Chapter 4

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Sam was in my car, while Dean and Cas shared his. #Destiel. Yup, I ship it. I mean, they're cute together. Don't you agree?

"Having fun yet?" Sam said out of no where.

I turned up the music. 'Wanted Dead or Alive' by Bon Jovi blasted through the speakers. I turned it up even more. My iPod was plugged in, so I had a setlist of a bunch of stuff. I could feel Sam's eyes on me.

"I'll say it again. Either take a picture, it'll last longer. Or, I'll gauge your eyes out with my knife." I said, still looking at the road.

"I don't get you. You put up this 'I'm a badass bitch' mask, but in reality, you're just human. You're like Dean and I. You get nervous, you get scared. But, you don't let anybody see it." Sam spoke over the loud music.

I turned it up louder as 'Good Thing (St. Lucia)' by Everything blared through the speakers. The rest of the ride was quiet. We both pulled into a small side road by the woods. A few yards from where these people were being taken. I reached over, opening the glove box. Sam tried to move back as far as he could. I grabbed the holster and slid it up my leg. I could feel Sam's eyes one me once again.

"It's rude to stare, Sammy." I spoke in a monotone voice .

I got out of my car, grabbing my keys and going to the trunk. I popped it open, and grabbed the panelling concealing my weapons. I propped the panelling up with an iron crowbar, and rummaged through my crap. I grabbed the few flares and the flare gun. A lighter, which I slipped in my sweatpants' pocket, was handy. Just in case, I grabbed my silver .22 and placed it in my holster.

"So, what. You're just gonna walk out there and hope it comes to see you?" Dean said next to me.

I slammed my trunk closed, "No, Dean. I'm gonna call out to it. Maybe have an infant as a sacrifice." Sarcasm leaked from my voice. I walked to the front of my car, Dean following.

"I'm tempted to leave you with it." Dean grumbled.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm just going to wait. It usually works." I crossed my arms, "You guys stay here, Cas you sit in the trees out of sight."The sound of wings flapping and Cas was gone, "You two, are staying here until you hear something."

"Why does Cas get to stay out of sight?" Sam asked.

"Just in case you two meese can't get there fast enough."

"Meese?" Dean questions.

"Ya' know. The plural form of Moose." I said, "There's two of you, so..."

I began to walk into the thick wave of trees. The darkness was eerie, and the moon was the only light source I had. I stumbled through the trees, getting whacked with branches, and almost tripping over vines and roots. A clearing came through the tree line.

I saw a tent and some light right in the center. Wonderful. Pedestrians. Possibly a casualty. Just what I need.

I walked over to the tent, "Is anybody in there?"

I opened it, immediately plugging my nose. Another mutilated woman sat in the middle. Her gray eyes glossed over.

"Oh, Popp. You never know when to stay away." A menacing voice cased me to turn around.

A man. Mid twenties stood at the tree line. He was tall, about four inches taller than I was. He was leaning against a tree, his arms crossed.

"Who are you?" My hand went to my throwing knives.

"You should know me, Kylee," the man pushed off of the tree, and walked a few feet, "Seattle? New York? Ring a bell?"

"Jared." I growled his name. Little fact: he's a vampire that I've been tracking for months.

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