Part 44 - The Call

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*Previous Chapter*

"What if you do go to Florida?" He asks.

I walk over to him, "Why are you asking? I'm not going,"

"But if you do,"

"I'm not going Peter, I promise you." I stand up on my tippy toes a little and reach up to kiss him.

Our lips collide and we stay there. A million thoughts race through my mind, mostly all about Peter. I think about the future we could have together. I think about us at school and with our friends. I think about moments like the one we're having right now. It's perfect.

Everything is perfect until Peter's phone rang.

Our kiss is broken by the sound of Peter's phone ringing. We break apart and he reaches in his pocket to answer it. 

His face looks confused when he checks the caller ID. I look over at his phone, "Who is it?" 

"It's Liz," he responds. He clicks answer and puts the phone on speaker, "Hey Liz," he squeaks. 

Before she gets a word out I speak up, "Hey Liz, it's Y/N. I'm here too." 

"Oh hi," she responds. 

I grab the phone out of Peter's hand, "So what do you need?" I ask in a fake polite voice, 

"Oh, I was just wondering if Peter wanted to come over to finish the game we were playing the other night," she says slyly. 

I look up to Peter and his face turns pale, "What game?" I ask Peter. 

"It was just a simple game of Kiss, Marry, Kill. But we only got around to the kissing part," Liz responds. 

"Excuse me?" I ask Liz in disbelief. 

"He's a great kisser, don't you think?" 

I walk a little away from Peter, "You're joking," 

"Oh, but I'm not. Tell her Peter, we had a great time." I hang up on Liz and throw Peter's phone on the bed.

I turn around to face Peter. His face is pale and he looks a little scared, "Is it true?" I ask him. 

"Y/N, I can explain. It was a mistake," he walks closer to me but I back away. 

I scoff, "So it is true?" 

He stands there with his mouth open not knowing what to say, "You kissed Liz?" 

"Y/N please let me explain. It was a couple of days ago after dinner with your family and-" I cut him off. 

"Wait, so after everything that went on that night, you went to Liz's house and you just thought 'Hey, I have a girlfriend but why not make out with Liz?'" I stare at him, "Is that what went through your brain?" 

"No, I didn't mean to it was-" He started. 

"So what? You fell on her and your lips just magically found each other?" I yell. "God Peter, and to think I actually thought you were different."

"Y/N, please it's not what you think," Peter says. 

"Then tell me, tell me you didn't kiss her." I feel a tear fall down my cheek. 

Peter looks down and then into my eyes, "I can't do that," 

I take a deep breath and think of something else, "But you broke off the kiss right away, right?" 

"Y/N, I was going to but-" 

I interrupt him for the third time tonight, "Oh my god Peter I'm your girlfriend. So you kissed her back? You didn't try to stop it?" 

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