Chapter 13

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Colorado air wasn't as clean as you thought it'd be. I mean, the closer we got to the mountains, the nicer it became. Spring time always helped in that department.

Sam and I pulled up to a Motel 8. Talk about hepatitis A through C covered sheets.

"I'm good with sleeping on the floor." I mumbled.

"It can't be that bad." Sam dead panned, setting his things on the floor.

"Take a UV light and go over it." I challenged.

Sam went to Dean's impala, and I assumed grabbed a UV light. When he came back in, he swept the whole room. It was surprisingly clean.

"I win." He put the light down, and tackled me on the bed.

Sam pinned me to the bed, and kissed me lightly on the lips. Quickly reversing the positions, I straddled Sammy's hips, and slowly dragged my hands down his chest to his waistband. I slightly yanked on the hem, and pulled myself off of him. I ruined the moment.

"You're such a tease." Sam rolled his eyes.

"That's the point ." I joked.

Instead of sitting down, I made a crappy pot of coffee. Since we had unknown amounts of time, I wanted to get moving on the sword.

"So, what's the plan?"

I thought for a few moments, "Well, since it'll be dark soon, I say we go hiking to the cave."


I pulled on hiking boots, along with my sweat pants, and a thermal long sleeve shirt. It's cold... surprisingly .

Grabbing my set of keys, I made sure I had everything, "Sam, are you ready? I mean , you don't have to go if-"

"I'm coming." He grabbed his own keys, but kept them in his pocket, "And we're taking your car."

"Sam, you really don't have to come. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Too bad. Let's go."


We pulled up as close as we could to the hiking place. The moon was all the way up at its crescent, creating a small patch of light. I liked the dark, truly. It was peaceful.

Before exiting my Impala, I grabbed my holster, pistol, knives, and ammo. Just in case. Sam handed me a flashlight... Almost forgot. Oops.

"Ya' know , it's funny you do this behind Crowley's back ." A female voice was in front of my car.

"Oh... Vivian! You're here. What a pleasure. Now leave before I shove salt down your throat, and exorcize you." I threatened her. Gosh, it felt good .

"I'm actually here to help. Let's go! I know the way."

Vivian started walking into the path. Sam and I looked at each other. He shrugged, and I didn't trust Vivian anymore . She possessed me!


We stopped about halfway up the mountain. Sam wasn't even breathing hard. Me, on the other hand... I was panting. I can do running, but not hiking up a mountain.

"You need to work out more." Vivian joked.

"Shaddup." I chugged half a bottle of water, "Are we almost there?"

"Ten minutes," she answered shortly.

I grabbed Sam's hand, and we finished the hike. It only took us three hours to get to the cave. Inside, it was just darkness. I grabbed my flash light and clicked it on. There was water dripping down the sides of the cave, and the scent of moss wafted throughout the cave.

I looked at Sam; he gave me a wary look. I walked slowly through the cave, and came close to the giant stone holding the sword. I grabbed the handle, trying something. I pulled as hard as I could with my right hand. Nothing. So, I set the flashlight on top of a ledge in the cave. I went back to the sword, and pulled with both hands. It came out, but soon disappeared in a puff of clouds.

"Where did it go?" Sam asked, entering the cave.

I suddenly felt a weight in between my collar bones. I looked down and saw the sword, but about as big as my index finger. Did that just... It did. I got Sam's attention and pointed to it. He sighed, knowing it was safe.

"Good! You got me my sword." Crowley's voice hissed. Sam was flung from my side, and I was being held captive by one of Crowley's demons. Vivian was gone- probably halfway down the mountain, "now, where is it?"

"I don't know. I pulled it out, and-poof. It disappeared." I shrugged.

Crowley shoved a fist at my stomach, making my fall back and lose my breath. I coughed on the floor. Sam shouted at Crowley to stop.

"Now, now. Moose number two. Where is the sword." Crowley growled.

Anther of Crowley's demons pulled me up, and held my arms behind my back. I struggled to move.

"I don't know!" I shouted, "What d'you want with it?"

"Well, that's another story for another time. Now , where is it, or Sammy over there gets his lungs ripped out."

"I don't know! It disappeared after I pulled it out. I swear." I was telling the truth... Kind of. The sword was neatly placed around my neck.

"It's just gone?" He asked, incredulously.


Crowley tapped his chin. I breathed heavily, trying to get my breath back. Sam started to gasp. I looked back at him. The demon let him go, and Crowley was laughing.

"Fix him! Please! I'll tell you where it is!" I started to struggle from the demons grip.

The demon let me go, and I stabbed him with the demon knife. I threw the knife at the other one that was holding Sam, and turned to Crowley.

"Where is it."

"Vivian stole it. It didn't disappear. She stole it." I said.

Sam stopped sputtering for air, and I ran over to him. Kneeling down, I cradled his head in my lap.

"Well, was that so hard?" Crowley asked, getting ready to leave.

"No." I whispered.

Crowley disappeared, and Sam tried to get up. He fell back down from oxygen loss, and coughed. I grabbed water from my backpack, and poured some down his throat.

I let him take a few more minutes, and I helped him up. We limped to my car. It took us an hour, but we did it. We were both tired and sweaty from the hike and fight. I took the rest of my water , and chugged it. It wasn't exactly cool anymore. It was Luke warm. I put Sammy in the passenger seat, and sat in the driver's seat. I sat there, thinking about what's going to happen when Crowley figures it out. Figures out I lied to him again, and that I'm deceiving, I'll be dead.

I looked over at Sam. He was sleeping. Good. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I leaned my forehead on the steering wheel, and let them fall. I let out short sobs. I'm putting everyone in danger.





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