Chapter 30

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How the hell is Sam gonna fix this? I couldn't tell how long it was. There was no clock in this room, and being half dead doesn't help either. You can't tell time! This shit sucks. I tapped my foot silently against the tile floor. I couldn't wait to be back into my own body. I kept looking at the door. All I saw were people running around the hospital. Nurses, doctors, EMTs, Paramedics with people on stretchers, etcetera. I couldn't walk around, because of the reaper issue. Why did being half dead suck so much? I mean, I wouldn't die without a fight, but I also didn't imagine dying in a hospital bed. I imagined dying from something much more... Murderous. Like a Wendigo... Or a werewolf, or a vampire. Whatever thing that isn't a hospital. I couldn't walk around the whole hospital and avoid a reaper. I mean, they're probably every where looking for me. I bet I could-

"Kylee?" Sam barged in with his brother.

"Dude, she's not gonna answer. You were just hearing things," Dean said, rolling his green eyes.

"Hey! Who's hearing things now?" I shouted back.

Dean looked at my body, then at Sam, "Okay, now I hate hospitals more."

I rolled my eyes, "Wimp."

"Just because I can't see you, doesn't mean I can't get you back for that." Dean retorted.

"Shaddup. So, what was on that tape?" I asked, leaning next to Dean. I leaned next to his ear, and whispered, "Dean-O."

He flinched, swatting at me. He growled. Then looked at his brother, "Dude, your girlfriend has a sick sense of humor."

"I know. It's hilarious." Sam said, and we both smirked, "And the video had the answer. I had Dean get the file, and I read through it. There has to be pure blood, someone who has no troubles, or has confessed to something they're guilty of-"

"In our case, murder," I put my opinion in.

"Sure," Sam rolled his eyes, "and then the blood has to be injected into a demon- or into the body of the corrupted. So, it should purify the demon, and our trial thing is over. The gates of hell shall be sealed."

"Okay, what I don't get. How are you going to get a demon to sit still for that long?" I asked, sitting back next to my unconscious body.

"Well, we found some stuff from the Men of Letters. We have a dungeon." Dean smirked.

"I'm guessing so many dirty animated porn images went through your head," I commented.

"It's called Anime!" Dean shouted at my body.

I laughed. He was so stupid. And dirty minded. But, dirty ,minded we all are, "Anyway, when are you going to do this?"

Sam answered before Dean could say something stupid, "After you're better."

"Oh." I layed next to my body, "How are we gonna fix this? And no selling your soul to save me."

"Dammit. You busted me." Dean mumbled sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, can you figure out how to fix me?"

"Yes, just give us a few." Sam spoke again..


Deciding on leaving the boys, I walked around the halls. People walked through me, and I silently cursed. Totally forgot people couldn't see me. I kept walking, and saw a little blonde girl, maybe 10 years old, was walking around. She had this horrified look on her face, and she was shouting at people around her. Nobody looked. Dammit. She looked at me, and I quickly ran into some random wall. I landed in some old guys room. I sat silently for a moment.

"Hello?" It was the little girl standing in the door way.

I pretended not to hear her, and I got up, and left the room. I hung my head, pretending to mourn for the old man. The little girl followed me. I sat down on one of the little chairs outside of the rooms. I put my face in my hands, and spoke to myself.

"I can't believe he's dying... I-" I was cut off by the girl standing next to me.

She looked at me with wide blue eyes. Suddenly, she was a grown woman, maybe 22. She looked at me with a smirk, "Nice acting."

I flailed my arms a little, and ran to my room. She walked after me. As I was in my room, Sam and Dean were pacing.

"Guys. Reaper! Reaper!" I shouted at the two brothers.

"What?!" They both looked at my body.

"Reaper! Saw me!" I panted... Wait, why am I tired?

"Shit!" Sam cussed.

"Did you just- never mind. No time. Uh- what do I do?" I asked, pulling at my hair.

"You come with me!" Blondie Reaper stood in the door way.

"No! I'm not dying yet." I growled.

"Is it here?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Sam. She is." I shouted.

"Shit." He said again.

I looked over at my body, "I'm not ready."

The reaper rolled her eyes, "Kylee, it's your time. Let's go."

"No!" I shouted.

She reached for me, but quickly pulled back. She had a scowl on her face, "I'll give you until midnight. 'Til then, Popp."

She disappeared. I looked at the boys, a tear rolling down my face. We had six hours... What was I going to do? I knew something could happen. To fix this.

"Dude, are you okay?" Dean looked at my body.

"No, Dean. I HAVE SIX HOURS. Help me fix this!" I shouted.

"Relax... We'll figure it out. " Sam reassured, stopping a fight between Dean and I.

I sat, once again, next to my body. I couldn't believe this could be it...


A/N: so, Candice Accola is the reaper! Haha.



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