Chapter 33

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Since the last trial was postponed, we all decided to help train Kevin a little. He was virtually useless aside from the prophet thing. Seriously though, he was useless. We started with the hand on training. Fighting without the weapon... Then moved on to the harder stuff. Which, by the way, was my profession. I taught Kevin a little about the throwing knives, and the standard pistol. Scary when he points it with his finger on the trigger, a little, but when he aims, it's even worse. Why? Because he has no practice.

I let him empty out a full 15 rounds. So, when he was done, he looked confused. I rolled my eyes.

"We've gone over this, Kevin." I stated, waiting for him to figure it out.

I knew he was a smart kid, but weaponry was not his thing. I face palmed, and yanked the pistol out of his hands. Grabbing the full magazine, I dropped the empty one, and slammed the new one in. The clatter of the empty casing made Kevin flinch, while it did nothing to me. As fast as I loaded the weapon, I turned, aimed, and shot all 15 rounds into the paper. All head, and heart shots. When I finished, I set the gun on the table, and looked at Kevin.

"See?" I asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes.

Both of us went up the stairs, and realxed a little. Sam and Dean were bickering about their usual things. How Dean has horrible eating habits, and horrible music- which I disagree with- and how it's gonna somehow get them all killed. And then Dean retorting with the ever so great line of, 'Bitch.' Just one big happy family. Ain't it?

Kevin and I just waited for Dean and Sam to notice our quiet laughing. Standing in the door way of the kitchen, Kevin and I heard them mumbling. Which, by the way, made us laugh even harder. Finally, Sam finally turned to us, and his eyes squinted into a glare. I smirked, and Dean turned towards us. That was the only thing that made us burst out in loud laughter. Sam and Dean looked at each other, then at me.

"Run, Kevin! Run!" I shouted, pushing him away.

Kevin ran somewhere, while the brothers looked at me. I cocked my head. I knew they were gonna do something stupid. But, what? Dean took me off guard, and pulled me to the ground. I flailed, and tried to get out of his grasp. Dean pinned my arms down, and Sam sat on top of me. My eyes widened.

"Sam, don't do it!" I yelled, trying to pivot.

"Do it, Sammy." Dean urged him.

"No sex for a week." I growled. Sam's eyes widened, but then a smirk played on his lips. He was gonna do it, "Sam, I swear to god! If you do this, no sex for a month, and your balls will get chopped off. Dean, yours too."

Dean's eyes visibly widened, but his grip only got tighter. Sam slowly moved his hands up my torso. I felt his fingers lightly touch my ribs. My eyes widened, and I had to keep in a laugh. The tickling became more violent, and I was thrashing and trying not to give in to my laughing. When the tickling didn't halt, I finally let a laugh escape my mouth. I gasped, trying to get oxygen. The tickling abrubtly stopped, and Dean's large hands let go. Sam bent his face over.

"I'm not Dean. I can wait," he whispered.

I brought my knee in between his legs, and pushed him back. With a grunt, Sam landed on his back. I crawled on top of him seductively. Time for a little pay back. With my face over his, I let a kiss on the corner of his mouth, and going down the side of his neck. I could hear his grumble of delight. I smirked.

I felt his hands grasp my hips, and I kissed back up to his ear.

"Karma, bitch." I whispered.

Quickly standing up, I walked away from Sam. Keeping my promise, I'll tease him a little. Smirking, I kept my pace into the kitchen.

Dean and Kevin were laughing about something.

"Whatcha' talking about?" I asked.

Kevin turned to me while I sat on the counter, "Just talking."

I nodded. I raised an eyebrow as Sam walked in. He had a sour look on his face like someone shoved a pointy stick up his ass. But, it soon turned into a bit of a frown.

"Okay, we need to figure out a plan for Mr. King of Hell. When exactly is this happening?" I started our little conversation. It needed to be started...

Dean cocked his head a little, "Dunno, Kid. What do you suggest?"

I rubbed my forehead with my hand. I had no clue, "Dean, I don't know if you're stupid, or just mildly retarded. That's why I asked, AssHat."

"Okay, guys. Well, since I have to confess in a church to make myself pure, I say we do it in the church. I mean, yes, it's ironic, but it's a quick thing." Sam said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I nodded, but kind of shook my head afterwards, "Well, what if-"

"I say it's a great idea." Dean interrupted me.

Narrowing my eyes, I, again, cocked my head and the elder winchester, "Dean-"

"It's a good idea. Sam's right. It'll be quick, fast, and easy." Dean narrowed his eyes at me, "And, since you're back, you have to help Sammy with the final trial."

This time, I squinted my eyes, and cocked my head even farther, "What do you mean, I need to help?"

"He means that's your job, Kylee. It's always the job of the Elf." Cas interrupted out banter.

I jumped in freight, "Jesus, Cas." The thought hit me, "Wait, you mean I'm one of Santa Claus' little helpers?"

"Santa Claus is not real. As for you being one of-"

"Cas, it was an analogy. I know Santa isn't real." I mentally face-palmed myself. I have to learn not to use those around Cas.

Dean had a smirk on his face, "You're one of Santa's little helpers."

Hopping off the counter and walking over to him, I smacked the back of his head, "Cas, explain."

Castiel sighed, and sat next to Kevin. He looked down like he didn't want to share his thoughts. Sighing again, he looked back up at me, "The Elf is a being that helps out humans. Much like Santa Claus's helpers you speak of. There're two types of Elf. Light, and dark. Kylee, you could be either one. It's hard to tell at such an early stage. Devine traits are in your DNA, but that's including magic. The more magic you use, the more devine you become. But, that could also go the other way. At this point, all I can tell is that you could either help the Winchesters, or you could completely create chaos among the human world."

My shoulders fell, and a deep frown came upon my face, "Cas, how am I supposed to help Sam with the trials?"

"You protect him. When he's doing the last trial, you can't let him get hurt. It'll either make him die, or your whole demeanor will change. Darkness takes over, and there's no saving you. I will be forced to kill you." Cas explained, "Or, one of the Winchesters will."

My eyes widened. I frowned, "So, pretty much I die, or something happens to Sam. Wonderful."

Before I could finish, Cas had disappeared. So, the good news: We figured out what I am. The bad news: We figured out what I am.


A/N: Hello, lovelies! So, I think there'll only be a few more chapters. +-+"


Faithfully is my favorite Journey song, so.... Yeah.

And a random Jennifer Lawerence to the side. :D


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