Part 36 - Dad

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"Dad?" I called out into the darkness.

The man looked up towards my direction, "Y/N?"

I walked closer until my dad's face was in clear view, he looked the same as when we left for Michigan.

"What are you doing here?" I walk closer to him and held out my arms for a hug.

He walks closer to me and embraces me in a warm hug. It's been forever since I hugged him. I never understood why he and mom got divorced, I was always really close to my dad. When we moved to Michigan it was tough because I missed him.

My mom told me not to tell him that we moved back to New York, but I texted him about a month ago telling him. I also gave him our address and told him to come over sometime at night when Mom was most likely to be at work.

"You told me to come over one night, so I thought, 'why not tonight?'"

I giggled, "I can't believe you came to see me," I paused and looked at the house, "But, mom is inside,"

He gave a worried look and then smiled at me, "We can just go to my apartment," I smiled and open my mouth to talk but I'm interrupted by my phone ringing.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and see Peter's name light up my phone screen, "One second," I tell my dad as I click the answer button.

"Hey Peter," I answer looking back at my dad who gives me a shocked expression.

"Hey, May said you stopped by looking for me," He took a breath, "What's up?"

I glanced at my dad who turned away from me acting like he's not eavesdropping, "Nothing, my mom and I just got into a fight."

"Oh, sorry, do you want to come over?" He asked.

"No, it's fine, I'm fine. I'm just gonna lay low tonight." I reply.

"OK, hey I was wondering do you m-maybe want to go out to d-dinner Friday night?" He stuttered.

I giggled, "Yeah sounds great, formal or casual?"

"Casual," He replied sounding calmer.

"Alright Peter," I smile, "I'll see you tomorrow," I hung up the phone and looked at my dad who was staring right back at me.

"So, was that your old best friend Peter Parker?" He asks.

"Yeah, when we moved back here I figured out we go to the same school and we're best friends again," I cringe after I said that.

I awkwardly place my phone back in my pocket, "Well, not exactly friends," my dad gives me a weird look, "Peter is my boyfriend,"

"Boyfriend?!" he exclaims.

I laugh and look down, "Yeah,"

"Since when?"

I blushed, "He asked me to Homecoming so that's when we kinda figured out we liked each other."

"Man," He runs his hands through his hair, "I haven't seen you in so long I forgot you were probably dating already,"

"Just no sexual activities, right?" He asks.

I gasp and give a disgusted face, "God dad, no!"

He laughs and holds up his hands in defense, "Just checking. Hey, I heard that you guys were going to dinner Friday, why don't your mom and I come along?"

"You and mom? Together?" I slowly question, "Have you forgotten that she doesn't know you know that we're back here?"

"I'll let her know before Friday," He places his arm around me, "Let's get going to my apartment and I'll call mom and explain everything,"

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