Part 28 - Goodbyes and Lies

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Once again, my mom and Aunt May allowed Peter and I to miss part of school so we can take Elise and her family to the airport and say goodbye. 

My mom and Aunt May drove us there. The kids in one car and the adults in the other. Aunt May drove the kids, while my mom chose to drive the adults. 

"So Elise and Mandy did you guys enjoy your stay here?" Aunt May tries to start a conversation, knowing Mandy it won't last long, but Elise tries to keep it going. 

"Yeah, it was great!" Elise responded. 

"I hope Peter was polite to you both," She looks at Peter and he blushes. 

I grin, "Oh yeah, he was very nice. And I approve of him dating my best friend," She laughs and looks to me. I give her a side hug. 

About ten minutes later we arrive at the airport. We all walk in, Mandy and Elise carrying all of their luggage. We meet my mom and Elise's parents in the front of the airport just before you enter security. 

"It was so lovely for you all to come, I hope you had a great time." My mom tells Elise and her family. 

My mom, Elise's parents and Aunt May all exchange hugs and handshakes. Peter, Mandy, Elise and I all gather around each other for our goodbyes. 

I turn to Mandy, "Mandy, you've been a complete witch with a 'b' to me, but thanks for coming," I tell her. 

She returns my goodbye with a scoff and turns back to her phone. 

"Yeah, uh, thank you guys for coming. Hopefully, I can see you again." Peter joins in. 

Elise gives Peter a hug, "just watch out for my best friend, she's like family to me." Elise whispers in his ear. 

"I will," he says.

Mandy gives Peter a smile and then turns to me and glares before walking off with her parents into the security line. 

I turn to Elise who is looking right back at me, I pull her into a tight hug, "I'll miss you," I tell her. 

"Michigan isn't the same without you," she responds. 

I'm going to miss Elise like crazy, but it'll be nice having some alone time with Peter again. 

"Come back and visit soon, OK? Everyone misses you, you're still Little Miss Most Popular Girl at School." She laughs. 

I chuckle, "I will, I promise," I give her one last smile, "Goodbye," 

She sniffs, "Goodbye," She turns and walks off to join her parents in the security line. 

Peter wraps his arm around me and we both turn around and head towards the door along with Aunt May and my mom. 

Before we exit the airport I turn around looking back at Elise only to find her looking back at me, "Text me OK?" I send her a mind message. 

"I promise I will." She smiles and then turns back around to hand her passport to the guard. 

"You coming?" Peter asks. 

"Yeah," I say and turn back to Peter and we walk out of the airport together.

Aunt May dropped us both off at school. We arrived at lunchtime so we both headed to the cafeteria and found Ned, Michelle, and Liam all sitting at our usual table talking. 

"Hey guys," I say as we reached the table. 

"Hey, how did it go today?" Liam asked. 

"Well, I already miss Elise, but they got on the plane safely and now here we are." I smile and take a seat next to Liam. Peter sits on the other side of me. 

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