Part 45 - MJ

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I check my phone and make sure I'm at the right address. I walked up the steps to her house. Her house was a cute two story house. It looks friendly and inviting.

I knocked on MJ's door and waited there for a minute until I heard footsteps from the other side of the door.

"Hey," MJ said as she opened the door. She was wearing a plain black T-Shirt and some light blue cuffed jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

"Hey, thanks so much for letting me stay over," I walk into her house. It's cozy and it seems welcoming.

"No problem, my parents aren't coming back for two days so it'll be nice to have someone here with me." She closes the door and follows me.

"I thought you liked being alone?" I laughed.

MJ crossed her arms and shrugged, "Most of the time, but I guess it's always good to have company,"

"That's the spirit!" I exclaim.

She walked into her kitchen and got a piece of toast that she has already toasted, "So what happened with Peter?"

I set my backpack down on the couch and then sat down. I looked up at her and took my phone out of my pocket.

"He cheated on me with Liz," I unlock my phone and open it up to Peter's texts, "He said it was an accident, and he didn't mean it."

I handed her my phone and she looked through all the texts that Peter sent me, "How'd you figure it out?"

"Liz called Peter and asked if he wanted to finish their game of Kiss, Marry, Kill. And then she said that they only got to the kissing part," I rub my hands on my pants.

My phone begins to buzz in her hands. She turns the phone over to show me, "It's Parker,"

I look at my phone screen to see his contact picture light up. I took the picture on homecoming night when everything was alright.

I give MJ a look and she knows exactly what to do. She clicks the red decline button and then hands my phone back to me.

She walks back over to the kitchen and grabs two more pieces of toast and puts them in the toaster. I continue to tell her about what happened earlier on when my phone begins to ring again.

I pick it up and see my mom's name pop up on the screen. I debate on whether or not to answer it. She's probably just going to ask about what happened with me and Peter if he hasn't told her already. Or she's going to demand me to come home.

I click accept and hold the phone up to my ear, "Yes?"

"Where are you?" My mom's voice booms through the phone, she sounds angry but she has sympathy in her voice.

I look to MJ who is intently watching the toast in the toaster, "I'm at a friend's,"

"Y/N what happened? After you left I brought Peter and May over to look for you but you weren't there. Peter just left in a hurry, not saying where he was going,"

"Peter didn't tell you what happened?"

"He refused to tell me or even May,"

I hear the toaster ding and MJ reaches to take the toast out of the toaster, "Listen, I'm staying with a friend. I'll be home tomorrow," I hang up the phone just as my mom is beginning to talk again.

MJ walks over with two plates of toast stacked on top of each other. In her other hand, she has a stick of butter and two knives. She's holding a jelly jar between her neck and face.

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