Part 2 - Back to Queens

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*Four years later* 

I'm walking home from school when I hear people talking some spider guy in Queens saving people. He must be some kind of Avenger. 

I open the door to my house and see my mom sitting in her work clothes drinking a cup of coffee. There are a ton of paper scattered all on the table. She looks up and gives me a look that she only does when she has bad news. 

"What's wrong?" I walk closer to her and sit down. 

"Y/N, I have bad news." 

"What is it?" I get more nervous thinking about every single bad thing that could happen. 

"We have to move back to Queens." 

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I stand up quickly, scaring her. 

"WE WHAT?" I scream. 

"Y/N, I don't have a choice, my boss is transferring me back to that division." She gets up and walks to the sink to rinse out her cup. 

"Mom, we can't move. My friends, my school, my whole life is here, in Michigan!" I cry out. I begin to pace around the room with my face in my hands. 

"Y/N, I"m very sorry. We leave in two days, so get your stuff packed up and say goodbye to all of your friends." My mom says as she walks out of the room, leaving me in silence. 

The next two days have been hell. I've been having long sad goodbyes with all my friends, and packing up my room. The day that we leave, I pack the last of my stuff in a box and tape it closed. I look around my plain, empty room remembering the sleepovers I had with my friends. I go through all the memories in my head that we had together.

"Y/N! Let's go. I don't want to be late!" Mom calls out from downstairs. 

I grab the last box, and take one last look at my room before leaving it forever. 

*Two hours later* 

Two hours later we arrive back in New York for the first time in four years. My mom and I walk out of the airport and we get a taxi and make our way to our new house. 

The taxi stops in front of a grey house with white trim and a brown door. 

"This is our new home!" I hear my mom say as we get out of the car. 

"Great." I say blandly. 

We walk up the front steps and my mom pulls out a key and opens the door and we walk in. The inside of the house is gorgeous. 

"Mom, this isn't our furniture," I say with my mouth wide open in amazement. 

"I replaced it all with new furniture because I felt like it went better with the house." My mom says sounding satisfied with herself. 

"I actually really like this!" I walk around more and examine the house. 

My mom walks into the kitchen and calls out, "You better go upstairs to your room and unpack a little and pick out your clothes for tomorrow!" 

I totally forgot. My mom enrolled me into a school called Midtown School of Science and Technology, and tomorrow is my first day. 

"You're room is up the stairs and first door on the left!" Mom calls out again. 

I walk upstairs and open the first door on the left. The room is pained in a dark turquoise, that I will definitely have repainted. I throw my suitcase on the bed that was delivered and brought into the house yesterday. 

It's only seven o'clock but I'm exhausted. I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep. 

"Y/N!!" I wake up to my mom screaming my name from downstairs. I jump up and look at my phone, 7:30 AM .  I overslept!!

I quickly throw on my outfit for today: dark blue jeans, a maroon colored shirt, a dark grey cardigan sweater, and brown sandals. 

I apply light makeup and quickly curl my hair. I take one look in the mirror and approve my look. I grab my bag and run downstairs. 

"Hurry and get in the car," my mom says without looking up from papers on the table, "I'm driving you today and I can't be late for work. 

It was a silent drive to school but we finally get to a large building with a sign saying "Midtown School of Science and Technology" 

"Have a great day, sweetie," Mom kisses me on the forehead and I climb out of the car. I watch her drive away and make my way into the building and into the main office. Lots of kids look and stare as I walk through the hallway. I understand why, I probably look like a lost little kid trying to find my way through a carnival. 

When I arrive at the office there is a lady with red hair and dark brown glasses sitting behind the desk. She's typing on the computer, and suddenly notices me, takes off her glasses and looks up at me waiting for me to talk. 

"Um, hi. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm new." I'm trying my best not to sound like an idiot but it's not working. 

"Ah yes," She looks through papers on her desk and pulls one out of the bottom, "here is your class schedule," she hands it to me and I look through my classes, and my locker number and combination. 

"We can have a student come and show you around?" 

"Um, yes I would like that. Thank you." I mentally slap myself. I have to stop saying "um"! It makes me sound so dumb!

The lady picks up a phone and says something in it. She's talking so softly I can't make out a single work she says. She hangs up the phone and gives me a quick glance then puts on her glasses again. 

"A student will be right here to guide you through the day. You can take a seat until they arrive." She motions to a chair near the door. I slowly walk over to it and sit down. 

About five minutes later a boy walks through the door and up to the desk. He says something softly to the office lady. 

"Oh, yes," she says and takes off her glasses, "Y/N!" She calls out. 

I stand up and almost fall over. My legs are like jello out of nervousness. 

"Yes?" I say walking closer to the desk. 

"This is your guide for the day. He can introduce himself to you." This lady honestly sounds like she would rather be doing anything but talking to kids all day. 

The boy turns around and looks at me. He's wearing a flannel shirt, with a sweater over it. His hair is dark brown with little curls in it. He has one earbud in his ear from under his shirt. He looks strangely familiar but I can't put my finger on who he is. 

I think for a couple seconds when it hits me. My legs turn to jello once again, and I swear my heart stops beating for a couple seconds. I take a step closer to him. 


He looks puzzled and slowly answers, "yeah?" 

"Peter Parker?" 

"Yeah, have we met?" 

"It's me. Y/N Y/L/N!" I say softly. 

His eyes go wide and he takes a step back, "Y/N?" 

I can't believe what happening. I never expected to see Peter again, yet here I am standing in front of him, for the first time in four years. 

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