I woke up the next morning tired and grumpy. I walked into the kitchen to get breakfest. My mom works from home on Saturdays so she was in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and reading over papers and typing on her laptop. "Good morning honey!" She says.
"Morning," I mumble.
"Well, you shouldn't be grump this morning, I mean homecoming is tonight, you don't want to be a grump for Peter."
I almost dropped the cereal box, I totally forgot that today was homecoming.
"Oh my gosh! Today is homecoming! I have so much to do! I need to do my nails and toenails, do my hair, do my makeup, and then leave at 4:30!"
"Well honey, I hate to tell you this but it's already 11:00, you slept in quite a bit!" My mom said as she put more milk in her coffee.
"Are you serious? I have to get started!" I grabbed a granola bar and ran back upstairs. I looked around my closet for my dress. It was a plain black dress, with a sweetheart neckline. It stopped a little above my knee. I bought black sandal heels to go along with it.
I went to my dresses and grabbed my pastel pink nail polish. I spent about a half an hour painting my nails and toenails. It was about 12:30 when I finished painting my nails and let then dry. I decided to text Peter,
Y/N: Hey! Excited for tonight?? :)Peter: Yeah! I can't wait! See you at 4:30? Y/N: Yup! See you then!
I put my phone down and grabbed my curling iron and turned it on. I walked over to my balcony real quick and stepped outside. I looked around at New York. The sight always amazes me.
I spent about five minutes out there before deciding to go back inside. I grabbed my curling iron of my dresser and began to curl my hair. I took small pieces of hair and curled them so that the curls would be tighter. It took about a half hour to get my curls perfect. I unplugged my curling iron and looked at the time. It was about 2:30 so I decided that I can relax for a little and watch some TV. I went downstairs and turned on the TV for a little bit. A while later, my phone buzzed and I picked it up.
BREAKING NEWS: Spider-Man saves 5 year old girl from being struck by a car! Thank you Spider-Man!
I smile to myself. I turn my phone back on and check the time. 'Crap!' I thought, 'It's been an hour?'
I jump up and run up to my room. I run into the bathroom and dump all of my makeup out on the sink. I've never been big on wearing makeup. If I do wear makeup, it's light and natural. I applied concealer, powder, blush, a natural shade of eye shadow, mascara, a little bit of eyeliner, and a light pink shade of lipstick with lip gloss over it. All of this is way more than I ever have worn, but it's homecoming, why not?
Once I approved that my makeup was perfect, I took my dress off the hanger and began to put it on. I unzipped my dress and slipped it on. I smoothed out some wrinkles and looked in the mirror. I was shocked to see a girl staring back at me, who looked way more classy then I ever had. I turned around and grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 3:58, I waited in my room for the doorbell to ring, I was texting Elise saying I'm nervous for dancing with Peter. She was telling me not to worry and that I'll do fine.
I almost jumped when the doorbell rang. I grabbed my bag, phone and credit card and quickly walked downstairs. I unlocked the door and opened it to Peter. His eyes widened as he looked me up and down.
"W-wow," Peter said, "You look absolutely amazing."
I blushed and replied, "Thanks, so do you Parker."
He was wearing a grey suit, with a white dress shirt. His tie was black matching my dress. He looked nervous. I hope he couldn't tell how nervous I was.
"Um, are you ready to go?" Peter asked.
"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts, "Oh, yeah, sorry let's go."
Peter and I walked down my driveway and to Aunt May's car.
Aunt May got out of the car and greeted me, "Oh my goodness! Y/N! You look so gorgeous!"
"Thank you so much!" I said.
Peter opened the car door for me and I get into the car. He walks around to the other side and gets in there.
We start driving and Aunt May says, "Y/N, Peter was so excited about today. He was asking me for help with his outfit, and dancing. Weren't you Peter?"
I smirk and look over to Peter. His face was bright red, "May!" he says.
The rest of the car ride was short but nice. I talked to Aunt May about Michigan and what it was like. She was very interested about my school life there.
"Did you hear how Spider-Man saved that little girl today? He is so amazing!" Aunt May exclaimed.
"Yeah! He's so amazing and kind." I say looking at Peter. He blushes and gives me a smile.
We arrive at the dinner place and Peter gets out first and opens the door for me.
"Bye! Meet me back here in an hour, OK?" Aunt May yells through the window.
We nod at her and head inside. There was a hostess at the enterance. She couldn't be much older than us, maybe a year older.
She looked up and saw us walking in. When we got to her she looked from Peter, to me, and then back to Peter. She put on a smile and asked, "Just the two of you?"
"Yes," Peter replied.
She grabbed two menus and Peter and I followed as she began to walk. She pushed me behind her and Peter and walked besides him. She constantly smiled at Peter and he blushed. She took us to our table and placed the menus down. "When you are ready to order, call me over," She smiled and winked at Peter who blushed again. She bumped into me as I was about to sit down,
"Sorry," She said, in a fake apologetic voice.
"Wasn't she a ray of sunshine to me?" I ask Peter as we sit down, "But she seemed very into you." I smirk.
Peter blushes for the third time today.
I look over the menu to try to decide what to eat. I wasn't very hungry because the butterflies and nervousness were taking over my stomach. I decided on a Caesar Salad, Peter decided on Ravioli.
I try to call the unpleasant waitress over to our table but she ignores me. Peter tries and she comes running like a dog expecting a treat. We quickly order and she walks away giving Peter a wink.
Within ten minutes our dinner is brought. As we eat we discuss school, our lives, and Spider-Man. Dinner was going great. I couldn't stop smiling. For a while the butterflies and nervousness went away.
"Hey, we should probably go outside to meet May." Peter says. He takes the check and tucks some money inside it. We get up and start to walk out, when the waitress came running up to us. She handed Peter a piece of paper and then walked away. Peter looked at the piece of paper. I peeked over his shoulder and saw a phone number on it.
'Of course she gave him her number,'
Peter and I walked outside and he threw the paper into a trash can.
"I'm only interested in one girl," Peter says quietly.
I blush hard and look away. Aunt May's car pulls up by us, "Hey kids! Ready to go?"
Peter opens the door for me and I get inside. He walks around and gets into the other side.
About five minutes later we pull up at school. Aunt May turns around to face us, "OK, have fun, but not too much fun." We nod and blush. She turns towards Peter, "You remember what tips I gave you?" She asks quietly.
"Yeah," Peter says. He gets out and opens the door for me.
We walk up the steps to the school and open the door, and all the butterflies and nervousness come back to me.

Old Friends, New Beginnings || Peter Parker
FanfictionPETER PARKER FANFIC **** Peter Parker has been your best friend since you were young and you both are crushed when you move away to another state. Each of you get on with your lives and forget about each other, but when you move back three years la...