Part 34 - Back Again

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Peter's POV:

I took Y/N back to my house because Aunt May wasn't home. We swung around the city for a bit and then decided to just quit for the night.

"When is May coming back?" Y/N asked me.

We crawled in through my window and made our way into my bedroom. I still had in my Spider-Man suit and she was still wearing all black.

"Not for a while, don't worry," I tell her.

She walked around my room looking around at stuff. She looked so beautiful, I missed her so much.

Her head snapped to me, "Do you by any chance have a t-shirt or something I can wear?"

I looked around my room confused before running to my closet. I reach up and take a Midtown t-shirt out of my closet, "Here," I toss it to her.

She looked at the shirt and then back at me, "I know this is weird, but do you have a pair of shorts or something? These leggings are uncomfortable,"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, one sec," I looked around in search of a pair of shorts. I walked over to my dresser and tore open the drawers frantically looking in them until I found a pair of black shorts.

I tossed them to Y/N, "Um, I'll leave while you change," I tell her as I walk out. She carefully closes the door behind me.

I go to the kitchen and grab a bag of chips and two bottles of water. I head back to my room to wait for Y/N to open the door. I hear a phone ring inside my room but it's not my ringtone so I take it that it's Y/N.

The ringing stops followed by Y/N talking, "Hey Liam," I pause and listen in closely, "Yeah well thanks for ditching me when Spider-Man showed up,"

"Yeah well a partner doesn't do that," She snaps, "I'm uh at home why? No, don't come over. I just need to be alone right now please."

I hear her walk over to the door so I back away from it, "I have to go, bye," I hear her say before opening the door.

I look at her up and down, my t-shirt is about one size too big and I can tell she has my shorts rolled up because she's pretty short and they would go down to her knees.

"Chips?" She snickered, as she tosses her phone on my bed.

"They're uh, high in nutrients," I say.

She laughed and flopped down on my bottom bunk bed. I walked over and sat down next to her and just looked at her for a moment.

Your POV:

Peter walked over and sat down next to me. He started at me for a minute before talking again, "Did you ever kiss Liam?"

I sat up and looked at Peter, "No, why?"

"Just wondered," He shrugged.

"We weren't dating," I tell him.

"I know I just wasn't sure if you had feelings for him or not."

"I never did, don't worry,"

Peter took my hand in his and held it, "So what are we going to do with him?" Peter asked, "I mean we can't keep letting him sell weapons."

"True, we've gotta do something," I tell Peter.

Peter laid down on the bed and closed his eyes for a minute.

"So why don't you want to be Gemini anymore?" Peter looked up at me with his big brown eyes.

"Peter," I got up off the bed and started to walk around the room, "I'm not a good superhero. And imagine if my mom found out, I would be dead."

Peter shrugged, "May doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man,"

"It's not just about my mom finding out, the city doesn't need another superhero running around doing the cops' job,"

I felt embarrassed, "They already have Spider-Man, they don't need Gemini too,"

"I need Gemini, I need my partner," He said quietly, "I need my sidekick back,"

I turned around to see him smirking at me, "Sidekick? I'm the sidekick?"

"The only way to know who is the sidekick is for you to be Gemini and we'll see who's the sidekick,"

I smiled at Peter, "You're on, Parker."

I walked over to the bed and laid down on it again, "You know, I could stay for a while and we can work on our math project,"

"Sounds great,"

I stayed at Peter's house for about an hour before heading home.

Of course, my mom wasn't home so I went upstairs and decided to go to bed.

I realized that I'm still wearing Peter's clothes. I took off the t-shirt and the big shorts and tossed them on my chair. I opened my closet to look for some comfy clothes. I grab a big sweatshirt and some Nike shorts and started to close my closet until something caught my eye. My Gemini costume was sitting in the back of my closet. I took it out and looked at it.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and checked the time; 8:54.

I tossed my sweatshirt and shorts on the bed and carefully slipped my Gemini suit on.

I grabbed my phone and texted Peter, "Gemini requests the presence of Spider-Man near Delmar's at 9:10"

Peter immediately texted back a spider emoji.

I laughed and opened my balcony door and climbed out it onto the roof. I carefully went down the fire escape and ran off to town ready to meet Peter.

I ran into town heading towards Delmar's until I saw a red and blue flash swing by me. I sprinted faster hoping to catch up to my boyfriend in tights.

He swung down and landed on top of Delmar's roof. I finally got to him, "So, you're showing off now, huh?"

"Who? Me?" He said sarcastically. His face was hidden behind his mask but his eyes made him look surprised.

"You shouldn't try to one-up me," I warn.

"Why?" He raises his arms in a challenging manor, I shrugged and lifted my arm. I stuck out two fingers and pointed them at Peter. I raised my arm up, slowly lifting Peter off the roof.

"Hey! No fair!" He protested.

I pulled my arm closer to me and lowered it. Peter landed safely on the ground before he ran up to me.

"No fair!" He whined.

I laughed and lifted his mask up past his lips. I placed my lips on his and we shared a kiss.

Our kiss was broken by the sound of my phone beeping.

"Sorry," I whispered as I took my phone out of a small pocket in my suit.

Liam: Where are you??

Liam: Are you okay? you never called me back

Liam: look, i'm sorry i ditched you

I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket, "You good?" Peter asked.

I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, "I'm perfect,"





A/N: Gemini is back! And she is also back with Peter! Isn't this great? Thanks for all your kind comments and votes! Love you all.

~MJ Xx

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