Part 41 - Job Offer

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Peter and I race into the burning building.

We get into the lobby of the museum before we stop. There are people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. There's black smoke and a huge fire coming from one of the art exhibits on the second floor. The ceiling came crashing down in the explosion and trapped people inside of the exhibit.

"Woah, Karen what's going on up there?' Peter asks his AI system in his suit.

Peter listens for a minute and then turns to me, "Two Chitauri cores detonated and exploded in the building."

"There's got to be at least 5 people trapped, maybe more," I tell Peter trying to get a good look at what happened.

"Let's go," Peter yells as he begins to run. He shoots a web up to the second floor of the museum and quickly grabs me around my waist and we fly up to the second floor. We land up there and Peter lets go of the web.

I run to the big pieces of the ceiling that are blocking the entrance, "Hey! How many people are in there?" I yell.

There are muffled screams for a couple of seconds, "There are 8 people in here!" a shout replies.

I back up and go to Peter, "He said there are 8 people," 

"Can you melt it with your powers?" Peter asks. He looks back to the ceiling as if to analyze it. 

I take a look at the ceiling, it looks like it's made of plaster which can be melted. I get a sudden feeling of nervousness. Like what if I accidentally do something to make the situation worse. 

I hold up my hand and create a simple heat flame. I move it towards the ceiling pieces and a larger blast of fire comes out of my hands and strikes the ceiling. The plaster begins to smoke but that's all the happens. 

"It's not working," I groan. I look over to Peter and give him a look of desperation. 

"You need to use more power," He tells me. 

I reach out my hand again and shoot a blast of fire onto the pieces of ceiling. I increase the heat in my hand and it becomes hotter causing the plaster to burn faster. 

The plaster becomes black and a small hole begins to form where it's being burned. I stop for a moment. 

Peter walks up to the hole and punches it to make it bigger, "OK, I'm going to need you all to come through here one by one." 

He shoots a web into the hole and has people grab onto it as he helps pull them through. One by one, men and women slowly crawl through the hole being pulled by Peter. Once the last person gets through Peter guides them all down the stairs and gets them to the paramedics. 

"Good job," He says as he approaches me. 

I give him a big smile under my mask, "Thanks, you weren't too bad yourself," 

Peter's suit eyes grow wide behind me, "Oh shit, it's your dad," he mutters. 

"What?" I spin around to see my dad angrily walking towards us. He's wearing casual clothing and is carrying an umbrella because it was raining. 

"What did I tell you?" He asks once he gets to me. 

I look at Peter to my dad, "Listen, I'm OK." 

"I didn't ask if you were OK, I asked what did I tell you?" His face is red. I don't think I've ever seen him this mad. 

"You told me to stop," my head falls.

"I mean," my dad breathes and rubs his face, "You could have died," 

He turns and walks the other way, "But I didn't!" 

He whips back around and looks at me, "That doesn't make a difference Y/N. Do you know how scared I was when I saw on the news that Gemini and Spider-Man were dealing with an explosion downtown?"

"Dad, listen I'm sorry," I tell him, "But I can't stop doing this, I have powers, I can help people." 

"Peter did fine on his own before you came along," My dad replied. 

I stood there in shock, "You can't stop me from doing this," 

"You think I can't?" he laughs, "My boss just offered me a job in Florida, and I want you to come with me." 

My legs went numb and I walk backward until I reached Peter, "You can't do that. I just got back here you can't take me away again. My life is here, my friends are here, Peter is here," 

"I'm having the discussion with your mom tonight," He places his hands on my shoulders, but I shove them off. 

"No, don't touch me. If you think I'm going to be happy with you taking me away from everything and everyone I love," I wrap my hand around Peters, "Then you're wrong." 

"Something has to be done," my dad replies. He turns around and walks away leaving me there with Peter. 

I turn to Peter, "Listen, he's not going to take me away," 

"Your dad seems pretty sure he is," Peter's eyes grow wide and then smaller again. 

"He's not," I turn away from him, "Let's go back to your place," 


Peter swung us back to his house, luckily May wasn't home. 

"I can't lose you again," Peter tells me as he clicks the spider symbol on his chest. His suit loosens up and falls down. 

"You're not going to," I click the double G's on my suit and it does the same, but I catch it before it falls down, "Um," 

He looks confused but realizes what I meant, "Oh yeah sorry," 

He turns away while I grab my clothes from my backpack and put them on. Once they're all on I tell him he can turn around. 

"Trust me, Peter, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he doesn't move me to Florida with him," 

Peter walks over to me and gives me a hug. We stand there for a minute hugging, feeling each other in our arms. 

May suddednly opened the door, "Pete - oh sorry," 

We immdefiately break away from each other, "Yes, May?" Peter asks. 

"Y/N's mother called and asked if I could send her home if she's there," She points to me. 

I look at Peter, "Oh yes, yeah I'll go." 

I grab my backpack off the floor and head out the door, "Bye Peter, I'll text you tonight," 


I enter my house to find my mom and dad sitting at the table, "Why did I need to come home," I asked even though I knew the answer. 

"Y/N your dad came over and told me that he got a job offer in Florida," She explains. 

"Yeah?" I ask. 

"And he wanted you to go with him!" She exclaims. 

I set down my backpack and sit down at the table too, "OK, so?" 

My dad grabs my hand and smiles, "Pack your bags! You're going to Florida!" 





A/N: Oh no! Florida? That's not where Peter is.. So sorry for the short chapter! Only four more chapters left!! Thank you for all the support, remember to vote and comment! Love you all!!

~ MJ Xx

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