Part 7 - Night Talk

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The rest of the day went by very slow. The only class I was excited for was PE, because Peter was in that class. During Spanish, I thought a lot about the hug between me and Peter. It made me feel happy. Peter makes me happy. I realized that I do like Peter. But I can't let him find out, because he likes Liz.

The final bell rang after English class, and I bolted out the door to find Peter. I reached his locker and saw him talking to Liz, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as I saw him laughing with her. I walked up to Peter.

"Hey, can you hang out after to school?" I asked.

He turned around and looked sympathetic, "Sorry Y/N, Liz is coming over to work on a project."

"Oh, OK, thats fine. Text me later?"

"Yeah of course." Peter said.

I walked away from them and out of school. The walk home was lonely and sad without Peter. I shoves my hands into my pocket and felt something sticky. I pulled the sticky substance out and looked at it. Oh! It was the sticky thing that was on Peter's jacket after the lunchroom attack.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room. I unzipped my backpack and got the sheet of paper titled "Web Fluid" out. I placed it on my desk and studied it. It seems like Peter is trying to create something in our science lab. Maybe that's what he was doing in his desk drawer on the first day! I looked at the sticky substance for a while. It kind of resembles a spider web. I couldn't figure this out, I decided to finally call Peter and ask him what was going on.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Peter's number.


"Hey, are you free to talk?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, Liz just left, what's up?" Peter asked.

"Well, after Chemistry today, you dropped a piece of paper titled 'Web Fluid'."

Peter was silent for a moment, "Oh,"

"What's web fluid?"

"U-um, I'm studying spiders, and uh, how they make their webs."

"Oh, OK. It kinda sounds like something that Spider-Man would be making," I joked.  

"Oh no, not like that. But, you should wait on your balcony, you never know, maybe your pal Spider-Boy will show up."

My heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds. I was in shock and didn't talk for a couple of seconds.

"Hello, Y/N?" Peter asks.

"Oh sorry, I'll see ya tomorrow Pete."

"See you later."

I slowly put the phone down. 'I never told Peter we met on the balcony. And I never told him about the nickname Spidey-Boy.'

My brain felt like it just found the missing piece to a puzzle. It all makes sense now.

The familiar voice, Spider-Man knowing my name. It all fit together like pieces of a puzzle. The Web Fluid is Spider-Man's webs. Spider-Man showed up to fight the shooter just as Peter disappeared. And the sticky substance on Peter's jacket was his web fluid from the battle.

I had a ton of homework and things to do tonight, but I didn't do any of them because one thing was on my mind.

Peter Parker is Spider-Man. 

My mind was racing and I couldn't make it stop. I couldn't comprehend the fact that my best friend, that I've known since we were in kindergarten (minus the four years apart) was the superhero, basically Avenger, Spider-Man. 

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