Chapter 37

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I pulled over on the side of the road, sighing. The next motel was in 50 miles... As well as the next town. Sighing again, I pulled my car behind a few trees, and got out. Stretching made my spine crack, and my joints to go numb.

Crawling into my backseat, I let myself get pulled into a dark sleep.


"Kylee," a weird voice echoed into the empty white space.

Somehow, I knew who the voice belonged to, "Metatron? What the hell are you doing in my dream?"

The flap of wings echoed, and Metatron stood in front of me. He had a smirk on his creepy face. He seemed to be in his early fourties, with a gruffy face, and a round body. He cocked his head, "I'm going to give you two choices. You either join me, and become my ally, or," He pointed behind me, "You let those three twats chop your head off and carry it around."

I turned to where he pointed. Dean, Sam, and Cas were standing there. Dean had a murderous look on his face, and held a large machete. Sam had a hurt look on his face, and a syringe of blood in his hand. Cas... His face was concentrated... And he had an Angel thing in his hand. But, he wasn't in his usual attire. He was wearing a blue vest, and a pair of khakis, and a button up. The nametag said 'Steve' on it. I began to laugh.

"You really think they're gonna find me? Let alone kill me? Metatron, you must be high. Those 'twats' couldn't find their asses if they weren't tied on." I said, crossing my arms, and looking at him.

He scoffed, "What do you think I'm here for? I could tell them exactly where you are!"

My eyebrows raised, and a smirk placed itself on my lips, "You think they're gonna believe you? You betrayed them, Metty... Yes, I know about the Fall of the Angels. Cas told me about doing trials for you, and then when they were done, a 'Meteor Shower' happened."

"Fine. Don't join me. Good dreams to you, Elf." Metatron disappeared.

I turned to the three men walking toward me. I felt a short pain in my neck, and saw Sam had injected the blood. A burning sensation like fire erupted through my veins. Crowley's blood. A warmth spread through my abdomen, and I looked down, collapsing to my knees. Dean's machete was portruding from my abdomen. I coughed, sending blood spattering across their pants. With one last look at their faces, I saw Cas swing his arm back, and a bright light danced across my eyes.

Shooting up, I hit my head on the roof of my impala.

"Dammit." I cursed.

Metatron could get in my head, which means he could really give my place away. Especially with Ezekiel. Yes, I also knew about the possession of Sam Winchester with an Angel. The word gets around the hunter world... Fast. I smirked a little. That meant the other hunters were going to go after Sam again. Poor Winchester luck.

The light of the sunrise poured through the windows, making me yawn. Getting out of my car, I stretched again, and sat back in the front seat. The engine roared to life as I got back on the road. Of course, the roads stayed empty. I am in the middle of nowhere, so it makes sense.

An annoying ring made me stop, nad snap my head to my backseat. Did I really forget a phone? I frowned, grabbing it.

'Sam' was written across the screen. I tapped the 'Answer' thing.

"Hunter services. How may I help you?" I said in a fake tone.

"Where the hell are you?" It was Dean's voice.

"Why do you care?"

"Sammy is freaking out, and Metatron just visited the cafe we were in, and told us you were by lake Erie." Dean rushed out.

I scoffed, "Well, I'm just about to drive into Columbus... So... He was wrong about that." I said.

"Dammit, Kylee!" Dean shouted.

"You do know this could be a wild goose chase. I'm not me anymore, Dean-O."

"Well considering we're right behind you, means that this goose chase isn't even gonna start." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I turned behind me. There the trio of twats sat. Dean with the phone to his ear, and Sam glaring at my car. I hung up the phone, and pressed harder on the gas pedaL. I sped a little farther than where they were, but Dean caught up. Still not giving up, I yanked the wheel, completely spinning me around and putting me on the other side of the road. I sped the opposite direction of the boys, and saw them slouch a little. But, soon, Dean did the same thing I did. Sighing, I faced the inevitable. I pulled my impala to the side of the empty highway. Dean slowed his, and pulled behind me. I pulled my keys from the ignition, and got from my car.

The three boys stood in a line- shoulder to shoulder- in front of me.

"Long time , no see, boys." I said.

"You know what's happening now, Kylee." Cas piped.

"Oh, I know well what will soon happen. But, who says you can actually get close enough to me ?" I asked, yanking my sword from the chain. It turned into a full sized weapon, and I set the tip on the asphalt. I leaned on it like a cane.

Dean stopped Cas from walking forward, "We don't want to kill you, Kid. Can't ya' just... Switch it back?"

"No, Dean. She can't," Castiel's voice came gruffly.

"There's gotta be a loop hole," Sam interrupted.

I smirked to myself, "who said I wanted to turn back. I kinda like this carelessness."

Sam pulled something from his pocket. My eyes visibly widened. Now it was turning into my dream. The same syringe filled as much as it could with blood. Dean pulled out a large machete , and Cas his angel thing .

I brought up my sword, and took my stance. I could feel my eyes begin to glow , and all three of them came at me. I kicked Cas backward, causing his blade to skid away. I kicked Dean back, and saw his machete also fly back. Dean landed with a groan, and Sam came closer to me.

"Kylee, I don't want to do this." Sam said, raising his brows.

I smirked, "Do it Sam. I know you can."

I heard one of the others come closer, so I turned around. I kicked Cas back again, and made him lose consciousness. With my back turned to Sam, I felt the needle go into my neck. I scrunched up my face as I felt the fire burn through my body. I turned to Sam, and a now standing Dean. I held my sword tighter and got ready to swing. Dean retaliated by smacking his machete against it, and making me drop it. Dean was about to swing, but I grabbed his neck. I held his long enough without getting interrupted by Sammy. Dean passed out. I dropped his body, but as soon as I turned, I felt a heat against my abdomen.




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