Part 19 - Elise

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I got home around 7:30. Peter dropped me off on the roof of his building and I managed to walk home from there. I walked up to my front porch and took my purple long sleeved shirt which left me with a tank top and black leggings. I took my bandana and gloves off and tucked them into my shirt and balled it all up into a ball. Lastly, I took my hair out of my ponytail.

I slowly and quietly opened the front door. I heard the noise from the TV.

I walked in and slowly closed the door. I walked towards the family room and peeked over and saw Mandy watching the news.

I was about to walk into the kitchen until I heard, "Breaking News: New superhero duo: Spider-Man and Gemini stop robbers at the convenience store on the fourth street!"

I stopped in my tracks and watched the TV for a moment.

The news reported continued, "The two stopped the robbing of the convenience store here and Spider-Man tied them up to help our local law enforcers."

I took a step closer as the reported continued, "The one question that everyone is asking, is who is Gemini? Based on the service footage here it seems as if she has some kind of telekinesis powers. If you look at the video here, you can see her moving her head to the right, and the robber gets thrown to the right without anyone touching him."

I watch as the video shows me moving my head and the man flying to the right.

"Many civilians are all loving the new superhero Gemini, just as much as they love the new duo of Spider-Man and Gemini. Thank you Spider-Man and Gemini!" She ends.

The TV suddenly paused, "Where were you Y/N?" I hear a voice ask.

I look at the couch and I see Mandy sitting there.

"Uh, I was just out with Peter," I reply.

"Really? Cause Elise told me you were in your room working on Peter's birthday gift. She went to look for you at 7:00 but you weren't there, and the balcony was open."

I start to panic, "Oh yeah, uh I was out on the balcony," I say.

"What's that in your hands?" She asks. I hear a hint of evil in her voice.

"Just a long-sleeved shirt that I took off cause I got hot in." I quickly say.

"Really?" She says, "Cause it looks like Gemini's costume."

"W-What are you talking about?" I say.

"You're Gemini aren't you?" She asks.

"No, Mandy you're going crazy. I don't have weird powers like she does."

"Mmmhm," She says.

She looks me up and down.

"You may deny it, but I'll find proof," She says and begins to turn the TV back on, "And then you'll be done." She flips the TV back on and ignores me.

I turn on my heel and begin to walk upstairs. I open the door to my room, Elise is sitting on my bed crying.

"Are you still upset about Caleb?" I ask.

"Who am I kidding he was a jackass," she exclaims.

"Then what are you upset about?" I walk towards her.

She looks me in the eye, "You,"

"Me? Why?"She runs her hands through your hair, "It's like I don't know you anymore, you're always with Peter telling secrets. You don't tell me anything anymore."

I open my mouth, but she continues talking.

"I mean, you tell me that you'll be ready to talk at 7:00, and when I come to find you, you're not where you said you were. And the balcony door is open. And-And all this stuff happens with Spider-Man and Gemini." She cries more.

"I was worried sick!" She yells.

"I know, and I'm sorry!" I reply.

"What's going on with you Y/N?" She yells again.

"If I tell you, you have to swear not to tell anyone."

"Y/N, who am I going to tell?" She said madly.

"I mean it, Elise, no one can know."

Her face expression changes into a more serious one, "OK, I swear."

I take a deep breath, "I'm Gemini," I say quietly.

She doesn't speak for a moment, "No, Y/N you're not, as cool as that would be-"

"Does this prove it to you?" I send her a mind message.

Her face turns from annoyed to shocked as she hears it.

"Wha-how?" She stutters, "But you didn't say anything!" She whispers.

"I know, I can send you a message with my mind. And I can read yours."

Elise still looks shocked but manages to say, "Prove it, what am I thinking of right now."

I concentrate and then smile as her thoughts begin to pour into my mind.

"You're thinking about how much you wish Mandy would get eaten by an alligator and then the alligator got dropped into lava," I smile.

Her mouth drops, "That's exactly what I was thinking of."

I nod.

"But-but wait, Gemini has telekinesis or something,"

I hold out two fingers and use them to move the chair from my desk. I place it right next to Elise.

"I think you need to sit down," I laugh.

She stands frozen and looks from the chair to me.

"You-you just made that chair come here, without touching it."

"I told you, I'm Gemini."

"But when did you get these powers?" She asks.

"They just kinda appeared the other night. Tony Stark believes that I've always had them, I've just started discovering now what I am capable of."

"T-Tony Stark?" She asks, "The Tony Stark?"

"Yes! Peter interns at Stark Industries. So he brought me to Tony Stark to ask him about my powers."

"So that's what you guys are always talking about?" She wonders, "And you told Peter first, and not me?" She folds her arms across her chest.

"No, no, trust me. He was there when I discovered them. Trust me, if he wasn't there I wouldn't have told anybody about my powers."

"OK, I believe you." She says.

"Wanna know something truly cool?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes!" She exclaims.

"Tony Stark is making me a new suit!" I squeal.

"You're joking," she says.

"Nope!" I yell.

She starts to squeal with me too. We end up spending the entire night talking about me being Gemini and everything in that field of information. She had a dozen of questions and I had a dozen of answers.

"Wait wait, so you know who Spider-Man is?" She asks.

"No, no, I don't. I work with him, I don't date him." I laugh.

"What's he like?" She asks.

"Well, he's around our age. He's a huge nerd and he's super nice."

"Nicer than Peterrrr?" She asks in a sing-song voice.

"No, Elise, I mean yes he's nice and a lot like Peter but I'm still with Peter. And I'll never leave Peter for Spider-Man."

"Awwww you love Peter!" She yells.

"Shut up," I say.

"Y/N LOVES PETER!" She shouts.

I push her over and she falls off the bed and we both break out into laughter.

We spend the rest of the night laughing, eating junk food and talking, like old times, before we both fall asleep with candy bars in our hands. 

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