Part 8 - Homecoming Tears

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The next morning I woke up very tired. I didn't sleep that well because I was thinking about Peter. My alarm clock started to ring, an I jumped out of bed because I wanted to get to school to talk to Peter.

I quickly ran to my closet and picked out a blue t-shirt that said "Lake Michigan" and black leggings. I grabbed my black Nike shoes and put them on my feet and tied them. I grabbed my backpack off the floor and took Peter's Web Fluid off my desk and ran out my bedroom door.

I ran down the stairs, "Mom?" I called out.

I walked into the living room and saw my mom passed out on the couch with a bunch of paper around her.

'Great' I thought. 'That means I have to take the subway.' 

 I ran out the door and started running towards the subway.

I took out my subway card and swiped it to get in. I looked at the map to see which way would get to me Midtown. I quickly hopped on the subway and I was off to Midtown.

About twenty minutes later I arrive at Midtown. I quickly walked into the doors of the school and walked down to my locker in search of Peter. I got to my locker and unlocked it, I stuffed my books into my lockers. Once my locker was locked I turned around and headed for Peter's locker. 

His locker was quite far from mine so it took me a little bit to get down to it.

While walking, I notice Liz and a bunch of other girls talking to each other, "So are you going to ask Peter?"

My feet stopped and I quickly pulled out my phone and put it up to my ear to pretend I was talking to someone.

"Yes! But, should I do it today?" Liz replies.

"Of course!" A blonde haired girl says. "Peter is head over heels for you, everyone can tell, so he'll say yes."

'Yes to what?' I thought.

"Should I go right now?" Liz asks.

"Yes! Go ask Peter to homecoming!" The blonde girl says again.

'Oh no,' I turned around and quickly ran to Peter's locker.

'I had to ask Peter to homecoming before she does'.

While running, I saw Peter at his locker putting books away. I stopped running and started to quickly walk.

"Hey Peter," I said when I approached him.

"Oh, hey Y/N" Peter said.

Peter looks nervous, "You haven't told anyone about..."

Obviously I knew what Peter was talking about because that was the most interesting thing to happen to me in a while, "Don't worry I haven't told anyone."

I look down at my shoes, "Listen I need to ask you something."

"What's up?"

I look up at Peter and feel my cheeks burn up. I force myself to to ask him.

"Do you m-maybe want to go t-to. go to home-"

I see Liz quickly walk up behind Peter and tap on his shoulder. He turns around, "Hey Liz!" He says.

"Hi Peter, I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?" Liz clutches books towards her chest.

Peter looks stunned, he just looks at her,

"Hello? Peter?" Liz snaps her fingers near his face.

"Oh, sorry, u-uh yeah sure," Peter looks back at me nervously, then looks back at Liz, "I'll go with you."

I feel my gut get all twisted up, my eyes formed tears that started to flow down my face. I turn on my heel and begin to walk away, shielding my eyes from everyone passing by.

I faintly hear Peter calling my name, but I don't stop, I keep walking.

I barely talk to anyone the rest of the day, except for teachers. I walk up to my biology teacher and tell him that I forgot that we had homework, and asked for another day to finish the assignment. Which was a lie, but I was too busy with Peter. He reluctantly agreed, and I turned around to head back to my see. I stand at the teachers desk and watch as Peter sets his stuff down next to mine. I slowly make my way back to my seat and sit down next to him.

"Y/N, why are you avoiding me?" Peter asks before I even sit down.

"I'm not." I look down at my books.

"Yes you are, I tried calling after you in the hallway, and you ignored me during algebra." Peter says with hurt in his voice, "Why?'

"It's nothing, Peter." My voice quivers as I talk.

"Listen, I'm just tired and upset that I forgot my homework. That's all." I lied.

"OK, I hope that's all." He turns away from me and begins to listen as the teacher talks.

'God, why did I have to lie to him. I should just tell him and then suffer as he and Liz go to homecoming together.'

After the bell rings for biology, I collect my stuff and start to walk out the door, but something stops me from walking out the door. I turn around and walk back over to Peter. He has his back towards me collecting his books. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around.

"The reason why I've been avoiding you, is because I wanted to ask you to homecoming, but Liz beat me to it. And I was embarrassed."

Peter looked shocked, "Y-you wanted to ask me?"


"I wanted to a-ask you." Peter says quietly.

At that moment, I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Then why did you say yes to Liz?"

"I didn't, I mean, I did at first b-but then I told her that I wanted to ask someone else."

Peter looks around the classroom and finds a flower pen laying on one of the desks. He picks it up then looks me in the eye and says "Y/N, w-will you go to homecoming with m-me?"

I giggle because it's so cute how nervous he is.

I take the flower pen from him and grab his hand and write "YES" on it.

Peter gives me a big toothy smile.

Peter and I were both late to our next class, but I didn't care. It was worth it. In History, when the teacher was turned around to the board, I pulled my phone out of my pocket,

Y/N: Elise! I need your help, I have a date for homecoming. I don't know what to wear.

Elise: OMG! I'm so happy for you! What's his name?

Y/N: Do you remember when I told you about Peter?

Elise: Yeah. Wait, don't tell me that you're going to homecoming with a nerd!

 Y/N: Elise! He may be a little nerdy, but I like him.

Elise: Wait, YOU LIKE HIM?

Y/N: Yes! Now stop being rude and tell me what I should wear! 

I was trying to not get caught as Elise and I talked about what to wear. She told me she would call me tonight to talk more because she has news to tell me.

This all feels like a dream, I'm going to homecoming with the guy of my dreams.

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