and Sam were on edge. All of the questions ran through their minds. What if she never wakes up? There were a ton of What-Ifs running through Sammy's little mind.

 A loud gasp came from the bed. Sam tipped back in the chair, and Dean looked surprised. Kylee's eyes looked around the room. 

 "Who are you, and where the hell am I?" She freaked out.

 Sam got up and Dean stared back. The hell happened with her head?

 "Uh... I'm Sam Winchester, and this is my brother Dean. You're in a motel in Denver. Relax, we're not gonna hurt you," Sam began. 

"What do you remember?" Dean cut to the chase.

 "Nothing... Absolutely nothing." Kylee said after a moment of thinking.

 Dean pulled Sam outside of the motel room. They had an argument on whether or not they should tell he eveything. Sam said they should, but Dean made his mind on letting her figure it out with pictures. But, they needed her. Whether it be for the trials that Sammy started, or just protection. 

"Fine, Sam. Go ahead. Tell her everything. It'll be faster," Dean massaged his temples, "God, why does everything seem to be getting harder?" He mumbled to himself. 

 Sam shook his head, and walked back into the room. Kylee sat on the bed, fiddling with the sword that was placed around her neck. She looked puzzled, but also amused. She heard the bothers fighting about whatever they wanted to tell her. She smiled to herself. 

 "So, uh, do you remember your name?" Sam sat on the other bed across from her.

 "No," Kylee answered simply.

 "Well, your name is Kylee Popp," Sam began to tell her what happened to her parents, what she does for a living, what's happened in the past year, what has happened to Bobby and Garth. But, Sam left out one thing. Their relationship. He thought it'd be better if they started over. After a moment of silence, Sam told Kylee about how the trio met. He told her everything he knew. 

 Kylee looked at Sam, "So, what you're saying is that we're a bunch of crazy people that hunt the Supernatural, and we're a bunch of loonies?" 

 Dean grumbled, and looked at her, "Not what he's explaining. What he's saying is that you're a hunter, I'm a hunter, he's a hunter, and there's non-hunters that need our help so they can live without the supernatural in their lives terroizing towns and kids! We aren't crazy, but we get that a lot. Okay?"

 Dean seemed to say it in one breath, but Kylee caught on to what he meant, "Okay. So... What do you want me to do as of now?" 

 "Start training again. Until you get your memories back," Dean grumbled. 

 The trio heard the sound of wings flapping, and Cas appeared Standing next to Dean. Kylee jumped, and a 'Who the hell are you,' came out of her mouth.

 "I am Castiel. I am surprised you do not know who I am," Cas gave her a questioning look.

 "Uh, Cas. She lost her memories because of a wraith. So, we forgot to tell her about you. But, we did tell her about Crowley," Dean explained to the confused angel.

Cas nodded, "Well, help her get her memories back."

 "How?" Kylee piped in.

 "You'll figure it out soon enough," With that, Cas disappeared. 

 "What exactly is Cas?" Kylee asked.

 "An angel. They're dicks." Dean grumbled.

 "Except for Cas," Sam fixed Dean's words. 

 Kylee nodded, and relaxed a little. She had this feeling in the back of her mind to trust them... But, where did the feeling come from?


A/N: So? Any thoughts? At all? Yes? No? 


 Me: This whole popping up out of nowhere is really getting annoying...

 Sam: Well, fix this mess! We already have enough problems.

 Me: It'll be fixed in a while... Maybe.

 Yeah, so... Leave thoughts in the comments, please!


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