Part 27 - Questions

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After the long reunion with Peter, we all sat down together and talked and ate ice cream. Ned and Peter talked and caught up with each other on what they each did the past two days. Peter, of course, was very quiet when explaining his stories. 

Michelle was talking to the woman sitting at the table across from us, somehow she managed to start a conversation about the government and things they are hiding from us. 

Elise, Liam, and I all were talking about school. Elise asked Liam many questions about himself. He tried his best to answer calmly since he was being lightly interrogated. 

Peter turns away from Ned and looks at me, "Tony was wondering how you were doing," He whispers. 

I tried to act like I didn't know why, "What for?" 

"I don't know, I'm guessing your powers," He shrugs, "He was also wondering if you would call him or something. 

I nod my head as he turns back to Ned. I slip my phone out of my pocket and call Tony. 

The line rings and he answers, "Gemini, so nice to hear from you, how's your birthday going?" 

"Uh, it's great. I'm really glad that Peter is here," 

"Underoos is glad to be with you too," He pauses, "OK now to business," 

I sigh as I listen, "There's word that someone is selling weapons, powerful ones." 

"OK, and?" I ask with an attitude. 

"Don't sass me, this is important, I need you and Peter to watch out for these people." 

"And what if we encounter them," I respond.

"Well, don't do anything I would do, and don't do anything I wouldn't do." 

"That totally helps," 

"It always does," He hangs up and I start to walk over back to our table.

The small TV on the wall of the ice cream place was turned on and it was on a channel with world news. I turned my gaze to the TV as I hear Elise asked Liam many more questions. 

"Everyone in Queens is extremely grateful to their local crime stoppers, Spider-Man and Gemini!" I smile to myself as I watch the reporter continue to talk about me and Peter. 

"There is a lot of information about Spider-Man, but little on his partner, Gemini. So who is this mysterious Gemini?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Elise's head turn towards the TV, Liam's gaze following shortly after. 

"Gemini has sure done a lot of hard work with Spider-Man to keep Queens safe and out of danger. Based on information collected by witnesses, police, and anonymous tippers we are able to understand the powers that Gemini has." I look back to Peter who is still talking to Ned. I was going to get his attention but decided not to. 

"Gemini is able to use the power of telekinesis which is the ability to control items with her mind. She is also able to send messages with her mind, and create a fireball with her hand and throw it. Although her age is not known, many people suspect she is young and possibly not even out of high school. This is Mari Carlson, CNN." The reporter finishes up just as another reporter takes the screen discussing different types of soap products that may be dangerous for the audience. 

"Man, that Gemini is so cool," Liam speaks up. My head whips around back to him. 

"You really think so?" I ask calmly. 

"Well, yeah. I mean she's super bad ass and nice-" 

"Wait wait wait," Elise stops him mid-sentence, "When did you ever meet her?" She eyes me before returning her gaze back to Liam. 

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