"Excuse me?" My mom asks. She inches closer to me.
A million thoughts are going through my head right now. Why would I say that? It's bad enough that my dad knows, now my mom does. I just ruined any chances of staying here with Peter. I just had to open my big mouth.
My mom laughs, "Y/N you're joking right?" She laughs again but I know it's just to cover up her nervousness, "Right?"
I didn't know what to do. I stood there frozen looking at my mom and then to Peter who is watching me too, shocked. It all just felt like my imagination. I debated back and forth in my mind, should I tell her? Or lie and pretend I was joking.
"Uh, you're right Mom," I chuckle awkwardly, "I was just joking,"
I read up to my hair and touch and play with it, but my Mom knows my lying tells, "You're lying. You only play with your hair when you're lying. And if you're lying, then that means," she gasped loudly.
"That means that you were telling the truth and that you really are Gemini," She finishes.
I stared at her while she stared back at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Peter grabbing his jacket and putting it on, "Well, I think I should get going-"
My mom cuts him off, "Peter, you're staying,"
He gives a little nervous sigh, "Yes Ma'am."
My mom is still staring at me. But suddenly she closes her eyes, fixes her posture and takes a deep breath in and out.
"Peter, tell me the truth," she begins calmly, "Is my daughter, the superhero Gemini, who works for Iron Man, is partners with Spider-Man, almost gets herself killed every night, and has superpowers," her voiced raised towards the end.
Peter looks to me as if to ask me what to say. He stutters for a moment so I send him a mind message, "Just say yes Peter, it's okay,"
"Yes," he blurts once my voice enters his head.
My mom stiffly nods, "I just need a couple of minutes to process all this,"
She exits the room and walks into her bedroom next to the kitchen. She slams the door behind her which makes Peter and I both flinch.
"God, I really messed up didn't I?" I ask Peter.
"You couldn't help yourself. She was saying rude things about us," He says, "Spider-Man and Gemini I mean."
"Shh!" I reach up and cover his mouth with my hand, "Don't talk so loud. Or she could hear you say you're Spider-Man," I whisper.
"Sorry," Peter mouths.
"This all feels like just some type of bad dream that I'm hoping to wake up from."
Peter sat on the couch comforting me for an hour. I'm really lucky to have him. He kept telling me that it wasn't my fault. A part of me wanted to believe him, but another one realized that maybe it was better that my mom knew.
After an hour of worrying my mom comes out of her bedroom, "OK," she starts. I take one good look at her. She seems so calm and relaxed. Like a completely different person than who I just saw an hour ago.
"First, I would like to say I'm proud of you Y/N,"
My eyes practically pop out of my head, "Did you just say you're proud of me?"
I looked at Peter who slowly got up off the couch and watched us. My mom gave me a sad smile, "I did a lot of thinking about what you told me and yes I'm proud,"
I laughed a little, "You do realize that you basically called me a criminal just an hour ago,"
"Y/N, I know. But I realized that you were fighting to save people, I could never be mad at you for saving people." She tells me.
"But, I would like to speak with Peter for a minute," she says.
Peter's POV:
"But, I would like to speak with Peter for a minute," Y/N's mom said.
Y/N stood there looking at her mom, "Why Peter?"
Her mom just shook her head casually, "Just need to discuss something with him,"
It's got to be something about Y/N being Gemini, I just know it. She couldn't possibly know that I"m Spider-Man, can she?
"OK, well I'm gonna head upstairs while you two discuss whatever weird stuff my boyfriend and mom talk about after revealing a huge secret of mine." Y/N headed up the stairs and I heard her door close behind her.
Ms. Y/L/N motioned for me to sit down on the couch and she sat next to me. I was nervous and I felt intimidated by her.
"So, Peter. It's obvious that you and Y/N have had your ups and downs these past few months. But what I want to know is if you truly care about her."
I stammer a few times before answering, "I do care about her. A lot. I always have, ever since we were little. I was so happy when she came back into my life at the beginning of the school year. I really do love her."
Her mom looked worried, "Did you know that she was Gemini?"
I didn't know how to respond, "Um, yeah. I did know,"
Ms. Y/L/N put her head in her hands, "How did I not know this?"
"Ma'am, Y/N is safe. She has powers, really strong powers that really help her. And she's partners with Spider-Man who is watching over her. Also, Mr. Stark is always watching her," I assure her.
"That's just it, I don't trust that Tony Stark," she looks at me worried, "Y/N is already in danger doing this, and I don't want her to be in any more danger."
"If I thought she was in danger I would have gotten her to stop a long time ago."
She gives a nod and she looked more comfortable, "Alright, I'm going to get Y/N and bring her down to talk,"
I nodded and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. Ms. Y/L/N went upstairs and then returned with Y/N.
She sat Y/N down on the couch next to me, "OK, so I talked to Peter. He seems confident that you are safe and that you know what you're doing."
Y/N gave me a grateful smile, "Thanks, Peter. And yes Mom, I'm super safe I promise."
"I'd like to say I believe you, but I can't yet." Her mom said, "I trust that you and Peter are telling the truth about you being safe with your powers of whatever,"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "I'm safe Mom. I have three powers, mind reading, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis. I have Spider-Man and Tony Stark watching over me. What other kind of reassurance do you need?"
"I need reassurance from one more person," Ms. Y/L/N sighed before saying, "I'd like to talk about this with Tony Stark."
A/N: Looks like there's gonna be another Tony Stark chapter! Anyone catch the hints towards the end? Comment if you found them! But if you did find them, don't say them in the comments in case others don't want to know! Four more chapters until the end! And then the sequel! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!
Love always,

Old Friends, New Beginnings || Peter Parker
FanfictionPETER PARKER FANFIC **** Peter Parker has been your best friend since you were young and you both are crushed when you move away to another state. Each of you get on with your lives and forget about each other, but when you move back three years la...