Part 24 - The New Guy

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Liam and I walk through the hall to the Algebra room. Before we walk in, I check my phone to see if I have any missed calls or texts from Peter. None. 

I slip my phone back into my pocket and walk in with Liam. Elise is sitting on a desk flirting away with Flash. I don't understand how anyone could like him. 

The minute bell rings and Elise quickly jumps off the desk and turns to me. Her eyes widen as she looks back and forth from me to Liam. 

"Elise, this is Liam," I watch as Liam gives a small wave to Elise, "He's a new student here and I've been assigned to escort him around today." 

"Hi," Elise puts out her hand, "I'm Elise, one of Y/N's best friends. Except I don't live in New York. I'm just visiting for a week and a half."

"Oh, so where do you live?" Liam asks. 

"Michigan," Elise looks at me and then back at Liam. 

"So how do you know Y/N?" Liam gives me a funny look as he asks the question. 

"It's a long story, I was born here and lived here until 6th grade, then for three years I lived in Michigan, and now I'm back here." 

"Oh, nice," Liam responded. 

Our teacher walks in and introduces herself to Liam. I can see him give me a look of relief when she doesn't make him introduce himself to the class like teachers do when you're in 3rd grade.

The class goes by quickly, unlike other days when it feels like time is moving so slow.  It turns out that Liam and I have all of our class together, except for Gym and Spanish, those are flipped for us. He follows me around and listens as I tell him about myself.

Lunchtime finally arrives and I walk Liam through the lunch line pointing out every food they have there. I tell him which foods are usually good and which ones taste like cardboard. Once we finish and pay we make our way over to my table. 

He sets his stuff down next to me and we both sit down. Ned and Elise are talking and Michelle has her head stuffed in a book.

"Ned, Michelle, this is Liam he's a new student here." I say, "Liam this is Ned and Michelle." I gesture to Ned and then to Michelle. Ned smile and Michelle doesn't look up from her book but waves. 

"So is this your little group?" Liam chuckles. 

"Yep!" I open my chocolate milk, "Except for Peter." 

Liam looks at me, "Who's Peter?" 

"My boyfriend," I take a sip of my milk trying to avoid eye contact. 

"Oh, you have a boyfriend?" Liam takes a bite out of his pizza. 

"Yeah, he's great. He's out of town right now but he'll be back Sunday," 

Elise joins in, "Liam you should come hang out with us Sunday. We're all going out to celebrate Y/N's and Peter's birthday!" 

Liam looks confused. I help him along, "Peter and I have the same birthday. It's tomorrow, but Peter will still be out of town so we're celebrating Sunday." 

"Oh cool. I hope I can come." He gives me a warm smile. 

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out, Peter's name light's up my screen. 

"Oh, it's Peter!" I say excitedly. 

I hit answer and hold it up to my ear, "Hey Peter." 

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" I hear Peter's voice on the other end.

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